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September Wrasslin |OT| Team WWF vs. The World

IVPVideos have a new FREE puroresu sampler for download;


  • Dynamite Kid vs. Tiger Mask
  • Big Van Vader vs. Stan Hansen
  • The Great Muta vs. Hulk Hogan
  • Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero) vs. Jushin 'Thunder' Liger
  • Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Takeshi Morishima & Mohammed Yone
  • Kenta Kobashi, Mitsuharu Misawa & Jun Akiyama vs. Steve Williams, Big Bubba & Richard Slinger
  • Jun Kasai & Jaki Numazawa vs. Takashi Sasaki & Yuko Miyamoto vs. Ryuji Ito & Abdullah Kobayashi - Fluorescent Light Tube Death Match
  • Aja Kong & Bull Nakano vs, Manami Toyota & Toshiyo Yamada
  • Bryan Danielson & James Gibson vs. Jado & Gedo
  • Prince Devitt vs. Kota Ibushi

If you've never bothered to check out Japanese wrestling before, here's a great introduction. Lot of good matches there, covering a wide variety of Japanese wrestling.


more money than God
Here's some matches from one of my favorite promotions ever, FMW

Vader vs. Shamrock: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHRzolr8FsU
Cactus Jack vs. Wing, deathmatch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCtB14LZNAQ
Hayabusa vs. Tanaka: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xN5X4Z7g7cI
Hayabusa vs. Sasuke: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3zNt6Rv4aM
Hayabusa vs. Jushin Liger: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5cy3eQhgLc&feature=related
Huge tag team match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAiCh2I198I
Hayabusa vs. Fake Hayabusa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7bS_nXDVZI


more money than God
Bootaaay & Soulplaya, what would be your ideal Supercard if you could build it up with any wrestler from the last 20/30 years?
It would be hard for me to say, because I really haven't kept up with wrestling outside of the WWE for the past five years or so, and my dream card would mainly consist of matches that have already happened, but if we're talking just a straight 8 match card of guys in their prime, these are what I think would make the best matches.

Opener: Juventud vs. Ultimo Dragon
Bruiser Brody vs. Carlos Colon
Muta vs. Jushin Liger
Hayabusa vs. Misawa
Tanaka vs. Mike Awesome
RVD vs. Jerry Lynn
Kane vs. Undertaker (I still say their 98 matches are the best big man matches I've ever seen)
Main event: Harley Race vs. Dusty Rhodes

It's not necessarily the best wrestlers ever, but it's a somewhat realistic card that isn't filled with huge names. I would love to include Stone Cold, Bret Hart, and HBK, but that would get a bit ridiculous, as 8 matches is a lot, anyway. A cruiserweight fight is always a good opener, and it slowly builds up to the main event.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Bootaaay & Soulplaya, what would be your ideal Supercard if you could build it up with any wrestler from the last 20/30 years?

Hmm! This is neat. 10 matches on the card, pick the year of the wrestlers and if there's a gimmick. Build the Ultimate Supercard!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Apparently G-Fex is black: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zwo5q-AlGAY#t=1m05s

Figured he was a 15-year old pimple-faced suburban white kid.
How do you people find this shit?
Jeff Hardy news:

So it seems James Storm didn't win because Hardy is more popular and they wanted to keep him happy. I wonder if it's worth it to put the title on Hardy just to try to keep him when it seems he wants to go back to the WWE to get back all the money he lost due to his legal problems.
Ugh, Hardy promos.
Well Punk is, dunno about hardy.
*Clip of Punk telling person he doesn't have a mic "you dumb bitch"*
*Clip of Punk telling person they have a vagina*


Cena is getting worked up on twitter, saying he is definitely out for 6 weeks. Probably wants to make those odds even more insurmountable at Hell in a Cell.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
Funny about that show. HBK closed the show with the European Championship over the WWE title match between Bret-Taker. I'm guessing Bulldog played a big part in that, too.

