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Samantha Bee calls Ivanka Trump the "C-word," and jokes about an incestuous relationship between her and her father.

I swear, I'm so f*ckin' tired of this hypocritical hyper-partisan bullcrap. Both comments were stupid and way below an acceptable level of public discourse, but those insults have become par for the course in today's negative campaigning mentality of American political culture. Each election devolves into a billion dollar bipartisan mud slinging contest, with each side gasping in shock when the other side said something insensitive. Since the last presidential election, the American people seem to be locked into a state of permanent political warfare and all this bile is slowly robbing them of all common sense. All this because of a stupid tweet and an equally as stupid TV segment? That's enough to make you ready to destroy somebody?

The proportionality of justice

Yes free speech is a basic human right and yes nobody should be deresponsibilized from the consequences of his words or actions. But the proportionality of justice still applies, the basic principle that conveys the idea that the punishment of an offender should fit the crime. These past few days I've seen people gleefully throwing that principle out of the window, spitefully clamoring for the harshest of punishments while dehumanizing their target upon which they bring their partisan wrath down upon. Not because it is just or fair or right, but because it's happening to a person from the opposite political border. It's outright sickening!

The bipartisan hypocrisy

Time and time again, I've seen people switch sides and apply the same arguments that they've been vehemently denying before, only because this time it fits their narrative. Principles don't mean anything when they are only upheld when convenient but quickly broken when they apply to people you don't like. Hypocritical attitudes like that don't make you good people, it makes you opportunistic sycophants. Don't you ever dare coming to my doorsteps claiming moral superiority through your hollow virtue-signaling. You are the reason why we are in this ever escalating cultural conflict. Or need you remind you of Stephen Fry's wise words?

All this has got to stop, this rage, resentment, hostility, intolerance, above all this with us or against us. A Grand-Canyon has opened up in our world, the fissure, the crack grows wider every day. Neither on each side can hear a word that the other shrieks and nor do they want to. While these armies and propagandists in the culture wars clash, down below in the enormous space between the two sides, the people of the world try to get on with their lives, eternally baffled, bored and betrayed by the horrible noises and explosions that echo all around. I think it's time for this toxic binary zero sum madness to stop, before we destroy ourselves.

Do I like Trump? Hell no! But in-between the cracks of your black and white view of the world, dare I express the notion that literally comparing him to Hitler is an affront to the historical atrocities of WWII and the Third Reich. Do I like Hillary? F*ck no! She's just as corrupt as her corporate cronies, but neither do I believe that she's literally Moloch, just another run of the mill career politician radicalizing her voter base for political gains. All this hyperbole does nothing but bring incredible damage to people's perception of reality and their ability to co-exist. In-between these hardened frontlines, people from all walks of life lose their livelihood while being crushed by the overzealous political troopers on social media and other discussion boards. Each victim completely stripped of their humanity with people gleefully celebrating the fallen ones as a victory for their own side.

Rules for thee, but not for me

How many times have I seen liberals and their beloved celebrities hurl insults like "orange baboon", "the son of an orangutan" or a "syphilitic twitter monkey" but suddenly act all sanctimonious when some of that vile bile is hurled back at them? How many times have I seen republicans defend their right to free speech, but are quick to silence those who do nothing else but take a knee? Don't you even dare pointing fingers at the other side, this is the culture that you've helped create, turning a blind eye to the people and their families to whom it brings pain and suffering, all in the name of your righteous cause. And you think of yourselves as the good people? HA! Your sense of civility and humaneness only extends so far as your own tiny social bubble.

The identity game

All your identity games are nothing but a thin veneer to excuse the atrocities of your own side. "Oh, but she's a woman, so her insults aren't as bad" or "that person is oppressed, so it's okay to 'punch up'", you know the deal. Either you promote equality and hold everybody to the same standards, or you don't. There is no in-between, no exception, no special privileges when it comes to public discourse and the dialectic exchange of ideas. Your identity doesn't grant you liberties that are denied to others and all your virtuous posturing for equality means f*ck all, if you keep going down that path.

