Scalebound cancelled [Platinum Games and Kamiya have commented]

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How are both of them to blame? Microsoft came to Platinum and asked them to develop a game with X budget within Y time frame, and Platinum agreed to those terms. For whatever reason, they could not deliver on the terms that Microsoft offered - even after being delayed. In what universe is Microsoft at fault? Why should they be obligated to pour more funds into a development situation that just isn't panning out. I like Platinum as much as the next guy, but Scalebound has looked rough since its inception - and the only reason people gave it a pass (myself included) - is due to Platinum's pedigree.

MS is at fault partly because there have been proof that their structure and demands don't always work well with third party developers (Lost Odyssey, TFLO etc.).


Did they really just say: "we're working hard to deliver an amazing lineup" in a press release about the cancellation of one of the best games from that lineup?

No, fuck that. After State of Decay 2 I'm done with you microsoft.

I'm all for laughing at MS spin, but what else could they say? "Yo, our lineup is mediocre as fuck. Have you considered a PS4?" They have to cast their brand in a good light. It's their literal jobs. Lot of emotions here for a game cancellation.
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

I agree. It is about live and creating some sort of revenue for the W10 store. There really much else to think after you look at the trend of the division over the past few years.


I doubt Nier will sell enough to keep the lights on.

What Nintendo project?

I really think if NieR is good it'll surprise people. The first one has great word of mouth on its side and with Platinum at the helm I think it'll be a hard game to miss. I'm optimistic about it.


I was never hyped for this one. It exhumed DMC levels of trying too hard to be cool with and overly talkative protagonist.
I believe in Platinum's worth as a game developer but this one we can probably live without.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.

I'm pretty sure Sea of Thieves is safe, they sent out a survey which people can sign up to help test the game. Seems to be going the "early access" route also.

Fable Legends was playable in a closed multiplayer beta for almost 18 months. And despite that the game was shut down by MS.
Sounds like it's Platinum rather than Microsoft's fault.

Platinum, shockingly, aren't the saviours of gaming some people seem to think they are and they do get it wrong.
I mean, maybe Scalebound just wasn't good. They gave them a good fund, great promotion, and 1st party resources. if the game was looking awesome, then why would they cut it.

The concept or the execution. one of them failed behind the scenes, it was MS's money to lose, and if MS releases a marquee title to "meh" scores or if the game releases buggy/shitty/bad and then GAF is all up in arms about that.

Kill it now, it wasn't going to be a good game.
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.
Saying it since day one.
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

It's going to be a rude awakening to people claiming "they must be saving stuff for scorpio" when what you say is exactly what ends up happening.



Man... Kamiya must be really taking this hard, from the interviews you really could tell it was his passion project, he said multiple times that he always wanted to make a game about a dragon fighting alongside his human buddy.


Sad that Kamiya and co ended up wasting so much time on this project. Hopefully they can put some of the work to use. Not the main character, though. He was awful.
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.
I hope you are wrong but if you are right that would make Microsoft the Devil.


So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

In which case it will need to be next gen and not some life-extension; if their not going first party they need third parties locked in. I just don't see that really happening.

Throughout the PS3 Sony clearly cultivated an audience - especially with the likes of Uncharted - who continue to be loyal, along with this they brought in a wider market with PS4. Who they continue to cultivate.

MS are releasing the same games they were releasing in the first few years of 360. No one really talks about this and some of the games are still really good but they haven't expanded any of their IP and they haven't launched anything new.

You need first parties to compete when frankly people seem happy with the PS4s they bought.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Terrible, terrible start to the year. I know i'm not entitled to any answers, but I would still like some. Was it going over budget, not going to make release, different visions for the game, or just simply MS and PG not getting along any more?

It's more likely over budget and under developed.

I never got the sense the studio was going the way of Bizarre Creations. (where cavalier attitudes made development difficult)

Look how long since it was announced... the question people should be asking is how much of a game even exists outside of the slices?
I'd at least expect them to not treat their cancellation announcement for an incredibly anticipated game like an advertisement for other games.

"We've got a game for people who don't get Scalebound, it's called Halo Wars 2"

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. That's exactly what a company should do in a statement about a cancellation of a game.

Some of the replies in this thread are hilarious. And let's be honest this game wasn't incredibly anticipated by any notable number of people. It would have been the bomba to end all bombas had it actually released.


Outside of Crackdown, Microsoft has nothing. One less big game to show and promote. It was probably the biggest of the year for them.
Bring back Mattrick, I'm sure he must get it now. But seriously Spencer been fucking up since he got in charge, whatever measures he took at the beginning were just quick patches. Two years after and there's zero good investment for the future while Sony is bringing back old ips, making a killing with their current ones and every major conference there's something new to look forward to.
I didn't get the pro because I want the Scorpio but if MS's E3 is gonna be 4k, 4k, 4k, halo 6 teaser and oculus then forget about it...

