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Sega 3D Classics Wave 2 |OT| October: 3D Sonic 2


I have most of the ones on discount, I'll gladly pick up Space Harrier but I remember disliking Ecco and Altered Beast when I was younger...


Alteread beast is a basic sidescrolling brawler, a product of its time that may not have aged well. But once you accept these limitations, you can look beyond them and start having fun.

Ecco isn't an action game and it's probably why it threw off many people. Managing the air supply while solving puzzles and killing baddies can be a difficult task, but I think its very rewarding. It does need some dedication though.
Man I hope the US is going to get a sale soon too. After buying Fantasy Zone I want to go back and get all the 3D classics I missed.


Gives all the fucks
Sure hope that sale hits the US. Been waiting for a while for a discount on the first wave stuff.
A sale's nifty, though I already saved a whole purchase's worth of eShop dollah back when I got a store card 10%-off (pathetic, I know, should have gotten the 20%-off cards when that was happening).


Gives all the fucks
Wait a minute.

They added the Spin Dash from Sonic 2 to Sonic 1? So I can play a GOOD version of STH Genesis now? Wow, how in the world was I not aware of that. Now I really wish it was on sale now. Don't get why they'd put all of Wave 1's stuff on sale, but not Sonic.
Wait a minute.

They added the Spin Dash from Sonic 2 to Sonic 1? So I can play a GOOD version of STH Genesis now? Wow, how in the world was I not aware of that. Now I really wish it was on sale now. Don't get why they'd put all of Wave 1's stuff on sale, but not Sonic.
People will buy Sonic without the price drop due to the value of the brand I think was the intension.

I hope they rerelease Sonic 2 and/or Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I haven't played D3 in a while, I'd love to try a refined, 3D remaster.


Gives all the fucks
S3&K would be amazing in 3D (plus on the go as well). Sonic 2's 3D (should it happen) will be great for when playing the Special Stages.
It is. Gives Galaxy Force II a run for its money in that department. The game isn't as good as GF2 though.

Well now I'm definitely sold!
GFII has some of the most impressive 3D I've seen but I'm consistently impressed with how it's used on all of these titles, it's something M2 have definitely gotten right each time.

(well Hang-On had the weird rider positioning thing but I quickly got used to that)
- (laughs) OK, backing up a bit, can I ask you to talk in detail about the environmental sounds? Did anything interesting happen during the recording process?

MN: So regarding the machine sounds, we basically put the sound assets in like we always do, but for Out Run, I made a specific adjustment to them. You know the sound that the pedals on the Deluxe and Standard machines make when you press them, that “bak bak bak” sound? I really wanted to get that right.

NH: We’re getting into “What the heck are you talking about?” territory again. (laughs)

MN: Relative to the sound when you throw the steering wheel all the way to one side, or the “gacha” sound when you switch gears, I dressed up the sound for the pedal a bit more, accenting the “bak” sound and making it sound like perhaps it’s coming from beneath you. So it’s a little different than just integrating the recorded sound. This is the first time I’ve tried this for these physical games in the 3D Remaster Project. This is the first game that came equipped with a pedal, after all.

YO: That’s true. It’s the first car driving game, and 3D Super Hang-On didn’t have pedals, nor did we record environmental sounds for it.

MN: I have strong memories of playing Out Run and the feeling of pressing that pedal down. And while you can’t actually press a real pedal with your foot on 3DS, I thought it would be neat if when you play it with the Environmental Sounds turned on, it would feel just like you are sitting in the cabinet and hearing the sounds. So I put a lot of work into it. I think it’s at a point where if you have memories of playing the original arcade machine, by playing with the brake and accelerator sounds, those memories will come flooding back. Please give it a try.

YO: I’d like to add one more thing to the sound topic, and again this is one of those things that everyone has just come to expect, but you can adjust the volumes for the music, the game sound effects, and the environmental sound effects separately. Even though it’s all emulated internal sound. (laughs)

On top of that, there are 3 levels of engine volume you can switch between, separate from the volume settings. Many of the previous ports allocated more sound resources to the background music and sound effect playback, rather than the engine sounds. So we thought that there may be players who aren’t really used to the arcade version’s engine sounds if they had been playing the ported versions. Turning the engine sounds off completely makes it all feel a little empty, so we decided to put in 3 levels of volume. So for people who care about that sort of thing, feel free to adjust it per your preferences.
I'm expecting this to sound really good now!

