Dan said:Uh huh. I have my doubts about discoveries that are revealed on TV shows.
Dan said:Uh huh. I have my doubts about discoveries that are revealed on TV shows.
GillianSeed79 said:Even though it's highly unlikely Atlantis even existed, having the myth be it's located near Spain is at least better than the whole Atlantis is off the coast of Bermuda bullshit. Where's your Bimini Road god now History Channel?
shinobi602 said:Some other sources lol:
Reuters is fairly serious and reliable as far as I'm aware.xbhaskarx said:Okay but is it being reported by any serious and reliable news outlets?
Guardian Bob said:
The image shows two rectangular structures which are interpreted as remnants of the two temples of Atlantis.
Mr. Freunds discovery in central Spain of a strange series of memorial cities, built in Atlantis image by its refugees after the citys likely destruction by a tsunami, gave researchers added proof and confidence, he said.
Atlantis residents who did not perish in the tsunami fled inland and built new cities there, he added.
- source
If this isn't Altantis, I don't know what would be. It matches Plato's records almost perfectly.
krypt0nian said:Funny that, as there is no such thing.
Guardian Bob said:Places like Pompeii were lost for 1500 years before their rediscovery.
krypt0nian said:Atlantis is mythical like Avalon, or Noah's Ark. There was never any such thing.
He's kryptonian. He's got x-ray vision and shit.shinobi602 said:Not claiming one way or the other, but how are you so sure? What makes you so sure?
They used to say that about Troy and Knossos, too.krypt0nian said:Atlantis is mythical like Avalon, or Noah's Ark. There was never any such thing.
krypt0nian said:Atlantis is mythical like Avalon, or Noah's Ark. There was never any such thing.
viciouskillersquirrel said:They used to say that about Troy and Knossos, too.
Deku said:Plato was not a historian. His Atlantis is very clearly an allegory, for an Athenian audience, which at the time of his writing was a superpower and a major seapower. So the parallels to Atlantis was there.
So on that basis, it has never been told as a factual account. But many people believe it was based on a real place.
So when you have a starting point being the allegory of philosopher, you're already on quicksand, and there are no shortage of 'lost cities' or imaginary flatlands on the bottom of the sea which could be called Atlantis.
And 99% of all claims are of that nature. That is why the Thera/Santorini/Minoan explanation to the Atlantis myth is such a great fit.
It fits the right time period, it is geographically near Greece, and it doesn't involve aliens or an independent Island civilization becoming so advanced so far from the major centres of civilization in the bronze age. In short, it doesn't require leaps of faith, and the Minoans and the Island of Thera was a major centre of power about a thousand years before Plato wrote about Atlantis, and Thera was blown to pieces while Minoan crete was flooded by a Tsunami of epic proportions when the volcano blew and the entire civilization eventually declined in a span of a few generations.
Router said:I thought it was pretty much universally known that Plato was never referring to a real place?
My monies on The Caspian Sea.CrazyDude said:Any guesses on where Atlantis will be discovered next year?
In context, he was using it as an allegory for what his society was going through at the time, but he was also oddly specific about several details, leading some to think that he was using or making allusions to an existing story to make his point.Router said:I thought it was pretty much universally known that Plato was never referring to a real place?
Medalion said:
TheVampire said:LOL wouldnt that be funny if when they send down teams and submarines they found something like that
It's on National GeographicCaptYamato said:Isn't this source consider a joke?
Guardian Bob said:Actually, I would be scared shitless.
Hahaha. Brilliant.pieatorium said:
Yep and Dwarkanyong said:It's quite possible that Atlantis really exists. An archaeologist found the location of the previously-thought-to-be-mythical Troy with nothing more than The Odyssey and The Iliad as a reference.
shinobi602 said:*Cue 'oh shit' reaction lol*
big_z said:are these National Geographic specials pretty reliable for legit news or should we expect something like aliens building the pyramids on fox?