What the fuck is this nonsense? Yeah, it sucks Scalebound got cancelled but Xbox is in a much better place with Phil. BC and Scorpio are both huge. Hopefully some new IPs will be introduced this E3. I'm sure he's well aware of this issue.


It looked rough at its E3 showings but I was excited to play it. I hope this doesn't damage them to bad in terms of income for 2017. They currently only have 1 game on the table to be released now. Bayo 1 and 2 + Vanquish are some stellar games so I can't wait to see what they do next, just a bit of a low blow in regards to Scalebound.


So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

But is it a good idea for them? I mean will people really choose a Scorpio when the games are also on PC or get a PS4/ Switch with exclusive games?
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

Microsoft's entire business strategy is about service fees.
Phil Spencer is really killing the system. There has been more cancellation and studio shutdown since he took over compared to when Mattrick was there. Maybe Mattrick wasn't the bad guy after all.

Hopefully someone picks this game up. Looked really good

Its been said before but will repeat. No one else can pick it up because MS owns the IP.


It's a big blow to the Xbox line up. Honestly there's a serious lack of single player story driven games. Well, exclusive ones at least.


What's happening now is the exact opposite of what Xbox fans seemed to want out of a Phil spencer leadership.

First off, I don't think its a very big blow. I don't remember seeing a lot of great response from fans when they showed off the gameplay way back when. This title had the markings of a game that didn't seem like it would be very successful in today's market. Granted, I'm just basing that opinion off of old gameplay footage but to be fair many people gauge purchases by that same measure.

I think Phil Spencer is doing a great job steering the ship. Fans WANTED Gears of War 4. I think the timing of the release worked against it as well as a hard push for esports which never fucking works when you try to force that stuff. Aside from that, I think Gears 4 is doing pretty well and the issues the game has had post-launch (microtransactions and RNG pissing off the fans) are things they can fix.

Fans will still want Halo 6 and Gears 5. I know I do. Granted they are in a very competitive genre and there are a lot of other games for fans to stray to, but there are people that want those games and it is on Microsoft to manage their expectations for success and adjust the development budget accordingly.

Having first party content is important, however the Xbox One is doing as well as it is in the US right now because it plays most of the games that the PS4 does and they priced it very aggressively this past season between all the bundles and deals they had going on. A good chunk of the consumer who buys videogames in this country will look at the price and say "Hey this one is $50 cheaper and it'll play Overwatch just like the PS4, plus it comes with these 2-5 games" and that will be all it takes to keep Xbox in the running. I'm with you in that I'd like to see them surprise us with some great 1st party titles this year, but I think maybe they are looking at their options at the moment and 2017 might be a slim year for exclusives, and that's okay as long as they get it sorted by 2018.


If Platinum Games suffers because of Microsoft and their shitty direction/branding with Xbox One then I will boycott them forever. They've cancelled any interesting games that actually add diversity to their lineup.


So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

Can't agree or disagree but why do you think this?
So people don't have to agree with me but since there's so much discussion about it, I think it's plainly clear that Scorpio is an attempt to lock in people into the Live ecosystem that would otherwise float to PS4 or PC (where they wouldn't pay for Xbox live). I think it's about service fees and not first party games. I guess we will see but I don't think first party games are the point.

This is precisely what I'm expecting from the future of Xbox.
Wow, thats a massive disappointment for me... I was loving the look of the game and was truly looking forward to it.

This will definitely influence my decision for Scorpio...


I was planning on waiting a bit, but now I just pre-ordered Nier to throw Platinum a bone :(

Terrible news. Platinum has delivered dozens of games seemigly on time and on budget, so this is very surprising. I wonder if it is not more of a Phantom Dust situation, where the scale and scope of the project requested was increased by the publisher without an accompanying budget and time increase.

The 4-player co-op mode immediately comes to mind.
I knew this would happen (in fact I even said so here) because if you've been following Microsoft for the past couple of years it seems obvious that they're not good to work with. Remedy split from them, Bungie split from them, Epic split from them, Lionhead and the Phantom Dust guys got shut down due to mismanagement, they massively fucked up Rare, it doesn't shock me that the single player gamer's game focused Platinum and the service and feature focused Microsoft would clash. I wish Platinum and Hedeki Kamyia the best because they're my favorite studio and it feels like Kamiya really wanted this game to be his masterwork. It's a shame this happened but I hope this proves to be a wake up call for Microsoft. Sony and Nintendo have spent 2-3 decades building massive franchises and memorable games whereas Microsoft really only has three; Halo, Gears, and Forza and two of them are similar in terms of aesthetics and the other one's a racing sim. Not the most exciting of line ups. If Microsoft really wants to win gamers back they need to fundamentally shift their game making process to be more diverse and less looking like it was conceived by an executive in a board room. But still fuck Microsoft for doing this.
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