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Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World (Dir. Wright, Cera, Kendrick, Evans, Schwartzman)

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Sounds as awesome as expected, Edgar Wright is not only consistently great basically the perfect director for the project, as Scott Pilgrim feels like an american spiritual successor to Spaced and he nailed ridiculous over the top action in Hot Fuzz.

S. L. said:

Yeah, that crime is up there with bumping the Arrested Development Movie thread without movie news.


Loser slave of the system :(
Quick write-up on AICN:

AICN Jersey Jedi said:
Well it turns out New Jersey isn’t the wretched hive of scum and villainy that everyone makes it out to be. What event could possibly have instigated such an unexpected turnaround? Why the second-ever screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World!

The prior reviews run on AICN had the basic premise described pretty soundly, so I’ll try and tread wholly new ground. The only thing I have to regurgitate from the past two reviews is how great of a set-up the opening scenes are: The 8-bit Universal logo with MIDI soundtrack, followed by the Zelda sound clips and HUD descriptions of all the characters as we meet them is not only the geekiest way possible to introduce the main players, but perfectly effective in settling you into the ADD-addled world that Edgar has created here. You just know you’re in for an awesome ride.

Getting the obvious out of the way first, Michael Cera stars as Michael Cera playing Michael Cera… but going under the pseudonym “Scott Pilgrim”. Cera’s shtick got old just about when he started driving around New York City and miraculously finding parking spots right in front of uber-popular clubs with Catharine Keener’s daughter from 40-Year-Old Virgin. However, in this case, Edgar Wright’s editing and shooting style is just so hyperactive and clearly the centerpiece of the flick, that Cera’s typical awkward bumbling delivery doesn’t even get a second to breathe. Congratulations Mr. Cera, you may have just gotten your second wind.

Having said that, I’m sure there are plenty of readers out there thinking “I’m sorry, but I just can’t stand that dude and seeing another flick with him as the lead sounds about as appealing as experiencing “One Guy, One Cup” again.” (shudder) Well I’m happy to report that literally every other actor in this flick steals the spotlight from the moment they’re on screen. Ellen Wong is just plain adorable as Knives Chau, Chris Evans makes us forget Fantastic Four as Hollywood badass Lucas Lee, Anna Kendrick picks what has to be one of the best follow-ups to an Oscar nom as Stacey Pilgrim and Alison Pill is straight up wryly hilarious as the Sex Bob-Omb drummer Kim Pine.

Out of this cavalcade of scenery-chewers, there are two that deserve special mention. First, Brandon Routh just KILLS as the vegan evil ex Todd Ingram. While the characterization and dialogue for this psychic-powered douchebag is the driving force behind his awesomeness, casting Routh was just an outstanding choice. Much like his cameo in Zach and Miri Make a Porno, this unabashedly plays off our preconceptions of him as a straight-laced nice guy to brilliant effect.

But the true star of the flick is Kieran Culkin as Scott’s gay room/bed-mate Wallace. His delivery, coupled with the sight gags that Edgar executes, are the non-action highlights of the movie. I really don’t want to spoil anything, so I won’t go into much detail. Just keep an eye out for a scene where Knives shows up at Scott & Wallace’s place, and Wallace helps Scott escape in he most obtuse way possible.

So, the casting for this flick was top-notch… but that’s not the reason any self-respecting movie buff would be interested in Scott Pilgrim. We were there to see Edgar Wright follow-up his kick ass one-two punch of Shawn of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. And good science does he kill it in every way imaginable. What Shawn was to horror and Fuzz was to buddy cop/action, Scott Pilgrim is to comics and video games. Given the already hyperactive nature of those two mediums, Wright righteously took his already frenetic style and shot it with 10 hits of adrenaline straight in the face.

The 7½ fight scenes are all utterly unique with a gleeful disregard or any semblance of realism or physical logic.
While the effects were still a little rough, most were much closer to completion as compared to the previous reviewers’ impressions (no visible green screens, just some wires to be taken out and some effects to be polished). They are packed to the brim with comic-based conventions, over-the-top sound effects and Nintendo weaponry (at one point Scott’s other half, Ramona, wields a massive sledgehammer along with the requisite Donkey Kong sound effects). It’s difficult to put into words how truly inimitable the style of these fights are, as well as the movie as a whole.

The closest movie that I could compare it to would be the infamous Speed Racer. Now before all of you haters cry blasphemy, hear me out: While the movie certainly had its detractors (and I honestly can’t blame them, despite completely disagreeing with them), the one thing everyone can admit is that the Wachowskis executed an unequivocally original vision. Even if you thought that vision was utter garbage and fundamentally flawed, they wanted a living cartoon and they executed it perfectly.

