Does the time being always night ruins the game for anyone else? Because of that i just gone back to Saints Row 3 as i haven't finished it before and i don't if i will ever play this again.
I had heard this was Crackdown inspired It's blatant.
The funny thing is that it's scratching my Crackdown itch more than my Saints Row itch. Still enjoying it though.
Such a minor issue...did you not know this before buying the game? Even if you didn't, is it really such a big deal that you don't want to play this game anymore ever again? Seems incredibly silly, not to mention a blatant waste of your money.Does the time being always night ruins the game for anyone else? Because of that i just gone back to Saints Row 3 as i haven't finished it before and i don't if i will ever play this again.
Wait..there is fov fix? Where?
Did a search of this thread and seems i'm not the only one getting stuck on the load screens, 3 times already, had 1 crash when i tried to exit wardrobe, also sound glitches.
Did a search of this thread and seems i'm not the only one getting stuck on the load screens, 3 times already, had 1 crash when i tried to exit wardrobe, also sound glitches.
Yeah it bothers me. I knew ahead of time it was going to be a bummer, and it is, but I was prepared for it.Does the time being always night ruins the game for anyone else? Because of that i just gone back to Saints Row 3 as i haven't finished it before and i don't if i will ever play this again.
Wish there were more missions designed with powers in mind. And let you chose your load out. I clearly picked the wrong guns to upgrade.
I've actually been really impressed at how they've managed to continue the craziness of SR3's better missions while playing this whole thing straight. It's not as wacky, juvenile, and heavy handed as 3, if that's what you prefer then that's fine and I can understand why you'd be disappointed. As far as I'm aware this was a conscious decision by Volition in order to appeal to SR2 fans who thought 3 went too stupid.
I play this an hour max before not caring, end up playing something else every time.
Total opposite for me - I end up playing for hours straight each session. Doing the final missions now, I think I'm around 20 hours and 86% or so.
That's a pretty sharp and edgy look you've got going.
I regularly use upgraded double handguns for just about everything.
shame i didn't get any alien weapons upgraded until the end.
shame i didn't get any alien weapons upgraded until the end.
WhyKeith David?!
I just realized...I'm a bit more than 8 hours into the game and I haven't opened the phone once...
Some of the banter between homies is pretty awesome.
Yeah I guess.... But I hate having to drag AI around when I'm doing stuff.
Yeah I guess.... But I hate having to drag AI around when I'm doing stuff.
Yeah I guess.... But I hate having to drag AI around when I'm doing stuff.
I can't believe there's no 'force homies to spawn on you' button.
So, do I need to make a character in SR4 in order to get the Saintified acheev?
I've already made one in the Init Station and beat the game with her. No acheev.
Did you set it to public on the SR website so it can be shared?
I get the same thing with one of Keith David's audio logs.