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Sen no Kiseki III Confirmed to be a PS4 exclusive title

Man i hope the a team is just going to write what they want and need in this so theres no lulls in the texture (and a smaller playable cast). I have faith they will.

[Cultural]Imperial Chronicle - Issue 1

A surprising new trend has been taking place in the Erebonian empire.
A boom of so called "head pat cafés" has taken the country.
Customer's frequent these establishments not only for meals and refreshments but pay an extra fee to receive a head pat from the waiters/waitresses of their choice.
One regular named Mr. A. when asked about the appeal described these places as "soul healing oasis of wonder" before he was taken away by his colleague Mr. R.



Would like to play these games, but then I realize that means spending upwards of a hundred hours playing Trails in the Sky FC and SC...sadly, this franchise may not be meant for me in this lifetime.

They're not that long. FC is like 35 hours and SC is closer to 50. Also half the game time is side quests so if you don't enjoy those you can just run through the main story.


Very strange move, considering how they could get more sales in Japan if it released on Vita :l. I'm not mad honestly, as the screen shots are enough reasoning for why there is no Vita release; it looks great and they want to push the visuals more.

At least they were up front and said 'PS4 Only' right away. Much....MUCH better than what Bandai-Namco pulled with their little 'typo' and 'corrected corrections' for Digimon Next Order.

Maybe a possible Switch version might happen, as they would not want to lose handheld sales in Japan. Hope this move only helps XSEED/Falcom in the long run.


Neo Member
Really am digging what I am seeing here. Unfortunately I fell off of Trails for whatever reason, did enjoy FC a lot and hoping to get into SC at some point. Really do want to play Ao and Zero before I get into the Cold steel series but I have no idea when that is going that happen.


Unconfirmed Member
I like the generic anime look. It's simple and elegant and it looks great here. I'd love for them to go back and give CS I and II a new coat of paint.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.


I didn't realize the jacket in the background of the Rean picture was black. That's interesting. Maybe it is
Crow? Flashback or still alive? I'd be down with seeing how he got Ordine in a flashback maybe.


Unconfirmed Member
They'll make sure to add Elise as a bonding partner too this time.

That time the bonding system saves you from confirming all your worst prejudices because you only have 3 Bonding points to spend on 238712639163 possible characters. All of them more appealing than sating your curiosity.

Unfortunately expect the opposite.

omgfloofy said social elements where present even as far back as Zero :-x

In all seriousness I don't mind the core concept. After all I love it in the Persona games. But it just didn't work for me in Cold Steel and to me it felt like the system was putting weird narrative restrictions ending up with very unbalanced story moments for characters as well as less meaningful character moments.

Don't tell Norton about the typo and that I fucked up the section tagging doing it before the issue number instead of a proper title :-x *goes into hiding*
Ok, something I'm confused about. Will this be coming to PC since there are other trails games on PC? Or is this not related to those? I keep seeing the trails in the sky thread popping up on GAF and was going to take the plunge into the trails series since they where on PC but if this is the next in the series and won't be coming to PC then I guess I shouldn't bother right?

EDIT: Not trying to port beg for real. What I'm saying is that I don't want to start a story and not be able to finish it. Or are all the tales games stand alone? I really know nothing about them. Like I said, I was about to step into the world after I get through a couple other games so at this point I don't have anything invested in it emotionally and it won't be a big deal if I should just write them off to avoid the pain. Thing is, I keep a list of games I'm interested in for steam sales and such and I know that the winter sale is coming up.


Unconfirmed Member
Ok, something I'm confused about. Will this be coming to PC since there are other trails games on PC? Or is this not related to those? I keep seeing the trails in the sky thread popping up on GAF and was going to take the plunge into the trails series since they where on PC but if this is the next in the series and won't be coming to PC then I guess I shouldn't bother right?

PS4 exclusive for now. I don't think PC is out of the equation(given the general Japanese push for steam lately) totally but to be honest probably not the highest on their priority list unless more people by the Sky games on PC?

As for getting into the series. The first two Sky games tell a complete story and are totally worth getting into if you want a fantastic old school JRPG with great characters.

EDIT: Not trying to port beg for real. What I'm saying is that I don't want to start a story and not be able to finish it. Or are all the tales games stand alone? I really know nothing about them. Like I said, I was about to step into the world after I get through a couple other games so at this point I don't have anything invested in it emotionally and it won't be a big deal if I should just write them off to avoid the pain. Thing is, I keep a list of games I'm interested in for steam sales and such and I know that the winter sale is coming up.

Trails is kind of split in sagas.

