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Sen no Kiseki III Confirmed to be a PS4 exclusive title


"The Trails in the Sky characters from Liberl Kingdom will again appear and join the party"

-from Gematsu.

Yessssssss. More Estelle and wouldn't say no to more (HDfied) Kloe and Anelace!


“The Trails in the Sky characters from Liberl Kingdom will again appear and join the party, and you’ll link up with a certain person from Trails in the Zero."

Bringing it all together ! Liberl, Crossbell and Sen characters in my party ! Super excited for this game.


I've got to 3rd chapter in the first game, really need to finish these sometime, they're so good too.


I don't believe popularity equates to quality, and it certainly doesn't equate to my own enjoyment level.

At least Estelle and Olivier are 1 and 2 there, so Japanese fans have at least a little good taste.
This !
Though for me Ao and Zero are by far my favorite, followed by Sora/Sky.

But the gap between the 5 first and what we have now is huge.
After Tokyo Xanadu copying Sen 1, are they going to do a third copy with Sen 3 and a new class of "what is this character design" students ?
Even YS VIII got this bigger fan service/easy writing syndrome they're following too much.

They kept the overall story/world of the Kiseki, which is nice, but threw away the inner quality of each part.
It may not become the worst RPG at all,but there's a clear drop in quality.
And seeing one of the best series I played in my life become that is just hard.
I mean, Ao no Kiseki(with Zero I guess) is probably in my top 5 favorite RPG of all time.
And the sora/sky were already in a good position too. So it made sense to expect as good or better.

Anyway, I'm not trying to lower the hype of anyone. Don't mind me if needed.
Yessssssss. More Estelle and wouldn't say no to more (HDfied) Kloe and Anelace!



Unconfirmed Member
Reading the interviews seems like Falcom's battle designers played Persona 5 :-x
encouraging hearing about their endeavors to improve on the UI battle navigation front, surprising how few (J)RPGs actually do that.

About Rean, half agree on him being pretty meh so far, that said for me the end of CSII started to finally make him somewhat interesting before saying "look forward to CSIII". So based on that I think a redemption is totally possible in CSIII. On the other hand the chance of them totally dropping the ball on it making his character in the CSI+II harder to look over is also likely.

Also my guess on the returning Liberl character, I think it's going to be Tita.
I feel like she's going to profit design wise the most from a time skip/the years that have passed so far(hey look how much she's grown etc). + With the way Goerge's story ended that would be an easy way to bring her in + having that tech savvy character in the main group allows for a lot of story utility.

Maybe someone else has a better guess.

But the gap between the 5 first and what we have now is huge.

The only way you're going to save Trails is becoming an Animu trendsetter.

Calvard Saga going to revolve around Bleublanc establishing a band of thieves within Ourouboros and having a change of heart.
Also my guess on the returning Liberl character, I think it's going to be Tita.
I feel like she's going to profit design wise the most from a time skip(hey look how much she's grown etc). + With the way Goerge's story ended that would be an easy way to bring her in + having that tech savvy character in the main group allows for a lot of story utility.

Maybe someone else has a better guess.

Maybe, or there COULD be Estelle/Joshua. Almost guaranteed to have some Divine Blade action going on, too.

Maybe he'll use a staff. That'd be a trip.


Unconfirmed Member
Maybe, or there COULD be Estelle/Joshua. Almost guaranteed to have some Divine Blade action going on, too.

Maybe he'll use a staff. That'd be a trip.

Yeah but what's the reasoning?

My personal wish is Anelace with her leading us to finally meeting Yun Kafai.
And I mean given the connection already being there, the reasons for Rean to possibly seek his counsel are probably easy to come up with.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. No.

Eh. He's not the best, has this ridiculous inferiority complex, and pushes himself to danger with zero regard for his own well being (despite what people tell him). But I don't think he's that "un-salvageable."Do you think there is no way this was intentional on Falcom's part?
I am asking this seriously, and not as a retort. I really do hope he develops/matures in CSIII, and eventually redeems himself in the end.

I feel like there's a lot we don't know about him anyway, and that the personality he's showing is "superficial." He's a guy who's pretty broken inside, and he acts like an idiot since that's the only way he feels he can be "useful."


about returning characters from liberl
my guess is that cassius bright and kloe could appear to deal wih erebonia expansionism
Interesting. I got so bogged down I haven't finished CS2. The writing and plotting for the first 10 plus hours is atrocious.

Still, I liked TitS and CS1 well enough, and this seems intriguing. I think I'll try and circle back around for CS2 after end game XV and TLG. Nier:A, Persona 5 take precedence though, so will depend on how much gaming time I'll have.
Yeah but what's the reasoning?

My personal wish is Anelace with her leading us to finally meeting Yun Kafai.
And I mean given the connection already being there, the reasons for Rean to possibly seek his counsel are probably easy to come up with.

Well, the end of SC has Joshua and Estelle preparing to go after Ouroboros, too. Cassius goes ALL OVER HELL'S HALF ACRE. Crossbell and maybe Calvard are the safer places f or bracers, as well -- the dictator, and he is the dictator now-- of Erebonia doesn't particularly like Bracers, which is why Class 7 under Olivert's purview, is trained differently. Bracer-like.

So, I dunno. I'm hoping to see more Anelace because she's pretty cash, but I feel like the Brights are the best bets. If they're further linking Cold Steel with Trails in the Sky, that would be the way to do it.

