Anyone else really irritated by the weapon select wheel on PC? Seems really counter intuitive.
Anyone else really irritated by the weapon select wheel on PC? Seems really counter intuitive.
It's my only gripe with the game. Why the hell they went with this is beyond me.
Has anyone had the bug where the loading screen hangs forever inThe Girl Who Hates The 50s?
I don't care that it's weak as hell but I love using the dubstep gun.
I don't care that it's weak as hell but I love using the dubstep gun.
Loved Saints 3, but I'm not sure about 4 yet. Granted I'm early in the game, but the completionist in me won't let me move on in the game (I'm just looking for clusters). The superhero powers are great, but it feels like I'm not part of a breathable world (i.e. stealing cars, interacting with npc's, etc.) . Feels like how the Crackdown world felt. Does it get better?
That opening was great btw.
Anyone else really irritated by the weapon select wheel on PC? Seems really counter intuitive.
That will soon vanish as you will notice that there is no skill involved with no actual platforming when travelling through the city. Without grapple it's a totally different story.
The worst is that it pauses if you scroll with the mousewheel but it DOESN'T pause if you use the number keys and it STILL COVERS THE ENTIRE SCREEN. What the fuck.
As in with mouse and keyboard? I played with a 360 pad and nothing struck me as particularly heinous.
The worst is that it pauses if you scroll with the mousewheel but it DOESN'T pause if you use the number keys and it STILL COVERS THE ENTIRE SCREEN. What the fuck.
Man, that opening. The moment the soundtrack kicked in, I was in tears. Looks like they upped the humour even more in this one.
Does anyone have so tips for the void races(?), the ones where you have to collect the blue/purples orbs? I can't get gold on even the easy one.
Does anyone have so tips for the void races(?), the ones where you have to collect the blue/purples orbs? I can't get gold on even the easy one.
Does anyone have so tips for the void races(?), the ones where you have to collect the blue/purples orbs? I can't get gold on even the easy one.
They want me to fly around in an alien craft for the last challenge on my list? Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put that in there? I flew for a grand total of 50K feet before I got my super powers and never used another vehicle again if it wasn't part of a quest.
They want me to fly around in an alien craft for the last challenge on my list? Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put that in there? I flew for a grand total of 50K feet before I got my super powers and never used another vehicle again if it wasn't part of a quest.
Switch to casual.
So...spoiler for the second or third-last mission:When you take down the simulation and it crashes to the SR1 main menu, you get a bunch of warning messages in the "console" first. One of them says something to the effect of "DEADISLAND_MEETS_SAINTSROW_2015". Anyone notice that? If that's an actual thing...whoa.
EDIT: Pardon me if this has been discussed to death already.
You're probably doing it wrong, because it's one of the easier activities. Collect as many orbs as you can, burst when your gauge is between 50-100% and knock out as many of the barriers as you can during that time. When they are red, avoid at all costs...when you burst, they turn blue and grant you lots of points. Orbs also count for 2x points when you're bursting.
Switch to casual.
It's cheap, but if you're having a difficult time completing an activity, switching to a lower difficulty makes it way easier.
They want me to fly around in an alien craft for the last challenge on my list? Who the hell thought it was a good idea to put that in there? I flew for a grand total of 50K feet before I got my super powers and never used another vehicle again if it wasn't part of a quest.
Had a friend snort in derision when I proclaimed this GOTY *sigh*
I don't care that it's weak as hell but I love using the dubstep gun.
I don't care that it's weak as hell but I love using the dubstep gun.
I don't care that it's weak as hell but I love using the dubstep gun.
Grab a < Void >, fly out over the ocean, and rig your controller so you just fly in circles (I wrapped an elastic band around the analog stick). Make sure you set it up so you don't crash into the ocean or go out of bounds. Then just go watch a movie or something.
I ended up hanging my controller off the edge of something to put me into a circular spin, and just left it running overnight. And yeah, pretty stupid to include a challenge that involves vehicles in any way, when there is absolutely no reason to ever use a vehicle again after the first few missions.
That took me like 5 hours of nonstop flying in the UFO to get that one. It is a pretty lame challenge. 2.5 million whatever they use to measure in the game is way too much.
Any advice for the mayhem activity with black hole gun? I can hardly get bronze for some reason.
You could wait until you unlock it in the story and upgrade it. The rate of fire is increased substantially.
Or you could switch to casual.