There is a reason Lady Justice is blind, because the rule of law applies to everybody in an equal manner. Your identity driven sense of justice is nothing but a wicked and distorted abomination of what true equality really means. And for what? Only because you believe that the social contract is a zero sum game, that different social groups must engage in merciless struggle against each other for limited social privileges, jobs, money and resources. For every person you don't like that you can drive out of business, somebody in your favor can grab its place.

The culture war

Let's not kid ourselves, both comments were absolutely inane and below the belt. But this isn't about discussing the quality of these comments, it's not even about what is fair and just. This is about creating pretext in order to ostracize the political and ideological opponent from public view and/or society. All those who came railing against Roseanne, but are now defending Samantha Bee and all those who came to defend Roseanne and are now asking Samantha Bee to be fired, you are nothing but hypocrites eaten up from the inside by your own self-righteous bile and wrath. You may think that you're on the "right side of history", but you are all that is wrong with this world. And of all the people out there, you are the most dangerous ones, because you think that your righteous cause excuses your atrocious and hypocritical behavior.

Let other places be consumed by their own self-righteous rage, happily celebrating when others lose their jobs, their livelihoods, the ability to support their loved ones no matter who they are. Let others pass these kinds of destructive judgments that ultimately are not theirs to make. This, this is not want I wanted newGAF to be like and if we cannot overcome that despicable, hateful mentality that rejoices in the damages brought upon others, this place could just as well have stayed oldGAF, because it would ultimately be the same anyway.
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While he's right, and I mentioned that in my first post, I find Ben Shapiro to be frequently needlessly insulting himself. While he doesn't stoop to slurs or anything, he's often rude and confrontational in a way that I feel doesn't benefit his arguments.


While he's right, and I mentioned that in my first post, I find Ben Shapiro to be frequently needlessly insulting himself. While he doesn't stoop to slurs or anything, he's often rude and confrontational in a way that I feel doesn't benefit his arguments.
I don't see Ben Shapiro mentioned anywhere in your first post?
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The full quote:

"Do something about your dad's immigration polices you feckless cunt, he listens to you. Put on something tight and low cut, and tell your father to fucking stop it."

Both Samantha Bee and TBS have apologized for the remarks, but she's also lost two of her sponsors.

Many are comparing this to Rosanne's recent tweet comparing a black woman to "planet of the apes." While I'm not about to suggest that someone calling a woman a female slur is equal to or more offensive than someone referring to a black woman as an ape (it's not), there are other aspects that do make this pretty repulsive.

As they mention in the video above, this was scripted. This wasn't some repulsive tweet made by a single individual, this was a repulsive comment made by a single individual, written and approved by a team of writers, and filmed before broadcast. The entire Samantha Bee team and her network signed off on this.

The other thing that hasn't been talked about as much is the incestuous reference, and how completely hypocritical it is to say such repulsive things about this president's daughter, when a reversal of political parties would be received very differently.

"Do something about your dad invading my Netflix subscription with his propaganda you feckless cunt, he listens to you. Put on something tight and low cut, and tell your father to fucking stop it."

Can you even imagine the amount of hell that would rain down on any conservative reporter (even a "funny" one) who said this about one of Barack Obama's daughters? And deservedly so. Can you imagine Dennis Miller saying this and still having a job the next morning? Will anything happen to Samantha Bee? I guess we'll find out. While I don't wish for Bee to lose her show over this, with conservatives already frequently complaining about unequal treatment by the media, TBS not taking any real action against Samantha Bee would only strengthen that argument.

Or maybe in the near future a conservative "comedian" will be able to say something like this, because of the precedent that is being set right now. If no real action is taken with Bee, doesn't that just further the "anything goes" nature of political aggressiveness that will soon be used against the very group who made this "okay" for television in the first place?

The US is likely going to have another Democrat in the Oval Office sometime in the not too distant future. Do liberals really want to make it acceptable for television personalities to call people in the opposing party cunts and suggest that their political opponents want to fuck their own children?

* As a note for anyone not aware, the Obama family recently made a multi million dollar deal with Netflix to bring original programming to the streaming service. A lot of conservatives are not happy about this, and it's a recent event regarding the Obama family, which is why I used it as an example.