Crowd there loved Owen, good stuff.

I like the switch they make when they realise Owen is the Face and Vader is the Heel.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Well I did some work and I'm pretty satisfied how my SuperCard came out. Ten matches. Let's do this. I purposefully stuck with only WWF and WCW, and didn't include any others, or this would be, oh, yknow, huge and impossible to manage.

Match 1 - Opener Rick Martel - (1988) vs. Saturn (1997)
For an opener I think I'd really like this match - I loved what Martel was doing in 88 and Saturn, fresh out of ECW at the time and in Raven's Flock, was impressing me. I think they'd put on a heck of a match.

Match 2 - The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase (1987) vs. Disco Inferno (1999)
Disco Fever! Disco Fever! These two would likely have wonderful chemistry in-ring together - Disco, for being a muppet, was a very capable wrestler and DiBiase was an excellent mat technician. With DiBiase as the straight man to Disco's antics, this one would be a match I'd love to see.

Match 3 - Mr. Perfect (1991) vs. Cody Rhodes (2011)
Disfigured-Cody would be a great fit, an antithesis to what Mr. Perfect was in 1991. Plus, you know both of those can REALLY wrestle.

Match 4 - The Legion of Doom (1991) vs. The Acolytes (1999) in a No-DQ Match
This is a guilty pleasure - I loved the LoD in 91 - they felt larger than life and bigger than the Road Warriors had been. Pair them with the Acolytes at their most demonic for a brutal and fun match. It'll need to be no-DQ so the LoD can no-sell everything.

Match 5 - Kanyon (1997) vs. Jake Roberts (1987)
Jake's simplicity is his greatest strength - he could make fairly run of the mill moves look devastating. Put him against the Innovator of Offense and you'll get a great, creative match that should make both look incredible by the end.

Match 6 - Batista (2010) vs. Larry Zybyszko (1991)
I love Batista, and you know this - but I also really liked Larry back in the early 90s. While this may be seen as a squash, Larry could REALLY play a dastardly heel here. The only problem is that I'm putting 2 heels against each other, but that might be because I feel like Batista is a face when he isn't.

Match 7 - Alex Wright (1997) vs. Bret Hart (1992)
To be honest, I just want to watch these two work. Wright is not so green at this point, and Hart's expert touch could make this a technical match to remember, with Wright hitting the high spots.

Match 8 - Big Van Vader w/Harley Race (1993) vs. Mark Henry (2012) in a Steel Cage Match
I'm not big on gimmick matches with big men, but Mark Henry has shown in the past that he can really make a cage match work. Put the Hall of Pain Henry in with Big Van Vader, one of the most athletic big men in the business, and watch a hard hitting match with some surprising spots by Vader - ending when both of them just bottom out the ring slamming each other.

Match 9 - Razor Ramon (1993) vs. Arn Anderson (1987) in a Scaffold Match
I really love Arn Anderson, and when Razor was going on his ascent to the top, not literally. AA could bring out the best in Razor and would make him a star. A star!

Match 10 - Main Event - Sid Justice (1992) vs. Randy Savage (1989) vs. Sting (1998) in a Triple Threat Match
Making this match a triple threat, with Sting in the midst of his character revival and Savage in one of his best eras, and Sid when he was strong and over, well...that's all I ever wanted.


Heh at Cena's twitter and him ragging on the WWE website

Some #jackwagon from @wwe dotcom apparently posted me recovering in 14 days. I spoke in depth with my surgeon Dr James Andrews And he specifically told me due to the amount of fragmentation, SIX WEEKS is a safer time table for recovery. I apologize on behalf of a Website whos credibility is now equal to #theonion please @wwe web guys, get your monkey frankin facts straight! You folks have my word i will try my best to get healthy as quick as i can, and im sure i wont stay away from #raw but as of now...I am supposed to lay low for SIX WEEKS. I will send surgery photos and video to @wwe so they can see how bad it really was. I am also sure that if @wwe took a second to reach out to the actual surgeon, that Dr Andrews would gladly comment. #internetmalpractice. Ok, im now off the soap box and back to being just a one armed man. Enjoy your day.

