Running around and collecting orbs is as awesome as I remember the good parts of Crackdown being, but having every side mission that's not a loyalty mission be an amalgamation of various side activities, EDIT: some of which don't involve powers, is kind of depressing. Loyalty missions and Main quests have been much better this time around, though. 55% and running around jumping for orbs hasn't gotten dull yet.
They're at least introducing the new side events well rather than just signing them off as main quests a la SR3, (i.e. aligning their intro with new powers and such), but it's the same core problem that SR3 had, with repetition of the same tasks 6/9 times, and speaking for myself, I don't quite understand why you have to do Tank Mayhem 3 times if my high score the first time around was high enough to qualify for Gold on the hard difficulty.
It also seems like some of SR3's bugs via suddenly empty streets and such have made a reappearance as well. Have also had 3 hard locks on 360, one of which set me back 2 main missions, My fault for not saving, which is now fixed by me saving after every side/main mission, lol.
Still, overall a waaaay better experience than SR3 thus far.