Meanwhile, I'm going to beat Fantasy Zone this week after laying off to do school-work before the break.
I love these SEGA 3D Classics so much. I just returned to Shinobi today where I left off (haven't played in months), it's so good. Also fired up Sonic and was wowed by how beautiful it still looks (man they really need to do Sonic 2 next, I'd be the happiest man).

Looking forward to picking up Afterburner II, Outrun, and Thunder Blade at some point.

It's amazing how many of these titles evoke a strong feeling of nostalgia for me even when I never played them before or just barely did. For example my entire memory of Afterburner II is one time walking into an arcade and seeing it, I was young and I was being escorted by someone older and didn't have a choice of where to stay or what to play, I remember peeking my head inside the cabinet, briefly seeing the game running on screen and the red overhead light flashing, and that's it. That brief encounter is making me drool at the screenshots and features of the M2 port (yes I know I can buy it now but I'm trying to work on my backlog before spending more money).

I might have spent all of two quarters on Outrun in my entire life. Similar stories for the rest of these arcade games; I either had a fleeting glimpse of them at the arcade one time, maybe played them a couple of times, or never even heard of them until now (like Thunder Blade), yet these 3DS ports hold so much pull on me that eclipses the pull of any modern AAA title. Nostalgia is a weird thing.

Sorry Fantasy Zone, I don't care for you.

- (laughs)


Gives all the fucks
Outrun interview part 4

& figure this might interest some people. Outrun, Space Harrier, & Thunder Blade arcade cabinets in Lego form.

Camino a Mi Amor & Crusing Line sound so good and better they sound believable as if they were in the game to start with.

M2 stays so based on giving us the best of our past in the present.
Naoya Matsuoka's done some great Latin fusion, it seems! And getting Hiroshi Nagai to do the album covers, now that's what I call taste. He'd do a perfect job illustrating the ultimate OutRun box and marquee art.

Great interview, even when quartered like this. Hearing about Namiki's and Nisperos's different goals for their songs is awesome—they both have genuine reasons to compose using the ROM's native sound elements, in a style like what Hiro used, but still different in composition and intent. Cruising Line being designed to sync with optimal in-game performance and Camino A Mi Amor bringing the most authentic Latin dance flavor to OutRun yet...it's admirable work. And I'm definitely going to like whatever credits sequence they've put in this instance.

Also, has anyone else had issues posting comments to each of these blog entries? Mine just won't pass through even when I fill out the required fields. Sam, the producer/translator, is much overdue for praise!
Wait, my comments have gone through...they just took forever to show up! Mortifying.

I just listened to Passing Breeze's solo part done on an organ with Latin backing...Namiki's damn right, just what I'd expect since he's most likely heard about Hiro's influences just through conversation.
Also, has anyone else had issues posting comments to each of these blog entries? Mine just won't pass through even when I fill out the required fields. Sam, the producer/translator, is much overdue for praise!

It never looks like the comments go through for me. The page doesn't even reload, just a white screen. A few minutes later they show up!
Was Sonic 2 ever planned to come out as a 3D Classsic at some point? I know it's not in this collection, but I've always wanted to see it in a future wave (assuming they're going to do another wave).

Can't wait for Outrun though, that's going to be fantastic in 3D.
Definitely throwing down for Outrun. Sega has been really respective of their properties lately, forming the partnerships with M2 and Christian Whitehead for the Sonic ports. We should be all mindful to support this level of care, especially since the source games are so awesome.


Gives all the fucks
Hmm, speaking of the contest, I wonder if I should ask them if they've sent out the hoodies from the After Burner 2 contest. They said on the 25th to wait a week, which it's been 2 now, but never got an email. Maybe I'll wait until next week or so, since I'm sure they're busy with other stuff & I don't want to seem impatient.


Gives all the fucks
US PR of eShop updates doesn't mention a sale for the Sega 3D Classics. Weird. Wonder why EU gets one, but not the US.
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