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Sense8 |OT| First there was One, now there are Eight - Netflix - *S1 spoilers*

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I'm about to start the seventh episode...

Someone please tell me it gets better.

When this show works, it's brilliant... but it works so damn rarely.

Is there supposed to be an overarching bad guy?
we haven't seen anything of the people who were trying to capture Angelica... is Nomis doctor working for them?
Your question will be answered very soon. Keep watching.


As for your other complaints, I don't quite understand where you got the idea that
Riley can't drive. Nomi is that one that said she doesn't know how, but I don't remember Riley making the same claim.

Whole season spoilers:
Riley mentioned several times that she doesn't drive any more, I assume since the accident in the mountains. Her dad's friend makes himself available to drive her around for that reason, and she repeatedly tells Will she can't do it when he's telling her she's their only hope to escape Whispers at the end.

It's not a major complaint, I just thought it was a little silly that they had built up that problem with her, only to have her instantly get over it off screen at the last minute. Felt a little like they ran out of time filming and just wrapped it up.


Episode 5. Well that one part was unnecessary! Happy to see that Netflix allows anything to be shown in their shows though, that's pretty cool.


Doesn't the entire premise of a cluster prevent the forming of a leader in the general sense? As in sole decisionmaker to which that usually boils down? They're literally a unit, an organism together. That one will be the brain, another the brawn and another the heart or whatever might happen... (although I really don't like that metaphor). But that doesn't make the head the leader.

And they already circumvented the stereotypical roles as well. The fighting is done by Will, Sun and Wolfgang. But even Kala and Capheus kicked some serious ass while being mostly gentle people.

So I really hope there won't be a leader.


Doesn't the entire premise of a cluster prevent the forming of a leader in the general sense? As in sole decisionmaker to which that usually boils down? They're literally a unit, an organism together. That one will be the brain, another the brawn and another the heart or whatever might happen... (although I really don't like that metaphor). But that doesn't make the head the leader.

And they already circumvented the stereotypical roles as well. The fighting is done by Will, Sun and Wolfgang. But even Kala and Capheus kicked some serious ass while being mostly gentle people.

So I really hope there won't be a leader.

Yes I think a leader will not be an ideal thing. In any case, they can have (whole season spoiler)
a guide and Jonas and the lady that talks with Riley are already playing that role.
So I feel like the odd man out, but does the show maintain the same tone from the first episode? It felt a little TOO Wachowski "this story and these characters are VERY important and dramatic" for me, almost to a cheesy level.

Maybe I just wasn't in the right mindset watching it, but it's made me hesitant to continue. Am I completely off the mark? Or does it actually earn that sort of melodramatic/self-important tone? I'm actually a solid Wachowski fan, so sometimes they can pull it off perfectly, but that first episode felt more like one of their misfires.
So I feel like the odd man out, but does the show maintain the same tone from the first episode? It felt a little TOO Wachowski "this story and these characters are VERY important and dramatic" for me, almost to a cheesy level.

Maybe I just wasn't in the right mindset watching it, but it's made me hesitant to continue. Am I completely off the mark? Or does it actually earn that sort of melodramatic/self-important tone? I'm actually a solid Wachowski fan, so sometimes they can pull it off perfectly, but that first episode felt more like one of their misfires.

It's an extremely hopeful and optimistic show. More in line with Orange than HoC or Daredevil
It has the most creative action scenes we are sure to see this year, well besides mad max I guess. Also the characters definitely develop in ways that acknowledge the pomposity of the first ep
It's an extremely hopeful and optimistic show. More in line with Orange than HoC or Daredevil
It has the most creative action scenes we are sure to see this year, well besides mad max I guess. Also the characters definitely develop in ways that acknowledge the pomposity of the first ep

Bolded is mostly what I was/am hoping for!


Neo Member
Like others here, I really enjoyed the show, despite all its flaws. The show had ambition and felt honest (and not cynical) about its themes and messages. But I really wish for some better writers for the next season.

About the tone of the show - am I alone in thinking that if the characters were younger and there would be less sex and violence, it would make a great show for kids (although we would miss out on the hilarious


Finished the season. Really enjoyed it overall and cant wait for Season 2.

I know the Wachowskis are probably beyond this, but I would love for them to do a straight-forward 90 minute martial arts movie, a la The Raid. The action choreography on this show was so good.

Ep 10/11/12 spoilers
OMG so much baby crowning. Have never seen so many graphic birth shots in succession. Bad idea to watch those over dinner.


Just finished and I absolutely loved it. Took a while to get into gear but the emotional payoff was pretty amazing. Made me almost cry multiple times which os very hard in a movie for me. Perhaps I just identify too much with many of the themes.

The dialogue can get corny, but the actors pick up that material and make it relevant.

