Great Saiyaman
Piccolo Daimaoh
Fat Boo
Vegeta SSJ3
Goku SSJ 3
Gogeta Super Saiyan 3
Ultimat Goku
Mega Gohan
Great Saiyaman has a high-damaging beam (though I don't think it OHKOs) and can timerscam but is a risky bet
Piccolo Daimaoh is just garbage, somehow has worse AI than most Potato DBZ chars
Fat Boo beats a lot of low tiers for free, though he's still kinda questionable to rely on
If Vegeta SSJ3 is the small sprite one, he's pretty good, just has incredibly random AI
Goku SSJ 3 beats garbage tier but not much else
Gogeta SS gets wrecked by grab characters I believe, but does alright otherwise
If Ultimat Goku gets the dance it's GGs. If he doesn't he suffers a bit
Kurihan has caused upsets but he also suffers from AI syndrome
Mega Gohan is total trash too IIRC
The only reason I know all this is because I did my own personal DBZ list too cause I was tired of getting all the damn characters confused with another