Trails in the Sky First Chapter and Second Chapter both available on PC tell 1 story.
Trails in the Sky 3rd coming out next year, actually some that has played that should describe it but definitely not mandatory.
Trails of Zero/Azure tell 1 story(have not made it to the west).
Trails of Cold Steel I+II tell 1 story, jury is out on III.

All the games happen in the same world around the same time so some of the characters will appear in other sagas here and there.
And the games hint at a meta narrative happening in the background that's really fun to fully but not necessary to feel satisfied after finishing the games that build 1 story.


Ok, something I'm confused about. Will this be coming to PC since there are other trails games on PC? Or is this not related to those? I keep seeing the trails in the sky thread popping up on GAF and was going to take the plunge into the trails series since they where on PC but if this is the next in the series and won't be coming to PC then I guess I shouldn't bother right?

This is the third game in the third Trails story arc. The first two Sky games (the ones on Steam currently) tell a complete story.
PS4 exclusive for now. I don't think PC is out of the equation(given the general Japanese push for steam lately) totally but to be honest probably not the highest on their priority list unless more people by the Sky games on PC?

As for getting into the series. The first two Sky games tell a complete story and are totally worth getting into if you want a fantastic old school JRPG with great characters.

This is the third game in the third Trails story arc. The first two Sky games (the ones on Steam currently) tell a complete story.

I'll have to check out the first two then. Thanks guys, I love old school RPG's.
could just be timed or console exclusive

Falcom is a pretty small company. Usually the platform they're developing for is the only platform they're developing for.

I think while transitioning from PC to PSP they ported some of their own titles themselves, but generally the license their games and properties out to other companies for ports.


omgfloofy said social elements where present even as far back as Zero :-x
The social elements was nothing like social links. The social elements in zero is basically during a story/side mission with you choose a partner to investigate with or something like splitting up to check tickets.
Excited for this one.nearly finished 2 on vita so will be caught up on the English releases by the time 3 comes out here (need to redo trails in the sky 1 so I can actually do 2 and 3)
I'll spoiler this, just in case.

It's hard to say, since it's a bit blurry, but I think I can just about make out the crest of House Cayenne on one of the flags, so it's indeed a possibility.

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's deliberate on Falcom's part.

So it's safe to assume that's Ordis in the shot


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I can believe that.


I must say, I warmed up to Blusis immediately. Something about dual-wielding swords just gets to me. Tonfa girl... not so much.
I approve of this name.

Blusis and Girl Lloyd.
now that they focus on one platform i hope they can do what they always wanted to do. i play cold steel mainly for battles and music. go all out with addictive gameplay and you will have my super SE money with extra soundtracks purchase.

thank you.
So are they going to release I and II first on PS4 or just assume everyone who wants to play III already had a Vita and played it on there?

Also will Falcom ever allow dual audio in localized releases?


So are they going to release I and II first on PS4 or just assume everyone who wants to play III already had a Vita and played it on there?

Also will Falcom ever allow dual audio in localized releases?
I don't get this. There are tons of series that aren't all on one system. Why are people complaining about this series?


So are they going to release I and II first on PS4 or just assume everyone who wants to play III already had a Vita and played it on there?

Also will Falcom ever allow dual audio in localized releases?
There's the ps3 version too, and playstation now.

I would like a ps4 version even having both games on vita, but unfortunately Falcom is a small Studio, so we can only Hope that they give to another Company to port, and even then pray for the western release.


We don't know.

Based on history, no, but who's to say things won't change in the future now with Falcom considering the Western market more and more in its business decisions.

It'll be interesting to see if Aksys manages to get dual audio for Tokyo Xanadu, since XSEED hasn't been able to so far. Every Aksys release I've ever played has had Japanese audio, so it would be a first if they can't do it this time. At least it'll probably be possible to make an undub using the voice files from the Japanese Vita version if not.


Nice, the game looks really clean. Now where's my Jusis and Millium?

I hope they do away with the bonding system altogether, too.
Not sold on the design on Tonfan and Blusis at the moment, but they're fine. Part of the problem is well... they remind me wayyyy too much of the Nayuta no Kiseki characters.


Repost from Media-Create thread on my exclusivity thoughts.

My thoughts on CS3 being PS4-exclusive:

It is a risk, no doubt to abandon the stability of that extra audience that the Vita market delivers. However, in the same vein, I've always seen Falcom games and especially the Kiseki fanbase to be relatively hardcore fans who have been quite invested in the franchise since the early days of it being on PC, PSP or whenever.

Even though they sell well, none of the Trails games are ever sales record breakers to the point where they are sales that we can safely assume they've captured a healthy number of first-timers/casuals for the franchise.

