I went straight to Old Hunters on NG+, because I didn't feel like starting from scratch even if it meant having a simpler time. Probably my favorite DLC of all time, but boy did a certain few bosses show me I needed to git gud.
Ludwig absolutely wrecked me. I swear it felt like it took me 40 tries before I finally beat him. I just kept getting hit with his "Death from above" attack and I could only watch my health bar disappear. I didn't summon Henriett, though. Probably could have made things easier for myself but I chose to bang my head against the wall.
Living Failures I beat on my first try. Shades of Celestial Emissary simplicity. Instead of mindlessly swinging, there was actual movement and coordination required, but it was still simple enough to nail on the first try.
Beat Maria on the second attempt, admittedly more a victory of luck than skill. Breaking her poise and getting her to flinch was easier than I expected, and I just kept the pressure on her.
Orphan and Laurence were both bastards, but Orphan was worse. At times it felt like Orphan dealt damage to me just by looking in my direction, I got stomped that bad. I think it took me ~20 attempts for each of them.
Living Failures I beat on my first try. Shades of Celestial Emissary simplicity. Instead of mindlessly swinging, there was actual movement and coordination required, but it was still simple enough to nail on the first try.
Beat Maria on the second attempt, admittedly more a victory of luck than skill. Breaking her poise and getting her to flinch was easier than I expected, and I just kept the pressure on her.
Orphan and Laurence were both bastards, but Orphan was worse. At times it felt like Orphan dealt damage to me just by looking in my direction, I got stomped that bad. I think it took me ~20 attempts for each of them.