Loved the focus on character, even if the action had so much potential (and at times that potential was used, but not often).

Looking forward to season 2!

(Loved it despite its faults is the basically what I am trying to say)
Finished last night. liked the show a lot, I wasn't expecting that "character development" would be the driving force in this show, over story and action. I wasn't expecting to care about the actor guy, but I ended up loving him at the end.

The one thing I don't really understand (Complete series Spoilers)
Why does Whisper want to find/kill all the sense8s? Does he highlander them? Does he just want to make an army of meat puppets? Maybe I missed a line of dialog but it seems he just wants to find/kill more sense8s to find/kill more sense8s from now to forever.


So WTF happened at the end? Did
Will end up being put in a permanent drug induced coma
or something?


The one thing I don't really understand (Complete series Spoilers)
Why does Whisper want to find/kill all the sense8s? Does he highlander them? Does he just want to make an army of meat puppets? Maybe I missed a line of dialog but it seems he just wants to find/kill more sense8s to find/kill more sense8s from now to forever.

So WTF happened at the end? Did
Will end up being put in a permanent drug induced coma
or something?

Whole series spoilers:
If the Whisper man's motivations were explained I missed it. I felt like his story was poorly handled all around. As don't feel like a villain was needed in the story in the first season. I would have left the characters to resolve the non-supernatural problems a few of them were facing, then maybe hint at a larger threat in the finale. But either way, I don't see why he wants to hunt them down.

And Will drugged himself so Whisper Man couldn't see where the 8 were going through him. Seems like a very temporary solution, so hopefully the writers have a way to get around it in mind assuming there's a season 2.


Finished the season earlier today. Overall I really liked it. There's a ton of hilariously bad dialogue, there are very cheesy concepts at play, but I think when it all comes together, it just works. It's a lot like why I think Lost by and large worked, even with the mythos clusterfucks and shit being made up as they went along - because I like watching a scifi series which is a mix of anthology stories about a large cast of diverse characters, tied together by an interesting and weird scifi hook.

My main complaint about the show is that aside from the ~amazing~ dialogue, the narrative itself feels a bit too meticulously "plotted" so to speak. It feels very much like a JMS thing. There are the same elements of it which we've seen in Babylon 5, Rising Stars, Midnight Nation, Book of Lost Souls, The Twelve, etc. In the end everything is so interconnected in both direct and indirect ways that it is impossible to not feel the writer's hand. The entire narrative is crafted to represent specific themes, and the connections are made to specifically allow certain things to happen. It's really artificial and how the pieces fit together is way too clean. But I'm pretty much used to his format by now, so that being my main complaint makes it pretty minor!

I really liked the characters by the end of the season, both the good and the bad they have come to represent. It's really satisfying that they actually bothered to have a climax for the majority of the storylines throughout the season, so at the end it feels conclusive even though there's clearly much more story to tell.

It's a bit ironic (but maybe intentional?) that the main characters which are the driving force for framing the overall season narrative are also the two weakest characters - Will and Riley. It is clear from the way they developed the story arcs that the Will/Riley story arc is the main story arc for the season. But at the same time they're both extremely thin characters and such stereotypical hero/heroine characters that it just feels totally uninteresting watching them. He's the generic nice guy white cop who believes he can make a difference, with a bit too much of a hero driven personality. She's the meek cute girl who has the most unfortunate luck ever, and runs from everything because she believes she is to blame for what happens to others around her. They meet, they fall in love, she gets captured, he rescues her, then he saves her from herself by making her save him. Zzzzzzz?

On the other hand, the rest of the cast really did a ton of heavy lifting over the season to make everything more colorful, interesting, and exciting. Nomi's arc is pretty great, and the way it serves as a backbone to support and complement the Will/Riley arc was great. There's a lot of positive energy in her storyline, and both her escape from the hospital in episode 4 and her escape from the house in episode 8 were fantastic scenes. Lito's storyline was extremely on the nose, but they picked the perfect cast to pull it off. Even when the theme was overbearing, it was still entertaining just to watch him and Hernando get it on. Lol. Shallow, but fun!

Wolfgang, Capheus, and Sun had the most exciting plot lines in the season. Crazy gang stuff, South Korean women's prison, lots of action, good shit. Can't say I was rooting for Wolfgang by the end of his arc though. He just seems like a total psychopath. But I guess it can be useful to have someone like that in a cluster... The way Capheus did the VAN DAMN flying kick with the bus in his final "fight" was amazing. Probably one of the more ridiculous things I've seen in vehicular action, but damn, sogood.gif. The prison stuff with Sun seems inspired by Lady Vengeance, and I'm surprised considering the graphic content in the series as it is, there wasn't any lesbian rape. Maybe something they're saving for season 2? :p They really nailed the tone though. From the women congratulating her when she first got in, the wives talking about how they killed their husbands, the bullying, etc. Loved it.