I don't expect CS3 to sell as well as the average sales for the combined PS3/Vita SKU does for CS1/2, but I for one, expect the sales drop-off from the combined sales to only be around 15-20% leveraging on the assumption that the Kiseki audience are quite hardcore and is willing to invest in a PS4 to play the next installment, and that will be made up by sales in the rest of Asia like Taiwan/Korea that by then, will have a healthy base of PS4 install base.

Ultimately, I commend Falcom for willing to take the risk to evolve the Kiseki franchise into one that is technologically and graphically more advanced as a whole to broaden its appeal and make it more competitive globally, even at the risk of losing a portion of the market that is comfortable with it being more limited for the sake of being on platforms like the Vita.

That being said, I do hope that they will consider bringing their games to platforms like the Switch in the future. I know Falcom has largely been a close partner to PlayStation platforms in exclusivity and they have publishing partnerships in regions like Korea/Taiwan where Sony localises games for them, but it would be cool if they could maintain that and still find a way to bring it to a portable platform that PlayStation is unlikely to have in coming years.

I think a PS4 + Switch future would easily make up for whatever sales loss that not having a Vita SKU will do, since the market would realistically concentrate itself around Switch as the singular hardcore handheld platform.


Not sold on the design on Tonfan and Blusis at the moment, but they're fine. Part of the problem is well... they remind me wayyyy too much of the Nayuta no Kiseki characters.


Repost from Media-Create thread on my exclusivity thoughts.

When was the last time Falcom released a game on a Nintendo console? The original DS? Even then, it was a shitty port from other systems.

EDIT: Oh, I forgot about Ys Strategy. lol.


Gold Member
Wonder if Falcom might port Cold Steel 1 & 2 to PS4 and perhaps Switch as well. It would make sense if they are going to start regretting West more heavily.
When was the last time Falcom released a game on a Nintendo console? The original DS? Even then, it was a shitty port from other systems.

Well, it's not as if Falcom is avoiding other platforms out of spite, but they're a small-ish company that has always been well-served to focus on the platform where a vast majority of their audiences are.

That has the potential to change in the medium term if we assume that Switch will be the defacto platform where all Vita/3DS stragglers migrate to. They'll never abandon the PlayStation since it's where their core fanbase are, but if let's say... 20-25% of the audience that was there due to the portability moves on to Switch, then it might be worth consideration.

Or at least, you know, find a port partner like how Chinese companies port their games to PC.


Well, it's not as if Falcom is avoiding other platforms out of spite, but they're a small-ish company that has always been well-served to focus on the platform where a vast majority of their audiences are.

That has the potential to change in the medium term if we assume that Switch will be the defacto platform where all Vita/3DS stragglers migrate to. They'll never abandon the PlayStation since it's where their core fanbase are, but if let's say... 20-25% of the audience that was there due to the portability moves on to Switch, then it might be worth consideration.

Or at least, you know, find a port partner like how Chinese companies port their games to PC.

Then again, Falcom was getting frustrated with the hardware limitations that were being put on Trails having to make the game Vita/PS3, and some parts of Cold Steel drop down to single digit framerate. Would Switch really be all that much better?
Then again, Falcom was getting frustrated with the hardware limitations that were being put on Trails having to make the game Vita/PS3, and some parts of Cold Steel drop down to single digit framerate. Would Switch really be all that much better?

I don't know. Like I said, it's speculative. For all we know, PS4 successfully maintains the audience Falcom desires from CS1/2 in C3, while growing them globally and Falcom can continue the trajectory of Kiseki being a console-franchise moving forward.

I for one, am not super interested in the lack-of-Vita-SKU fear mongering, but just offering an alternative perspective.


No Vita version is a shame for me as my gaming time is only really on my commute, I guess that's it for me as far as Trails is concerned. Still, it seems fairly understandable why they've done it, those visuals look like a big step forward and the trouble with a long running game series is that occasionally some fans get left behind as platforms rise and fall. Fair play to Falcom for making long-term decisions. Let me at least have YsVIII though :D

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Wonder if Falcom might port Cold Steel 1 & 2 to PS4 and perhaps Switch as well. It would make sense if they are going to start regretting West more heavily.

Looking at the screenshots for this and Ys VIII, I'd gladly rebuy Cold Steel 1 & 2 (and Ys: Celceta...) on PS4. Shit, charge me a full $60. Whatever. Just gimme.

I dunno how much sense it makes, though, particularly if it's a move to target the West. Considering the games just launched on PS3 not that long ago, is there really enough of a market, between double dippers and JRPG fans who didn't already have a PS3 or Vita?


Fuck this.

I want it to be portable. Something the size of this game is really hard to play on the couch. I want to play it in bed in tiny sessions.
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