Edgar Wright has done the same, but with that sharp wit and geek-edge that Wright’s previous collaborations have been known for. I have no doubt that this is exactly the crazy ride that Wright set out to make, and if that doesn’t make you giddy with excitement, check your damn pulse.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is the second coming of the nerd Christ. Be prepared.

Step aside, Inception, this is my new most anticipated film of 2010.


well not really...yet
The closest movie that I could compare it to would be the infamous Speed Racer. Now before all of you haters cry blasphemy, hear me out: While the movie certainly had its detractors (and I honestly can’t blame them, despite completely disagreeing with them), the one thing everyone can admit is that the Wachowskis executed an unequivocally original vision. Even if you thought that vision was utter garbage and fundamentally flawed, they wanted a living cartoon and they executed it perfectly.
Hype +1000000


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I am really looking forward to this. Really, Cera is the only thing I don't like to hear... but everyone who sees it seems to excuse him pretty easily... I think it will be great!


Cornballer said:

I wrote that second one :D

Here's what I wrote:

My wife and I were lucky enough to attend the Las Vegas screening of Scott Pilgrim vs. The World tonight. She got passes through her work, and we made time to get down there in the pouring rain (WTF VEGAS!) and get great seats. When we signed in, we were told it was a mix between Juno and Mortal Kombat. Yes…that’s right.

Confused, a few attendees in my section thought it was either Scott Pilgrim, or Kick-Ass. Both exciting prospects. Finally, 7pm rolled around and some lady with a microphone went to the front and announced that it was Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. Exciting! She then proceeded to give us the usual ‘test audience’ disclaimers…early sound, FX work still not done, etc…but then we were sent away to the film.

Right off the bat, I knew I was going to love it. The Universal Logo was rendered in 8 bit with the Universal theme a MIDI version. Awesome. I knew I was again going to love it when the familiar opening from The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past (triforce spinning) cued the opening shot, a tilt down to an exterior of a house.


From there, it was a mixture of Edgar Wright’s usual frenetic camerawork with some unbelievably slick transitions, and while I knew nothing about the story behind the comics, I knew from the start it would be a fun ride.

For those of you not in the know (like I was), I won’t spill out each plot point in detail, but I will point out that Wright did some incredibly unique things to capture the spirit of a comic book. The film is a very well thought out mix of video game and comic books. Plot points about getting an ‘extra life’ and a ‘Pee meter’ as Michael Cera relieves himself add so much to the story.

Now, usually we’d see Simon Pegg and Nick Frost on the screen, but neither of those two made this film. Instead we get Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim) and his band and many girlfriends behind him.

For starters, Cera is Michael Cera. He’s always cute, charming, and you know exactly what you’re going to get from him. That’s not taking anything away from him, he’s great in this…but still, he’s Michael Cera. His gay room mate Kieran Culkin is hilarious in this, he steals virtually every scene he’s in. Then we have his band, Kim (Alison Pill), Stills (Mark Webber) and Young Neil (Johnny Simmons), they are all a lot of fun to watch, if not a little under-utilized.

I think the real show stoppers are the ‘7 exes’, who Cera has to battle in order to win the heart of the always-coloring-her-hair-differently Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Cera always goes from girl to girl, but thinks Ms. Flowers is the girl of his dreams (technically, she is). She has a unique past with a series of ex boyfriends that are all, I guess, the jealous type. And while the film is usually based in reality (as much as most comic books are), when these ‘exes’ take the screen, everything changes.

Starting with Matthew Patel (Satya Bhabha), we get to see just why Edgar Wright is, IMO, one of the most talented filmmakers out there. The fight scenes in this film are ludicrous. They are incredibly high energy, completely unique from one another, and a total riot. He has to fight through the aforementioned Patel, Lucas Lee (Played by Chris Evans who looks kind of like Wolverine, if Wolverine were hilarious), Todd Ingram (Brandon Routh, the metrosexual vegan), Roxy Richter (Mae Whitman, or as Arrested Development fans would know her as…”Her?”), twin asian keyboardists (sorry, can’t remember their names) and finally Gideon (Jason Schwartzman).

I know it doesn’t come out until August 17th, but what they have right now (other than some rough audio patches and a lot of unfinished effects) is pretty damn remarkable. Edgar Wright has once again knocked it out of the park. I don’t know how commercial this film can be, due to it’s subject matter (it’s basically for nerds only, my wife liked it, but not nearly as much as I did), but Goddamnit it’s awesome.