*edit* I also wanted to add two important thoughts to this first post, one posted by myself, and the other posted by mr2xxx regarding the comparison to Rosanne's tweet:

Obama's kids weren't apart of his administration. You'd have a point if Samantha said this about Baron. And your conservative news networks have made fun of his daughters and no one really cared on either side.


You all know trump is eagerly waiting for her to come talk to him in a low cut shirt.. he's said some weird things about her in the past. Dudes an all around creeper for sure.


I don't think she should be fired, but it should be shat on what a fake story it was she was referring to.


Unconfirmed Member
While he's right, and I mentioned that in my first post, I find Ben Shapiro to be frequently needlessly insulting himself. While he doesn't stoop to slurs or anything, he's often rude and confrontational in a way that I feel doesn't benefit his arguments.

Samantha Bee went beyond rude and confrontational and into vulgar territory.

Beyond that, Shapiro is right. Multiple people approved of the comment before it was aired and that makes it all that much worse. This was not a socisl media fuck up born out of a heat of the moment rant , it was planned and calculated.


Wow, you live in an alternate reality.
You live there too. We all do.
Roseanne said she didn't know she was black in a Tweet.

Maybe she was lying, but it would be hard for me to tell honestly. I think there was a bit more to the joke.

But that's what she does and has done her entire career, push boundaries. I'm sure Roseanne has been called horrific things various times in her career (go look at what people said after the anthem she sang) but not even that excuses what she said in this day and age. Its pretty weird.


As a Brit America's relationship with the word 'cunt' is baffling 😂 Samantha Bee is Canadian isn't she? Maybe it's not such a big deal over there either? (I know it's an American show)

Honestly, I can't fathom how some people here can hand on heart claim that one woman swearing about another woman is worse than racism and islamophobia, it seems incredibly disingenuous to me, but I guess that the piss we all swim in nowadays


You live there too. We all do.
Roseanne said she didn't know she was black in a Tweet.

Maybe she was lying, but it would be hard for me to tell honestly. I think there was a bit more to the joke.

But that's what she does and has done her entire career, push boundaries. I'm sure Roseanne has been called horrific things various times in her career (go look at what people said after the anthem she sang) but not even that excuses what she said in this day and age. Its pretty weird.

Why give her the benefit of the doubt when she has a history of this? She called Susan Rice, another black woman who worked under Obama; a man with ape balls on twitter and deleted that post later. She should of learned her lesson then but now she’s paying millions to learn it.
Why give her the benefit of the doubt when she has a history of this? She called Susan Rice, another black woman who worked under Obama; a man with ape balls on twitter and deleted that post later. She should of learned her lesson then but now she’s paying millions to learn it.
She shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt between what you posted and the Hitler dress up imo.

But she does deserve as any other human the opportunity to reflect and correct. And then be forgiven and move on without being held back by this situation.
Honestly, I can't fathom how some people here can hand on heart claim that one woman swearing about another woman is worse than racism and islamophobia, it seems incredibly disingenuous to me, but I guess that the piss we all swim in nowadays

The power of an agenda.

Joe T.

I swear, I'm so f*ckin' tired of this hypocritical hyper-partisan bullcrap. Both comments were stupid and way below an acceptable level of public discourse, but those insults have become par for the course in today's negative campaigning mentality of American political culture. Each election devolves into a billion dollar bipartisan mud slinging contest, with each side gasping in shock when the other side said something insensitive. Since the last presidential election, the American people seem to be locked into a state of permanent political warfare and all this bile is slowly robbing them of all common sense. All this because of a stupid tweet and an equally as stupid TV segment? That's enough to make you ready to destroy somebody?

Clipped for brevity, but that was so topical that I would force anyone taking part in these sort of hyper-partisan shenanigans to read it all before they could post another message if I had the power to do so, a sort of warning message/reminder to serve as a call to reason.

Dr. Claus

She shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt between what you posted and the Hitler dress up imo.

But she does deserve as any other human the opportunity to reflect and correct. And then be forgiven and move on without being held back by this situation.