Of course, my reasoning is WITHOUT the events of Third in mind, since I haven't played it, yet. I may come back to it afterward.
Hmmm. What are the odds we get the Crossbell duology as a remake after this? Depending on how many assets get remade, seems like it wouldn't be that difficult of a job.

Japan had a "remake" already in the form of the Evo versions, the same for the Sky trilogy. If they want to go back and start remaking the older games themselves, then they may as well end the series at CS 3 because they'll never progress it again due to remakes.


RIP Special Support Section. I had the best time with you.

If one day Lloyd (or Łazy) go kick Rean's ass, just let me know please.


Oh man, I'm super excited for this. I hope we get it in a reasonable time frame. I guess this means no carry over data, but that didn't seem to factor in much from 1 to 2.
It says Britannia, though! =( Wikia shows me Byronia is a different thing.

Oo, you're from Gematsu?

Yea, I read the source and it does say that, huh. In that case...

It's &#12302;&#12502;&#12522;&#12458;&#12491;&#12450;&#23798;&#12303;, Hahcima Kikou, not &#12502;&#12522;&#12479;&#12491;&#12450;&#12290;(>_<)


Junior Member
Looks like they're taking the P5 approach to combat where they're assigning actions to different buttons to make things even faster.


It says Britannia, though! =( Wikia shows me Byronia is a different thing.

It's not your fault, it's XSEED. The island has a different name in English and Japanese. It's Britannia in Japanese, Byronia in English.

Oo, you're from Gematsu?

Yea, I read the source and it does say that, huh. In that case...

It's &#12302;&#12502;&#12522;&#12458;&#12491;&#12450;&#23798;&#12303;, Hahcima Kikou, not &#12502;&#12522;&#12479;&#12491;&#12450;&#12290;(>_<)

Really? I've seen Japanese wikis with &#12502;&#12522;&#12479;&#12491;&#12450;... lol.
This will be timed exclusive. 100% sure.

If by that you mean "has a chance of coming to PC in the West if we get ports of 1 and 2" then sure. If you mean it's coming to Vita then you didn't look at those screenshots hard enough. This game would have to be significantly downgraded to even run on Vita, let alone at a framerate worth mentioning.

This is a game that was designed for PS4 as the lead system, down porting it would not lead to good things, as we have seen with every other niche developer that had a PS4 lead game and ported it to Vita.


It's not your fault, it's XSEED. The island has a different name in English and Japanese. It's Britannia in Japanese, Byronia in English.

Really? I've seen Japanese wikis with &#12502;&#12522;&#12479;&#12491;&#12450;... lol.

There exists both &#12502;&#12522;&#12458;&#12491;&#12450;&#23798; and &#12502;&#12522;&#12479;&#12491;&#12450;&#23798;.


This will be timed exclusive. 100% sure.

well the last developed falcom game on another console is for super famicom in 1995, and for pc since the first cold steel there's none, could happen yeah, but i don't give 100% chance of happening and even more in the west

I don't know how they can end their games with so much turmoil going on and then almost immediately go back to the status quo of nothing happening for 50 hours. And the battle system is so good too.

That's Trails for you. The slice of life early portions are a big part of the series appeal.


O-oh.... but the one with the Nord statue thing is Byrion right? Lol. Where's the other?
I don't know. Frankly I might be wrong and half of the Japanese internet just typoed exactly the same way. I was just going by search results; I don't actually remember what's in the games.
I will get it, but like disgaea games on console I'm going to wonder when I will have the time...

I'll probably just not aim for doing everything and just play through the game...

Graphics look gorgeous. Love the new battle overlay


So I guess there's no point in continuing the series on vita? I was on the edge debating if I should buy part 2 since 3 might be ps4 only, But now I guess I should stop and consider picking it back up whenever I do get a ps4. I get that it's more practical to move to a more powerful system with a larger audience but this still kinda stings.
So I guess there's no point in continuing the series on vita? I was on the edge debating if I should buy part 2 since 3 might be ps4 only, But now I guess I should stop and consider picking it back up whenever I do get a ps4. I get that it's more practical to move to a more powerful system with a larger audience but this still kinda stings.

Part 2 isn't on the PS4 either. So you'd need to play that on the Vita or PS3.


So no matter what I can't actually have the entire series on one system? What are the chances they do a compliation when the sub-series is over?

well there's the thing, they have done that on vita with trails in the sky, zero and ao

you can play all trails games on vita

but all theses enhanced ports remained on japan only

we can see they doing a ps4 port of 1 and 2, but we should pray for aidios so they bring to west


Unconfirmed Member
So no matter what I can't actually have the entire series on one system? What are the chances they do a compliation when the sub-series is over?

On one hand I think it's a goal that's very in tune with their business strategy for Trails.(Someone that plays one of the new ones being motivated to return to the older ones, so they don't want that to be too hard.)
So at least the motivation is there. On the other hand Falcom doesn't have unlimited resources, but actually very limited ones. So it's going to be very much a question of priorities.

With something like sky(it already is on a lot of platforms in some form) being considerably lower to bring back to PS4 compared to something like CSI+II(Have one saga complete on one system) or Zero/Ao(Having version that they could bring to the west).

And all of that while needing to develop new games. Making it all the more uncertain.
So hard to say what the chances actually are.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Would like to play these games, but then I realize that means spending upwards of a hundred hours playing Trails in the Sky FC and SC...sadly, this franchise may not be meant for me in this lifetime.
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