Just dropping by again to also say that Fie is great.No other Fie fans here? Disappointing.
Just dropping by again to also say that Fie is great.No other Fie fans here? Disappointing.
She's great. She also has one of the best dub voice acting bits I've heard for a kuudere. Really brought her to life without changing the character herself instead of generic boring Rei-clone style JP voice acting.
no elise fans here ?
CS2 end game spoilers:[Cold Steel II spoiler]
I've checked and it's totally not Crow's jacket. So the question becomes why would Crow changes clothes if he's gone...
Fie is the best, naturally.
No other Fie fans here? Disappointing.
25% of copies of Tales of Berseria were sold on PS3, and 20% of copies of Persona 5, so there's still a business case with the popular games which were originally targeting the PS3 as a lead format. It's like the case for creating an Xbox One version for the west - won't be the majority of sales but sales will justify the cost.
Do I play the Vita games before the ones on Steam or the other way around?
Do I play the Vita games before the ones on Steam or the other way around?
Too brocon for me. She can go in the trash with Suguha from SAO and Kirino from Oreimo.
While you should be fine starting with the VIta/PS3 one, the Steam games come first. So ideally start with those.
I have plenty of free time right now so I'll start with the ones on Steam then. Thanks!The series goes like this:
Trails in the Sky FC
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails in the Sky the 3rd
Trails of Zero
Trails of Azure
Trails of Cold Steel I
Trails of Cold Steel II
Only the first two Sky games and CSI/II are localized. Luckily, FC and SC are a closed-off duology (relatively) and 3rd is an epilogue which leads into the rest of the series, and Cold Steel was designed for newcomers to the series.
In summary, FC -> SC -> Cold Steel I and II is just fine. However, The 3rd hits in 2017 so it's up to you if you want to wait. It's not really necessary.
Fie never left my party and from the ones I've seen she has some of the best bonding events and ending scenes.No other Fie fans here? Disappointing.
Fie never left my party and from the ones I've seen she has some of the best bonding events and ending scenes.
It's between her and Emma for #1
hell yeah, except I choose Sara instead of Laura. She's better in every way and I'll fight you if you disagreeSame rearty. Rean/Fie/Laura/Emma makes for the strongest team.
Fie with 100% evasion so she never gets hit and can act as a tank, Laura with Tauros, Radiant Wings, and various other things so she does this:
Criminal on Emma for even more damage, and you've got the face melting team of victory.
Story's protagonist is again, Rean Schwarzer.
The series started with such a great female protagonist, i hope they will someday go back to that.
Really weird decision and they should just port the original two to the PS4 as well. Otherwise I don't see how it makes sense =/
Rean is popular.Rean protagonist again? Kiseki is dead to me; I'm not playing through 200 hours of shitty characters. I'll just cherish Trails in the Sky, when Falcom still knew how to make fun games...
Does that mean no Steam?
I always thought Falcom supported that platform
Does that mean no Steam?
I always thought Falcom supported that platform
Rean is popular.
Not as popular as Estelle but he's still #3 on, say, this popularity chart.
He got a big bump in popularity after CSII came out from what I can tell.
Rean is popular.
Not as popular as Estelle but he's still #3 on, say, this popularity chart.
He got a big bump in popularity after CSII came out from what I can tell.
Well, the Trails subseries that is. Trails in the Sky is the sixth Legend of Heroes, Trails of Zero/Azure is LoH 7, and Cold Steel I/II/III is LoH 8.
A Tear of Vermillion got me into the series.Come on no one gives a fuck about Legend of Heroes. Lol.
Rean is popular.
Not as popular as Estelle but he's still #3 on, say, this popularity chart.
He got a big bump in popularity after CSII came out from what I can tell.
So... how high is the chance to see Zero and Ao in the West before this one? As far as I know Sen III will serve as the continuation for both Ao and Sen II, right? (No Crossbell spoilers pls)
Don't think I want to play it while knowing only half of the story background...
Is the protag dude of Zero as bland/self-inserty as Rean?
Is Xanadu Next Steam version a work of Falcom? Or the improved graphics and contents are works of XSEED?Falcom hasn't made PC games for ages. All their games on Steam are old
A Tear of Vermillion got me into the series.
XSEED did all the extra programming to support widescreen and fixed UI stuff. That's thanks to their hardworking employee Sara, their sole programmer.Is Xanadu Next Steam version a work of Falcom? Or the improved graphics and contents are works of XSEED?
Did you watch Gurren Lagann? I've heard him compared to 21-year-old Simon from that. More hotblood than the other ones. Shonen speeches, et cetera.
Rean is a light novel protagonist (Rakudai, Mahouka, etcetera), Zero/Ao is a super robot protagonist (Gurren etc.). Specifically, one like Simon.
Tales has already announced that Berseria is the last cross gen entry with PS3.
Oh my that actually sounds pretty great.
Oh okay, thanks for the clarification.XSEED did all the extra programming to support widescreen and fixed UI stuff. That's thanks to their hardworking employee Sara, their sole programmer.