The cinematography for the show is also fucking amazing. the sweeping scenes of the mountains in Iceland were the most beautiful, but there's also the parade in India, the highway chase in Nairobi, the fireworks in Chicago... stunning stuff.

So yeah, I'm really looking forward to another season of this. Probably the best things JMS has made in many years. It might not be as powerful as Cloud Atlas as far as the Wachowskis go, but for original creations, this is definitely the best thing they've made since The Matrix. Considering how Jupiter Ascending turned out, I wouldn't mind if they just spent the next decade on television instead. Seems to give them the canvas they really need to express their passions and ideas.
On villain motivations
The BPO wanted to protect "the human genome" so I guess they don't want sensates breeding especially with normals. Ofc whispers is a sensate, but the normals at bpo don't really seem to know that. I assume we'll be learning all that next season. Unlike Lost, I'm not too worried about JMS's ability to deliver an explanation. I think we're gonna see a big expansion on the types of clusters, like how the woman thought love should be forbidden but Jonas didn't


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Holy shit. Did they cast that German actor
for the size of his cock?
Unfortunately I think they cast the majority of the show based on physical characteristics.
I imagine most of the casting went like this - "He's perfect for the role, let's cast him. OK now let's see if he can act."


On Ep.2 right now


Hoping to see more of Riemelt as well...not that he's now to being naked in movies :3

Dayum everybody is way too fucking hot in this show lol

@Fuckin hell that package D:

@@What's happening, oh god, based Watchowskis

El Topo


Regarding Wolfgang (Spoilers for Season 1):
I think with Wolfgang they were trying to portray him as a very damaged (psychopathic) person with enormous resentment towards his biological family and he seems unable (or unwilling) for lasting social connections at first, outside of Felix. I think it could be interesting how his character deals with his new family and e.g. how his own experience of revenge shapes Sun's decisions. It's probably also useful for the cluster to have someone who is willing to do what (he thinks) is necessary, not hiding within illusions or lies. He knows what he's done, he knows he's a monster, he's willing to go too far to defend those he cares about.

Did I root for him? I'd say I felt sorry for him in the end.


Regarding Wolfgang (Spoilers for Season 1):
I think with Wolfgang they were trying to portray him as a very damaged (psychopathic) person with enormous resentment towards his biological family and he seems unable (or unwilling) for lasting social connections at first, outside of Felix. I think it could be interesting how his character deals with his new family and e.g. how his own experience of revenge shapes Sun's decisions. It's probably also useful for the cluster to have someone who is willing to do what (he thinks) is necessary, not hiding within the illusion of being a hero.

Did I root for him? I'd say I felt sorry for him in the end.

(Full season spoilers)
Yeah, I agree that he's sympathetic in the sense that he's a product of his environment and he's damaged goods. But I also definitely started to feel "damn this is a bit much isn't it?!" throughout his revenge. He seems self-aware of it though. Especially when he tells Kala why she shouldn't fall for him. Speaking of Sun, I wonder if there'll be a prison break set piece in future, if somehow they find out that she's a sensate. She's a sitting duck in there.

The (106)
mind orgy was RIDICULOUS and, while I appreciate it, went on for about a minute too long

Hahahaha. Yeah, "went on for about a minute too long" is a recurring thing on this show. It's just so passionate and earnest about wanting to just do it when it comes to certain unique ideas, they just don't know when to stop sometimes. There's another sequence at the end of episode 10 that really made me say "wow". I don't know if I really needed to see all that in all that detail, but... wow. :)


Hahahaha. Yeah, "went on for about a minute too long" is a recurring thing on this show. It's just so passionate and earnest about wanting to just do it when it comes to certain unique ideas, they just don't know when to stop sometimes. There's another sequence at the end of episode 10 that really made me say "wow". I don't know if I really needed to see all that in all that detail, but... wow. :)

Another thing this show does (and juxtaposed with a show I was watching out of necessity that did the exact opposite) was HOW LONG the scenes go on for. They never really cut out early. Sometimes it's nice -- the scene with Sun and Riley in 106 was a good example of that, but sometimes you wonder if having a 42 minute time constraint might be better for the show.
Hahahaha. Yeah, "went on for about a minute too long" is a recurring thing on this show. It's just so passionate and earnest about wanting to just do it when it comes to certain unique ideas, they just don't know when to stop sometimes. There's another sequence at the end of episode 10 that really made me say "wow". I don't know if I really needed to see all that in all that detail, but... wow. :)
The 1x06 scene I was fine with the length (hey-ooo) but I agree about the scene in 1x10. They could of abbreviated that. They uh, really got up in there at some points...