Not sure what was wrong with the Hitler dress up when it was for a satirical jewish magazine, but that is a conversation for another thread.

Excellent post and one that I would do well in taking to heart. I have delved into the same asshatery that I blamed other groups in doing, which I need to work on.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I swear, I'm so f*ckin' tired of this hypocritical hyper-partisan bullcrap. Both comments were stupid and way below an acceptable level of public discourse, but those insults have become par for the course in today's negative campaigning mentality of American political culture. Each election devolves into a billion dollar bipartisan mud slinging contest, with each side gasping in shock when the other side said something insensitive. Since the last presidential election, the American people seem to be locked into a state of permanent political warfare and all this bile is slowly robbing them of all common sense. All this because of a stupid tweet and an equally as stupid TV segment? That's enough to make you ready to destroy somebody?

The proportionality of justice

Yes free speech is a basic human right and yes nobody should be deresponsibilized from the consequences of his words or actions. But the proportionality of justice still applies, the basic principle that conveys the idea that the punishment of an offender should fit the crime. These past few days I've seen people gleefully throwing that principle out of the window, spitefully clamoring for the harshest of punishments while dehumanizing their target upon which they bring their partisan wrath down upon. Not because it is just or fair or right, but because it's happening to a person from the opposite political border. It's outright sickening!

The bipartisan hypocrisy

Time and time again, I've seen people switch sides and apply the same arguments that they've been vehemently denying before, only because this time it fits their narrative. Principles don't mean anything when they are only upheld when convenient but quickly broken when they apply to people you don't like. Hypocritical attitudes like that don't make you good people, it makes you opportunistic sycophants. Don't you ever dare coming to my doorsteps claiming moral superiority through your hollow virtue-signaling. You are the reason why we are in this ever escalating cultural conflict. Or need you remind you of Stephen Fry's wise words?

Do I like Trump? Hell no! But in-between the cracks of your black and white view of the world, dare I express the notion that literally comparing him to Hitler is an affront to the historical atrocities of WWII and the Third Reich. Do I like Hillary? F*ck no! She's just as corrupt as her corporate cronies, but neither do I believe that she's literally Moloch, just another run of the mill career politician radicalizing her voter base for political gains. All this hyperbole does nothing but bring incredible damage to people's perception of reality and their ability to co-exist. In-between these hardened frontlines, people from all walks of life lose their livelihood while being crushed by the overzealous political troopers on social media and other discussion boards. Each victim completely stripped of their humanity with people gleefully celebrating the fallen ones as a victory for their own side.

Rules for thee, but not for me

How many times have I seen liberals and their beloved celebrities hurl insults like "orange baboon", "the son of an orangutan" or a "syphilitic twitter monkey" but suddenly act all sanctimonious when some of that vile bile is hurled back at them? How many times have I seen republicans defend their right to free speech, but are quick to silence those who do nothing else but take a knee? Don't you even dare pointing fingers at the other side, this is the culture that you've helped create, turning a blind eye to the people and their families to whom it brings pain and suffering, all in the name of your righteous cause. And you think of yourselves as the good people? HA! Your sense of civility and humaneness only extends so far as your own tiny social bubble.

The identity game

All your identity games are nothing but a thin veneer to excuse the atrocities of your own side. "Oh, but she's a woman, so her insults aren't as bad" or "that person is oppressed, so it's okay to 'punch up'", you know the deal. Either you promote equality and hold everybody to the same standards, or you don't. There is no in-between, no exception, no special privileges when it comes to public discourse and the dialectic exchange of ideas. Your identity doesn't grant you liberties that are denied to others and all your virtuous posturing for equality means f*ck all, if you keep going down that path.

There is a reason Lady Justice is blind, because the rule of law applies to everybody in an equal manner. Your identity driven sense of justice is nothing but a wicked and distorted abomination of what true equality really means. And for what? Only because you believe that the social contract is a zero sum game, that different social groups must engage in merciless struggle against each other for limited social privileges, jobs, money and resources. For every person you don't like that you can drive out of business, somebody in your favor can grab its place.