On a side note, the woman in front of me had her Blackberry out and was reading some e-mails about The Fast And The Furious 5’s crew list, she had a link to the NEW ending of The Wolfman (which she responded, she would “watch it tomorrow”, and a couple of other things that I can’t remember).


this sounds like a film version of no more heroes, bosses and all, and if it is, oh man

edit: beaten by dookakke on the first page. i always hated that bastard


rats. When I saw this thread I thought the trailer had been released!
I'm dying to see this movie! If it's faithful to the books then they should be destroying a huge part of the neighborhood I live in! :D


Wallace Wells is probably my favorite in the whole SP series. So hearing hes played awesome in the movie gets me all giddy.


Registered User
Costanza said:
This song is so good.

I love Metric.

Sweet, Metric is pretty awesome.

I'm really getting excited for this movie... Need to go out and read the next couple books in preparation.


Scott Pilgrim Diverges From The Graphic Novels Around the Third Book

Wright said:
“After three volumes, it starts to take its own path, but very much within the spirit of the book — and approved by Bryan as well. … There are some things that are in the film that are actually from Bryan’s original ideas before he wrote the books. [So] there are some things in there that refer to older ideas which he didn’t end up doing. It’s ironic, because there will be a couple of scenes when people will say, ‘That’s not in the book,’ but actually, if you look at these notes from 2005…”
Not a fan of Cera at all but in Edgar Wright I trust. I'll see anything he's involved with.

EDIT: Oh shit it's up against the Expendables isn't it? I might have to take 2 trips to the theaters. Ugh I hate that.
Grecco said:
Wallace Wells is probably my favorite in the whole SP series. So hearing hes played awesome in the movie gets me all giddy.

Wallace is probably my favorite character as well. (So much so that I just made him my avatar.) I'm glad that it looks like he'll be awesome in this flick. But I still wish Wright had cast Clark Duke for the role. The weird homoerotic chemistry between him and Cera in "Clark & Michael" would work very well if they were playing Soctt & Wallace.

My hype for this flick is at max already, and hearing all these little details about things like Ramona's sledgehammer making Donkey Kong noises somehow makes me even MORE hyped. Routh playing Todd Ingram is brilliant as well. So many mind blowing casting choices made for this film. Just wow.

The only thing that could make this any better would be hearing news that in addition to Metric (awesome choice for The Clash at Demonhead), Anamanaguchi was also contributing a song to the soundtrack. Their music is the PERFECT fit for this film. Just imagine something like "Tempest, Teamwork, Triumph" blasting over a kick-ass fight sequence. Just fucking perfect.

Really really hope we get a trailer some time soon. I hate this GAF cliche, but seriously: all over my fucking face.
Kevin Smith tends to like almost everything. BUT he might be right about this one though. Edgar Wright just has a great mind for stuff like this. God damn, not even Michael Cera can keep me from watching this.


drawer by drawer
Just thought I'd post this here too:

Bryan Lee O'Malley's Twitter said:
OH MY WHAT'S THIS? is it a tease of a tease of an announcement? i've said too much!



silverbullet1080 said:
How has Tron Legacy which comes out in December gotten a trailer but this, which comes out in August hasn't? =\
Maybe there's not enough visual effects shots completed for scenes they intend to use for a trailer? What vfx house is doing this film?


To the above tease: Cover for final volume? Ramona left, Scott middle, and maybe Gideon on the right?

And the lack of a trailer is killing me.


After finally reading the books, I have to ask, seriously...

Why were people on this board excited when Cera's casting as announced? Scott Pilgrim couldn't be more unlike that guy.
silverbullet1080 said:
How has Tron Legacy which comes out in December gotten a trailer but this, which comes out in August hasn't? =\

Already posted this (Universal's upcoming releases):

MacGruber 4/23/10 (possibility)
Robin Hood 5/14/10
Get Him to the Greek 6/4/10 (definite)
Despicable Me 7/9/10
The Adjustment Bureau 7/30/10
jett said:
After finally reading the books, I have to ask, seriously...

Why were people on this board excited when Cera's casting as announced? Scott Pilgrim couldn't be more unlike that guy.

Because he's awesome?

After all, I was the one who made that thread, with the best and most prescient title of all time.
jett said:
After finally reading the books, I have to ask, seriously...

Why were people on this board excited when Cera's casting as announced? Scott Pilgrim couldn't be more unlike that guy.
Wat, they're almost the same fucking person.


DanielPlainview said:
Already posted this (Universal's upcoming releases):

MacGruber 4/23/10 (possibility)
Robin Hood 5/14/10
Get Him to the Greek 6/4/10 (definite)
Despicable Me 7/9/10
The Adjustment Bureau 7/30/10

what does this have to do with the question?


Ashhong said:
what does this have to do with the question?

Chance of trailer is high when the same studio is involved. You wouldn't see a SP trailer in front of the next Disney movie for instance.
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