Running blatant propaganda where any and all psychological and psychiatric treatment and help is deemed "bad" despite the help that many people could use from it, harassing anyone remotely openly critical of them, encouraging members to isolate themselves and distance loved ones if they raise and concerns or questions about their membership, etc.
There's so much out there, you barely have to do any research to see it. I'm surprised more of their famous members aren't leaving.
The only propaganda comes from Hollywood, the IRS, and psychiatric industry. These people you're saying were harassed are just paranoid. Where's the evidence? Misguided factions such as these just don't want people to taste the power that comes from having true freedom.
You're surprised some of our more famous members aren't leaving. That's because they don't want to give up the one good thing in their lives. Every minute on TV or on a movie set would just be pain and emptiness if they didn't know they were representing LRH and literally saving hundreds of billions of lives in this universe and the next.