The culture war

Let's not kid ourselves, both comments were absolutely inane and below the belt. But this isn't about discussing the quality of these comments, it's not even about what is fair and just. This is about creating pretext in order to ostracize the political and ideological opponent from public view and/or society. All those who came railing against Roseanne, but are now defending Samantha Bee and all those who came to defend Roseanne and are now asking Samantha Bee to be fired, you are nothing but hypocrites eaten up from the inside by your own self-righteous bile and wrath. You may think that you're on the "right side of history", but you are all that is wrong with this world. And of all the people out there, you are the most dangerous ones, because you think that your righteous cause excuses your atrocious and hypocritical behavior.

Let other places be consumed by their own self-righteous rage, happily celebrating when others lose their jobs, their livelihoods, the ability to support their loved ones no matter who they are. Let others pass these kinds of destructive judgments that ultimately are not theirs to make. This, this is not want I wanted newGAF to be like and if we cannot overcome that despicable, hateful mentality that rejoices in the damages brought upon others, this place could just as well have stayed oldGAF, because it would ultimately be the same anyway.

Quoted for emphasis.


Yeah these are public media figures so what they say have consequences, but there's still an obvious glaring discrepancy in terms of who or what suffers more consequences. It's obvious the right does not wield as much power or influence as the left in the media.


Yeah these are public media figures so what they say have consequences, but there's still an obvious glaring discrepancy in terms of who or what suffers more consequences. It's obvious the right does not wield as much power or influence as the left in the media.
In terms of celebrity absolutely, on social media and in comedy at least.

In terms of news coverage though, and maybe this is just a UK thing but I suspect not, traditional news is right leaning. Sensationalism sells, there's a mindset that things need to be uncomplicated, and that will then travel on to social media, particularly Facebook. The Daily Mail have a huge influence

I think both are caused by social media to a large extent. Before that we didn't have as much exposure to celebrities, so now they have to worry more how they come across. The internet has hit traditional media so they have had to become more sensational, which is then easily spread and can reappear without checks or context


Yeah these are public media figures so what they say have consequences, but there's still an obvious glaring discrepancy in terms of who or what suffers more consequences. It's obvious the right does not wield as much power or influence as the left in the media.

Look at joy reid for another example.

What an utter load of bullshit stating she was hacked to avoid admitting she is/was homophobic, transphobic and anti semitic. No one believed her and she goes and apologizes for something she tripled down that she didnt say. Wonder when she is releasing the results of the FBI investigation?

The realization hit me the other night that pretty much every form of comedy is bashing trump now in a very personal and hateful way. From the late shows, to the cable comedy shows, to stand up shows. Dont get me wrong, I've watched comedy knockout on trutv and some of the standup jokes about him are pretty fucking funny, but when its either pure hate or sounding deranged and screaming BLEEP TRUMP for cheap applause(which happens everytime, and thats okay), it seems pretty classless. I get that roughly half the country didnt vote for him, and a double digit minority hate the shit out of him, but theres so much other shit against their ideology that they can find literally anything that doesnt involve cheeto orange ape fake hair incest death jokes. Further example is the past few decades of Presidents while in office, Obama was elevated to a god-like status, and Clinton was the cool "first black president", while Bush received the same hateful treatment as trump does.
I can't stand Samantha Bee and I hope she loses her show over this.

Could you imagine the outrage if some conservative commentator called one of Obama's daughters a c*nt? They would have been crucified.
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I can't stand Samantha Bee and I hope she loses her show over this.

Could you imagine the outrage if some conservative commentator called one of Obama's daughters a c*nt? They would have been crucified.

Imagine if obama was a horrible enough president to make one of his daughters a political advisor and ambassador for no other reason than she’s his daughter and he wants to fuck her?



Imagine if obama was a horrible enough president to make one of his daughters a political advisor and ambassador for no other reason than she’s his daughter and he wants to fuck her?


You are making a libelous claim here though. Your abject hatred of Trump makes you feel that it is OK to say such things, but all it does it poison the well and drive the divide deeper.

If you are comfortable using such words don’t act like a sanctimonious ass when people say awful things about people you like as well.