So I guess Big Show gets the HIAC spot since hes replacing Cena on house shows after his vacation is over?

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
He won't miss Survivor Series.

He'll be back 2 weeks before the PPV.

Wonder if they will shove him in against Punk there.

Well I guess that's assuming he actually takes any time off.
Wow, he was pretty pissed at WWE.COM

Of course, this is the first break that he's actually going to stick to (even if he's still going to go to RAW). He probably doesn't want people bombarding his twitter page or whatever angrily demanding that he should Rise Above Medical Science. I'm sure he has a bunch of stuff planned out during his down time, too; books to read, tail to chase, etc.


Dr. James Andrews get's to diagnose so many athletes... damn.

Anyway, John Cena is out for 6 monkey frankin weeks!

Kane and Bryan should DEFINITELY get a HIAC match.


Dr. James Andrews get's to diagnose so many athletes... damn.

Anyway, John Cena is out for 6 monkey frankin weeks!

Kane and Bryan should DEFINITELY get a HIAC match.

They say 6 weeks so it'll be surprising when Cena recovers in 4. Just in time for the Hell in a Cell PPV.


They say 6 weeks so it'll be surprising when Cena recovers in 4. Just in time for the Hell in a Cell PPV.

6 weeks? You mean he can't wrestle for 6 weeks. There's nothing stopping him from showing up on RAW in some backstage segments or standing in the ring spewing his usual jibber-jabber.

Or worse... via satellite.

John Cena via satellite for six weeks confirmed.


Who the fuck is going to be in Punk's program at HIAC? There are no over babyfaces that could take Cena's spot. I'd like to see Punk/Bryan, but Bryan is obviously preoccupied with the whole tag team thing.

Maybe Punk/Del Rio? two heels! ugh.

I'm totally expecting Cena via satellite every week.


They say 6 weeks so it'll be surprising when Cena recovers in 4. Just in time for the Hell in a Cell PPV.

Cena will overcome the odds and actually return in 2 weeks like the wwe writer said he would.

Who the fuck is going to be in Punk's program at HIAC? There are no over babyfaces that could take Cena's spot. I'd like to see Punk/Bryan, but Bryan is obviously preoccupied with the whole tag team thing.

Maybe Punk/Del Rio? two heels! ugh.

I'm totally expecting Cena via satellite every week.




Who the fuck is going to be in Punk's program at HIAC? There are no over babyfaces that could take Cena's spot. I'd like to see Punk/Bryan, but Bryan is obviously preoccupied with the whole tag team thing.

Maybe Punk/Del Rio? two heels! ugh.

I'm totally expecting Cena via satellite every week.

Easy, Punk/Orton. They can easily end his fued with Ziggler (having him win over Zigs at NoC was fucking retarded, btw) and shoehorn him into a Punk fued. Then if Orton really is taking time off for a WWE film, just build up Punk's credibility by having him "knock Orton out of action." Should be easy, but we know nothing comes easy for the WWE...
Who the fuck is going to be in Punk's program at HIAC? There are no over babyfaces that could take Cena's spot. I'd like to see Punk/Bryan, but Bryan is obviously preoccupied with the whole tag team thing.

Sheamus. Let them do an exhibition match, build it around Punk claims to being the true best and walking out on their match a few weeks back. Let Punk win at HIAC with some sort of craftiness, then have the two of them lead teams at Survivor Series.

When Survivor Series rolls around have someone on the Sheamus team taken out ahead of the match, but replaced by a returning John Cena. Let someone on the Punk team eliminate Sheamus to set up the WHC match at TLC and let John Cena be one of the Survivors to set up Punk/Cena at TLC.

Alternative to the SS idea would be to have Dolph cash in after the Hell in a Cell match.
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