I think at some point they probably have a plan for massive flashbacks for
Sayid Jonas, Angelica, and how their cluster fell apart. It seems extremely important mythology-wise, since it directly leads to the birth of this cluster we've been following, and they have a connection with Whispers and BPO. It seems pretty obvious I think.
I just wish Whispers wasn't such a corny villain with such a cheeseball "power". He looks like Colonel Sanders, and his superpower is to be able to "connect" with any sensate after they LOOK HIM IN THE EYES. It's Fifth Element tier cheese. Lol.
When they eventually eventually expand the larger mythology, I really hope there are more interesting opposing forces in the mythos. Maybe they can link together the "normal" baddies too. Sun's brother... the drug creep who was into Riley in London... the Superpower leader in Nairobi... they were all far more compelling "villains" than Whispers.