Another thing this show does (and juxtaposed with a show I was watching out of necessity that did the exact opposite) was HOW LONG the scenes go on for. They never really cut out early. Sometimes it's nice -- the scene with Sun and Riley in 106 was a good example of that, but sometimes you wonder if having a 42 minute time constraint might be better for the show.

Speaking of constrains... I read that originally the season they sold to Netflix was a 10 episode deal. But when they started shooting it, it started to run way over runtime, and the Wachowskis went back to Netflix and negotiated for 12 episodes instead. Lol.


Speaking of constrains... I read that originally the season they sold to Netflix was a 10 episode deal. But when they started shooting it, it started to run way over runtime, and the Wachowskis went back to Netflix and negotiated for 12 episodes instead. Lol.

I'm of the opinion that time constraints are generally a good thing for TV, since it requires to cut a lot of fat. But yeah, that is what happened. I bet their season 2 pickup will also be for 12.


I made it through two episodes and find this show extremely boring and a chore to watch. Does it change soon? I think my expectations of this show were in the wrong place. A friend told me creators of Matrix and I assumed things, which was a mistake.

There's a scene between the Indian girl and her suitor, where he does this dance and suddenly he has backup dancers, and then her and some more backup dancers join in. I've never cringed harder at a show before. It was so painful.

El Topo

(Full season spoilers)
Yeah, I agree that he's sympathetic in the sense that he's a product of his environment and he's damaged goods. But I also definitely started to feel "damn this is a bit much isn't it?!" throughout his revenge. He seems self-aware of it though. Especially when he tells Kala why she shouldn't fall for him. Speaking of Sun, I wonder if there'll be a prison break set piece in future, if somehow they find out that she's a sensate. She's a sitting duck in there.

(Full season spoilers)
There's that moment of hesitation, when he comes back and finds his uncle injured and without ammunition. Then he deliberately takes the final step from action movie hero to monster. Before that, especially the shooting in Episode 10 (where he pulls out the panzerfaust), it's completely over the top, see e.g. Lito's reaction to said shooting in Episode 10.

I'm sure we'll have a prison break set piece. There's too much potential to not do it.


I made it through two episodes and find this show extremely boring and a chore to watch. Does it change soon? I think my expectations of this show were in the wrong place. A friend told me creators of Matrix and I assumed things, which was a mistake.

There's a scene between the Indian girl and her suitor, where he does this dance and suddenly he has backup dancers, and then her and some more backup dancers join in. I've never cringed harder at a show before. It was so painful.

It depends on what you expect from the Wachowskis. If you're looking for a big scifi conspiracy plot or cool action sequences with gun fights, martial arts, and car chases, you won't be getting a ton of that in the first 2/3 of the series. There'll be a few drops of it, but the majority is character driven stuff showcasing different cultures, lives, and connecting relationships. In the last 1/3 of the series... you'll get all the other stuff. :p

Cloud Atlas is a much better comparison than Matrix honestly. It's an "emotion" driven show rather than a pure "entertainment" driven show. The rave scene in Matrix Reloaded with Neo and Trinity having sex through it is probably the closest tone in the Matrix Trilogy to compare with this show.


I made it through two episodes and find this show extremely boring and a chore to watch. Does it change soon? I think my expectations of this show were in the wrong place. A friend told me creators of Matrix and I assumed things, which was a mistake.

There's a scene between the Indian girl and her suitor, where he does this dance and suddenly he has backup dancers, and then her and some more backup dancers join in. I've never cringed harder at a show before. It was so painful.

That scene was fully staged by her fiancee to resemble a Bollywood movie scene.
And you'd be surprised by how many average Indian people can dance Bollywood, even into their 50s. Believe me, I have been to a Punjabi wedding and seen it with my own eyes, it's fucking MADNESS. Like, black people can shut up about white people having no rhythm, because they're getting schooled on the regular by Indian people.


Why are the opening credits so bad for a concept like this? I can think of five or six good minute long concepts for this shows' opening. Stupid.
I'm finding the plotting kind of glacial and also pretty silly in places, but at the same time the cast is so completely adorable, the
scene in particular was super sweet. So I'll keep watching for this season.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I just finished episode 10. That piano concert was gorgeous.

just watched it, beautifully done
although im
not quite sure what that last one was. Obviously it was her mum dieing but I dont get what came immediately before if we had already seen her birth
just watched it, beautifully done
although im
not quite sure what that last one was. Obviously it was her mum dieing but I dont get what came immediately before if we had already seen her birth
That's not what that was. Keep watching.


just watched it, beautifully done
although im
not quite sure what that last one was. Obviously it was her mum dieing but I dont get what came immediately before if we had already seen her birth

It's something else, you'll find out by the end of the series.


I would like to see the Wachowskis stay on TV. Gives them a chance to do some worldbuilding over many years. Especially after Jupiter Ascending, which might be the worst thing I see this year, i think they needed this show.
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