Civil discourse is a two way street. Neither side seems to want to take the high road anymore. If you seriously want to show the other side that your points are valid, coming out swinging with insults, slander and libel are not how to go about it.

Be better.


You are making a libelous claim here though. Your abject hatred of Trump makes you feel that it is OK to say such things, but all it does it poison the well and drive the divide deeper.

If you are comfortable using such words don’t act like a sanctimonious ass when people say awful things about people you like as well.

Civil discourse is a two way street. Neither side seems to want to take the high road anymore. If you seriously want to show the other side that your points are valid, coming out swinging with insults, slander and libel are not how to go about it.

Be better.

I’m personally not interested in taking a high road, and I don’t believe I act sanctimoniously when people say things that I don’t agree with. But I do feel good when people get called out for what they are, and when they face consequences for the actions they’ve taken. -shrug-

Civil discourse sure is a 2 way street, but it’s conservatives who always say ‘fuck your feelings’, so, y’know, fuck Ivanka’s feelings. She should be called out for what she is.


I’m personally not interested in taking a high road, and I don’t believe I act sanctimoniously when people say things that I don’t agree with. But I do feel good when people get called out for what they are, and when they face consequences for the actions they’ve taken. -shrug-

Civil discourse sure is a 2 way street, but it’s conservatives who always say ‘fuck your feelings’, so, y’know, fuck Ivanka’s feelings. She should be called out for what she is.

What is she?

Do you honestly believe that she is an incestuous whore who uses her father’s alleged sexual attraction to her to get what she wants in life? That she isn’t capable otherwise?

No, she is a person whose political views are what you disagree with. Being happy when she gets insulted but outraged over someone on your side being insulted is sanctimonious and hypocritical. You should either denounce both, or you should shut up and take the blows.

Both of those options require intregrity by the way. Either you believe that sophomoric name calling is always OK or you can believe that it is never OK. There arent degrees of one insult being acceptable and another not.

Evil has never been defeated with nasty tweets or snide jokes.
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This is bullshit. We're allowed to reclaim words, too.

As a matter of fact, "cunt" happens to be my favorite word. And ain't no cunt gonna tell me that it's "un-feminist" to use it.
Cunt for me is also totally not gendered but thats mabye because I do not live in the US. But I also thik that she also calls out the left and feminists for having a huge double standard on social media. If this was said by a right wing person they would be up in arms about it and that is where I have my issues with that. If you (not you) believe that instults and attacks are ok depending on which side this person stands you are awful and you have no sense of equality IMO.

That said:
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I’m personally not interested in taking a high road, and I don’t believe I act sanctimoniously when people say things that I don’t agree with. But I do feel good when people get called out for what they are, and when they face consequences for the actions they’ve taken. -shrug-

Civil discourse sure is a 2 way street, but it’s conservatives who always say ‘fuck your feelings’, so, y’know, fuck Ivanka’s feelings. She should be called out for what she is.

Jesus christ man.
Once you graduate from high school and have to get a job where you have to interact and co-exit with people from outside of your hate-bubble you will grow as a person.

An eye for an eye, you only have such black and white view of the world when you are a young teen. You will grow as a person and see your intolerance in time.
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I’m personally not interested in taking a high road, and I don’t believe I act sanctimoniously when people say things that I don’t agree with. But I do feel good when people get called out for what they are, and when they face consequences for the actions they’ve taken. -shrug-

Civil discourse sure is a 2 way street, but it’s conservatives who always say ‘fuck your feelings’, so, y’know, fuck Ivanka’s feelings. She should be called out for what she is.
I am sorry but this is such bullshit you can see it on every possible ideology. For example when a well known feminist called Matt Taylor a fucking asshole for wearing a in her opinion sexist shirt which he got from his female best friend and he did wear it so she can be part of his biggest moment in his life. Sadly it ended him apologizing in tears because of the threats and attacks he and his company have recieved. And that is only one example. Another would be the always "fitting" white male tears meme.

