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Savage Empire a Graphic Novel (With Dinosaurs) by BISHOPTL that needs your support!

new stuff.. https://twitter.com/VancouverTim/status/603620996482990080

Bish can you tell more stories abou t developing Turok like weapons and things?


Banstick Emeritus
Sounds neat, hope to find a strong female protag in it!

You will be pleased.

new stuff.. https://twitter.com/VancouverTim/status/603620996482990080

Bish can you tell more stories abou t developing Turok like weapons and things?
I did a talk on Twitter last week regarding knives I was working on during Turok 2 pre-production.
Knives in #Turok2 were more integral to the storyline than our 2009 original. Where you were physical/mental was part of your weapon
I can't tell you how many people loved the knife in T1, it was your best friend, your never-fail fallback, always there.
initial knife - your standard T1 pigsticker, prettied up for the #Turok2 sequel. Think the #Rambo knife on those Barry Bonds PEDs
now the 2nd portion of the journey, we break the plyr down and that's reflected in the #Turok2 knife
#Rambo knife? GONE, SON. into the ether. plyr must scrap/survive with all his tech advantages stripped away. oh and there's dinos everywhere
Setting traps (more on this later) to bring down #Turok2 predators. Skin em. Rip out a femur. Sharpen and wrap with dried ligaments.
this 2nd #Turok2 knife is the pure distilled essence of primal. you EARN this. The currency is blood. fear. terror.
the #Turok2 journey takes you from #SurvivalAction to #SurvivalHorror, reflected each time you look down into your hand
now we come through the other side for knife 3 in #Turok2. you control the elements, but w/o reliance on tech. you've been thru the fire.
Forged like a knife's steel (hey!!), much stronger and smarter. #Turok2
The twist is that your knife going forward in #Turok2 is up to you. Stick w/primal or obtain a new #Rambo pigsticker
Gameplay decisions that SUPPORT narrative instd of creating more work is HARD work. #Turok2 knives is a small example of how it can succeed
No A/B choices that pull you down the designer's track. This would have been all you, demo'd each time you use YOUR knife. Your story.


You will be pleased.

I did a talk on Twitter last week regarding knives I was working on during Turok 2 pre-production.

So cool to see this just making the game a lot have been asking for and i am also very curious about it. Now i want to buy Turok 2008..and i am gonna do it because i never played it in the first place heh.


Subbed, will keep an eye on the project. Best of luck Bish, will do what I can to support.

So cool to see this just making the game a lot have been asking for and i am also very curious about it. Now i want to buy Turok 2008..and i am gonna do it because i never played it in the first place heh.

For whatever reason Turok '08 took a lot of crap, and although it's admittedly not the best game out there (sorry Bish), I still had a lot of fun with it, and would recommend it - especially if you're into the Dino thing. Story is quite a bit removed from what old school Turok fans might expect, but the environments and dinos are gorgeous. Melee is brutal. Some of the set pieces were particularly impressive.

Edit: While I'm thinking of it - when you get around to picking up the shotgun, you will learn quickly that the alt fire shoots off a flare. Pretty good at illuminating some darker areas, but even better at luring curious dinos to the location the flare "rests" after being shot. If that location just happens to be in the immediate vicinity of a human, well...hilarity ensues.


Banstick Emeritus
(sorry Bish)
No apologies necessary, criticism is part and parcel of this job. Thin-skinned folks should go do something else (and definitely stay off gaming forums, ha). We're good.

You know that you can actually tag humans and dinos alike with the shotgun flare, right? It's hard to do in MP, but when you pull it off and send a pack of raptors chasing after the flag carrier


so good


Banstick Emeritus
Wow, I can't believe it. You guys came out for the pre-game and just CRUSHED it in less than 3 days. Tomorrow's art update is going to be killer.

Thank you so much. I want to see how far it can go now!


Nice, and congrats, bishoptl the game you have in your head does it take influence from somthing like dino crisis too or is it mostly coming from your turok days, also saw endless ocean mentioned somewhere is that mostly about the eploration part of it, the more tidbits i see the more intrigued i get.

Now who/what do i throw my money at!? :)


Banstick Emeritus
Nice, and congrats, bishoptl the game you have in your head does it take influence from somthing like dino crisis too or is it mostly coming from your turok days, also saw endless ocean mentioned somewhere is that mostly about the eploration part of it, the more tidbits i see the more intrigued i get.

Now who/what do i throw my money at!? :)
I'm a big fan of both DC1 and 2 - replay them regularly on PSN - but for different reasons. The survival horror aspect of DC1 is a huge draw, and it's that sense of dread I want to build on when creating encounters. The DC2 survival action tack is incredible fun, I enjoy the pacing immensely, but I do feel that in DC2 the enemies are mainly cannon fodder. Juggling health vs ammo, bleeding, etc. are all elements I've pulled into my designs, but for my money, a typical combat experience should go something along the lines of:

1 raptor - a decent tussle
2 raptors - you're fucked

requiring planning and execution as opposed to running in willy nilly.


Bish have you played Dying Light? Recently came out. By the end you're overpowered and a lot of that fear goes away, but early on, it can get quite tense when you can't do anything but run. Is something like that what you might be going for?

