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Schwarzenegger signs Piracy law for California



On Tuesday, Sept. 21, the former action star signed a bill into a law, which will deter anyone distributing video, music or games on the Internet by requiring them to provide important source information, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The SB 1506 law states that anyone neglecing to include their email address when trafficking such files over the Internet to more than 10 people will face a misdemeanor charge leading to a possible $2,500 fine or up to a year in jail.

Yeah um... a new completely frivolous, unenforceable law to stop piracy! Rock on Arnie!


Wait, let me get this straight.

If you distribute copyrighted works on the Internet, you're already doing something illegal. So they think that someone who's doing this is going to provide an e-mail address so that they can get more easily caught by authorities?

And if piracy is already illegal, why does an e-mail address somehow make it better?

God. My head hurts.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Can't he just go back to making movies? Where's my True Lies 2 bitch!
Seriously, is he that stupid?

After watching his cliche ridden self-loathing speech at the RNC, he cannot go any lower.


I'm thinking the purpose of this is just to be able to charge someone with MORE shit when they do get caught. They say "Hey, you didn't give your email when you served those movies, one year of jail, bitch!"
SKluck said:
I'm thinking the purpose of this is just to be able to charge someone with MORE shit when they do get caught. They say "Hey, you didn't give your email when you served those movies, one year of jail, bitch!"
yeah, that's what it sounds like to me too... just a way to tack on a little something extra


SKluck said:
I'm thinking the purpose of this is just to be able to charge someone with MORE shit when they do get caught. They say "Hey, you didn't give your email when you served those movies, one year of jail, bitch!"

Just like tax evasion. Mob bosses get someone else to commit the crime for them, but can then be busted for not paying taxes on the crooked money.


krypt0nian said:
Seriously, is he that stupid?

After watching his cliche ridden self-loathing speech at the RNC, he cannot go any lower.

It's not as if that law was proposed and passed by the California Legislature or anything. I'm sure he drafted it, and took a one man vote to pass it before he signed it.



YARRR! They'll never take me booty. PEACE.


Sucks at viral marketing
Since everybody likes to ride Arnold, without knowing what you're talking about... I decided to look up more information on California Senate Bill 1506.

The bill is a consumer protection law that updates exsisting laws to include "electronic dissemination." Previous law required distributers to include their real name and address, so that the customer can identify if they are legit or not, both incase of piracy and incase of being a scam (not that you guys care if something is pirated or not, but some people do). This new law extends this over to the internet.


see it didn't say you had to give your email address just a email address. Also, what's to stop you from sending the file to 9 people and then adding a letter to it's name and sending it to another 9 people and so on and so forth.
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