But as Cato Cato said in real life it works much differenty and where you mostly can not hide in your own idelogical bubble. You have to interact with all kinds of people you agree and disagree with. That is part of Life. Sadly we are already at a ppint where these social media activists can change and destory your life already.
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Cunt for me is also totally not gendered but thats mabye because I do not live in the US. But I also thik that she also calls out the left and feminists for having a huge double standard on social media. If this was said by a right wing person they would be up in arms about it and that is where I have my issues with that. If you (not you) believe that instults and attacks are ok depending on which side this person stands you are awful and you have no sense of equality IMO.

That said:

Cunt is 100% non-gendered in Australia.
It is used all the time between mates and sheilas alike.
It is not even offensive at all. Even, any ethnicity can use it but if you are not British or Australian it might sound funny sometimes. Making the word even funnier.
No one would crucify you for using the word though.
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Cunt is 100% non-gendered in Australia.
It is used all the time between mates and sheilas alike.
It is not even offensive at all. Even, any ethnicity can use it but if you are not British or Australian it might sound / feel weird sometimes.
No one would crucify you for using the word though.

Anyone can say cunt in Australia. No one will object.
It is just that when I hear my south asian accent friends use it, I can not stop laughing.
It is ok, they laugh too when I mispronounce words due my accent.

Then we go to the pub, have beers, and enjoy ourselves.
(Still, "cunt" with an indian accent does sound really funny. And my friends are all wrong. I pronounce all words 100% correctly and without accent at all. )
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Gold Member
My vote is for her to be able to say highly controversial stuff publicly, and still not lose her job.



My vote is for her to be able to say highly controversial stuff publicly, and still not lose her job.

This is my exact problem with this. If we look at the whole controversy and then see something like this from an ABC moderator I can not take any criticism seriously.



This is my exact problem with this. If we look at the whole controversy and then see something like this from an ABC moderator I can not take any criticism seriously.

Wow, Olby has fucking lost it lol. He's always been an idiot, but this is hilarious. Hope he has a good shrink.
These two events happening in succession is a remarkable stroke of luck for the conversation about political correctness.

It highlights the fact that context is important when deciding the degree of severity of something offensive.

Roseanne Barr got what she deserved for saying what she did because it was clearly racist.

Alternatively, Samantha was simply being vulgar and her comment was neither sexist nor offensive in any way, really.

The Trumptard response to her comments is something we can laugh off and easily dismiss.

It's just a knee jerk reaction from people who want to create a false equivalence.
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Roseanne said she didn't know she was black in a Tweet.
None of this makes sense to me. Who cares what race she is, if she looks like a monkey why does it matter if she's black? She didn't say black people look like monkeys, she didn't say this lady looks like a monkey because she's black, she said that this lady looks like a monkey and said lady happens to be black. Why does that immediately strike a nerve? I don't get it...

Lots of people of all different races just have monkey faces, why is it taboo to only point this out if they're black?

Roseanne Barr got what she deserved for saying what she did because it was clearly racist.
Alternatively, Samantha was simply being vulgar and her comment was neither sexist nor offensive in any way, really.
Man, I wish I could muster up that kind of cognitive dissonance...
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Imagine if obama was a horrible enough president to make one of his daughters a political advisor and ambassador for no other reason than she’s his daughter and he wants to fuck her?


Still doesn't excuse calling her a cunt.

Lots of people of all different races just have monkey faces, why is it taboo to only point this out if they're black?

It isn't obvious? It's because of the historical context of black people being compared to apes and monkeys as a way to dehumanize them.

I mean when racists compare blacks to apes or monkeys they're literally trying to imply they're "less evolved" than white people, nobody means it that way when saying a white person looks like an ape, that's just another way of saying someone is ugly.

Noted anti-evolution young Earth creationist Ken Ham (who is white) looks like Dr Zaius from Planet of The Apes, which is ironic given that he insists man evolving from ape is ridiculous when he himself looks like an ape, that's funny, but comparing a black person to an ape is not for the reason I stated.

It's not rocket science.


What she said is fucking stupid, but who cares? She has the right to say whatever she wants.

I hate when people freak out over stupid shit like this, she should be criticised for saying something dumb, but not inhibited from saying her opinion.
Man, I wish I could muster up that kind of cognitive dissonance...