Example, the Volatiles that come out only at night. Ridiculously fast, can track and chase player, makes it really tense. I also like to think of that sequence from the first JP with Laura Dern where her hunter friend tells her to run and all she can do is sprint and propel herself over logs to run and get in the door etc.

Congrats on meeting the first goal, let's see how far it goes now as you prepare to go to the next stage etc.
I have to throw my support behind a fellow British Columbian! That's a no-brainer, hahaha.

But yeah, everything bish is saying about this is just hitting the sweet spot for me. Love dinosaurs, love the ideas about their emergent AI, hunting in packs, making it tense and filled with fear, etc. I'm just imagining the protagonist getting caught in the middle of a stampede while injured trying not to be crushed to death as raptors cause chaos and carnage among the herbivores.

Fuck. That sounds so good!

I know this is an idea about dinosaurs traveling through time to the present, but how hard is the sci-fi component? By which I mean, is this whole conspiracy sci-fi agenda thing the main focus or Reeve's survival in this whole screwed up situation?

Would there be a healing/first aid system similar to MGS3? Cause that... that would be amazing.


Would you be mostly cobbling things together to survive, grabbing weapons and gear off dead enemies, or what?

Are vehicles in or out? Only cause rocketing through the jungle on a Triumph motorbike while being chased by raptors would be pretty baller...


You know that you can actually tag humans and dinos alike with the shotgun flare, right? It's hard to do in MP, but when you pull it off and send a pack of raptors chasing after the flag carrier

Oh yes. Also got a kick out of tagging raptors with a flare and watching them flail about for a bit.

And hey, congrats on Phase 1. First you get the money, then you get the women, then you get the powah.


Never played any of the Turok games before and not generally a big FPS guy, but I'm very intrigued and quite willing to support this.

I might have to see about trying the 2008 game.
Whatever mechanics you guys are implementing, I hope they fit tighter with the game. Like the whole flare system in Turok just wasn't tightly integrated into the mechanics. I used it in the cave, but otherwise, I had forgotten about that feature the rest of the way through. Hell, I didn't even remember there was a flare system until it was brought up in this thread.

In Super Mario, there are power-ups. You don't have to use them, but chances are people will use them. The other ones that don't use them are speed runner doing crazy shit. Nobody ever forgets there are power-ups in Mario because they were tightly integrated into the gameplay. They were just as optional as the flare system in Turok too.

Oh and I like to see the Raptors attack with their feet. I just realize I don't remember the last game where I saw the Raptors attack with their feet. We just see them bite. Do something like this for your Raptor attack animation.



Banstick Emeritus
In Super Mario, there are power-ups. You don't have to use them, but chances are people will use them. The other ones that don't use them are speed runner doing crazy shit. Nobody ever forgets there are power-ups in Mario because they were tightly integrated into the gameplay. They were just as optional as the flare system in Turok too.
This is an excellent point, and something that was addressed in the T1 post-mortem, and the solution was fairly simple. Taking the flare mechanic and attaching it to the weapon that most players gravitated towards - the bow and arrow - in the vertical slice made all the difference. Not only was the flare arrow now always at hand, and therefore more likely to be used when running focus tests, but it was much easier to aim than the original shotgun flare. You and I are aligned on this.

So incredibly tired this morning. I was up recording voiceovers for the pitch video until 2 AM last night with my friend of 20 years, Crispin Hands. It's a far cry from sound design on Metroid Prime, but man it was fun. He may be involved with the tier rewards, you'll have to wait and see :D
This is an excellent point, and something that was addressed in the T1 post-mortem, and the solution was fairly simple. Taking the flare mechanic and attaching it to the weapon that most players gravitated towards - the bow and arrow - in the vertical slice made all the difference. Not only was the flare arrow now always at hand, and therefore more likely to be used when running focus tests, but it was much easier to aim than the original shotgun flare. You and I are aligned on this.

So incredibly tired this morning. I was up recording voiceovers for the pitch video until 2 AM last night with my friend of 20 years, Crispin Hands. It's a far cry from sound design on Metroid Prime, but man it was fun. He may be involved with the tier rewards, you'll have to wait and see :D

Are you gonna be on-camera?

Deleted member 102362

Unconfirmed Member
If you're American, do you have to stand while clapping?

I'll be sure to check out the Kickstarter when it launches. Congrats bish!
There's an interview with the chaps at Jurassic World today as well.
A massive earthquake has shattered the West Coast, tearing a large swathe of California coastline free. At the quake's epicenter, pulsing energy portals appear - random gateways to another world. Through these portals, ancient creatures reclaim their territory, killing indiscriminately and acting as harbingers of an even more malevolent force in the Pacific.
"JURASSIC PARK" got me into gaming. The sense of wonder as Spielberg's creations came to life made me believe that my life's work would be in entertainment, and dinosaurs have been a central pillar in my career arc.
Savage Empire already has some big name supporters such as Gary Whitta (writer of Star Wars Anthology: Rogue One) and Josh Holmes (Studio Head for Halo 5: Guardians), and has the potential to be something all fans of dinosaurs can enjoy. It exceeded its goal on Thunderclap (a free way to support via social media) in just 3 days, and the Kickstarter launches June 2nd
Bish this sounds incredible. Do you mind if I ask, do you have a PR person who arranges these for you?
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