why didnt you just say three zombies?So she fucks a zombie and two other zombies?
why didnt you just say three zombies?So she fucks a zombie and two other zombies?
Raw seemed really long. It felt like they were struggling to fill time. But that ending was one of the best endings to a show in a long, long time.
Bryan/Kane hugging was fun. I thought Bryan was going to burst out laughing at one point.
When Vicki was yelling at her, AJ's face looked beautiful. I mean she is always beautiful ,but wow.
The main event was really fun as well. Not boring like I expected.
Why the hell did Kaitlyn lose? Triple Threat? Slater/Ryder match but no Sandow or Clay? Weird stuff.
No pedigrees :'(Post-Raw report:
Posted? I don't really care.
I greatly enjoy these. Maybe one day Daniel can come out with a list of all the Mr. _______ titles he holds.
http://www.wwnlive.com/event-evolve-09-08-12.html - from just $9.99 - bell-time; 5PM EST
Main Event, Tie-Breaker Match;
El Generico vs Samuray Del Sol
Grudge Match;
Ricochet vs AR Fox
Six-Man Tag Team Action;
Rich Swann & The Super Smash Brothers vs Chuck Taylor, Drew Gulak & Orange Cassidy
Special Challenge Match;
Sami Callihan vs MASADA
Non-Title Match;
Johnny Gargano vs Jon Davis
Special Attraction Match;
Jigsaw vs Lince Dorado
SHINE Showcase Match;
Christina von Eerie vs Marti Belle
D.U.F. vs The Scene;
Pinkie Sanchez vs Caleb Konley or Scott Reed
http://www.wwnlive.com/event-czw-09-08-12.html - from just $9.99 - bell-time 8PM EST
CZW World Heavyweight Championship
MASADA (c) vs El Generico
Chri$ Ca$h Memorial Ladder Match - Title Unification - Both Titles are on the Line
CZW World Jr Heavyweight Champion A.R. FOX vs CZW Wired TV Champion Dave Crist
CZW World Tag Team Championship
Danny Havoc & Devon Moore (c) vs Mr. Tofiga & Alexander James
Sami Callihan & Jake Crist vs The Super Smash Brothers
Rematch from Tangled Web
Rich Swann vs Shane Strickland
Fallout from the Break Up of BLK OUT
4Locos' Alex Colon vs Blk-Out's Ruckus
Chri$ Ca$h Opportunity Match
Pepper Parks vs Kekoa
So what'd I miss?
How the fuck is CZW still around? It's been around longer than ECW and will surpass WCW if it lasts to the end of the year. What the fuck?
Let me guess, Daniel Bryan?
This.. x1000...
Well.. uh.. damn..
Too easy.
There's always money marks willing to buy promotions like this - in CZW's case, Zandig sold-up to DJ Hyde, a shitty wrestler and worse booker who puts himself over at every opportunity. Even more perplexing is how Ian Rotten got a bunch of fans to buy IWA-MS and then hire Rotten as the head-booker!
Too easy.
You know it.Brazzers?
There was still a segment where people who watch this show voted for two grown men to hug.
Guess what won?
Also, Punk walked out on a Champion vs Champion match against Sheamus because he didn't want to curtain jerk at 8 o'clock, took a vacation day and left the arena by car.
Miz was on commentary with Cole most of the night because Punk beat up King before the show. Totally sucked at first, but was really good by the end.
Cena and Del Rio actually had a damned good falls count anywhere match at the end of the show. Del Rio won when the match went backstage and Punk interfered by kicking Cena in the dome out of nowhere.
Punk then got back to the car, held up his title, and the car slowly drove past Cena's unconscious form, revealing the driver to be...
Paul Fucking Heyman.
There was still a segment where people who watch this show voted for two grown men to hug.
There was still a segment where people who watch this show voted for two grown men to hug.
you're really hating on one of the best segments on the show?
To be fair, it was extremely drawn out. As was the Vickie/AJ segment, and the opening promo where Sheamus talked in circles about nothing. I skipped a ton but I'm betting other segments were drawn out as well. This is where the 3 hour running time hurts The Product™. Even if they were putting on 10/10 shows every week, 3 hours is too much.
Sheamus being shook by the crowd to the point where he couldn't hold his character was the best part of the show.
Wise words from the WWE Universe.CM Punk should be fined indefinitely for assaulting Jerry 'The King' Lawler and John Cena and Vickie Guerrero should be indefinitely fined or suspended indefinitely for slapping RAW GM AJ Lee twice and I wish she was permanently fired from WWE forever
Wise words from the WWE Universe.
Does that mean you just take all of his income, all his savings, his pension, etc, even his insurance money?
The markier fans of wrestling are so very fickle, it's pretty funny. If Cena turned heel it would probably take two weeks before they'd all turned on him and declared him the "worst person in the would indefinitely" despite his seven years of being the good guy.
The markier fans of wrestling are so very fickle, it's pretty funny. If Cena turned heel it would probably take two weeks before they'd all turned on him and declared him the "worst person in the would indefinitely" despite his seven years of being the good guy.