There's no cognitive dissonance here. There is nothing sexist about simply calling someone a cunt or a bitch. It's a common expression that isn't even taboo.

Calling a black person an ape is obviously racist because the context for such a comment has been used for racist purposes for ages and anyone who makes such a comment should know better.
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It isn't obvious? It's because of the historical context of black people being compared to apes and monkeys as a way to dehumanize them.

I mean when racists compare blacks to apes or monkeys they're literally trying to imply they're "less evolved" than white people, nobody means it that way when saying a white person looks like an ape, that's just another way of saying someone is ugly.
But we've already established as as a society that black people don't look like monkeys and aren't less evolved. So why can't we point out that one black individual DOES look like a monkey? Why would I be labeled racist for saying an individual black person looks like a monkey? It's backwards ass thinking. It's ultra defensive in a way that's kind of suspect...

There is nothing sexist about simply calling someone a cunt or a bitch. It's a common expression that isn't even taboo.
No there's nothing sexist about it, but here in America is certainly is a taboo word for women. But more importantly, implying Ivanka should get what she wants based on her revealing clothing choice is indeed sexist...

Calling a black person an ape is obviously racist because the context for such a comment has been used for racist purposes for ages
Who the fuck cares what other people said in the past? If you say something, your context is all that matters. You can't just pile on a ton of history into someone's words who has nothing to do with that...

Yea, cause people knew it was completely innocuous.

BANGS said:
Who the fuck cares what other people said in the past? If you say something, your context is all that matters. You can't just pile on a ton of history into someone's words who has nothing to do with that...

You can certainly pile on a ton of history because that history is pretty friggin obvious and she should have known better.

It's not like we're dealing with an oblivious millennial here.
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Yea, cause people knew it was completely innocuous.
I can't click twitter links at work. Rosey has a history of being borderline racist and I'm not defending her here. But what I am defending is the right to say someone looks like a monkey when they clearly look like a monkey, no matter their skin color. Honestly, saying that woman looked like the "muslim brotherhood" was a hell of alot more racist than saying she looked like "planet of the apes"... Some people just have monkey faces regardless of color, and it's not racist to point that out...
No one took away her right to say it. The response from her employer was swift and appropriate though.

And yes, it was a racist comment.

Get over it.
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No one took away her right to say it. The response from her employer was swift and appropriate though.
And yes, it was a racist comment.
Get over it.
I literally just said it was a racist comment and I'm not here to defend her... No need to create a villain bro...
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Ikvanka may be the Presidents daughter but she is also an official Whitehouse advisor. She is fair game.

Maybe the jokes came about because Trump said he would date his daughter if she weren't his daughter? These things just don't get made up, people.
What is this the 500th controversy Sam Bee has gotten into?

She's an unfunny, vapid, "comedian" who lacks any semblance of dignity or logic.

And another thing...

You wanna shit talk the President? Fine. He stirs shit all the time and heaven forbid someone fire back. But Ivanka rarely ever starts attacking and insulting people. This is like bullying a kid in school cause his dad called you stupid. I'm sick of people picking on Trump's family. Pick on Trump, but leave those guys alone for fuck's sake.


Trump Jr and Ivanka are shit faces and both voluntarily put themselves into the public sphere.

Trump Jr? I won't insult anyone's intelligence......a question like "what did Trump Jr ever do to deserve such criticism????" Is surely only reserved for a certain type of idiot.

Ivankas husband is an asshat who doesn't know how to not lie, multiple times, when applying for security clearances.

Melania basically just plagiarized Michelle Obamas speech for her RNC speech. Shes apparently a campaigner against online bullying when her husband literally uses his Twitter account to bully anyone he wants. She's about as useful as a doornail, but I'll at least give it to her that she's in a position that she doesn't want to be in and now has a job that she doesn't want to do. Telling people not to criticise a first lady if she's not showing any interest in her role though? Hmmm.

Most importantly though...

Ivanka has an actual position in the whitehouse.

If you want to people to not criticise a government official for being a useless pos and a walking contradiction, just because her daddy is president, then maybe you're not thinking as clearly as you believe you are.
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