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Shadowrun Returns |OT| Never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.


Seeing as they're not only making the Berlin campaign but also going hogwild on some crazy golem board/tablet game kickstarter I think they probably feel very financially secure.

They haven't even participated in any steam sales yet to goose movement again and they'll get another bump when Berlin comes in, not to mention the eventual inclusion in a Humble Bundle. I'd say harebrained is doing alright.

Really enjoyed the game but I picked a decker as, come on, they're unique to shadowrun!, and man they suck. I had to go heavy into rigging in order to salvage my stupid high int score and make it useful in real combat. In the few matrix sequences that did come up though I was godly and steamrolling everything like it was nothing.

Combat strategy did come down to half my team buffing the other half who become 99% accurate death dealers. At least deckers get that mark target skill which is really useful.
Does anyone know if Harebrained is going to be producing any content post-Berlin? Say like a Denver DLC? Or is it all going to be tossed to the community then?


Copy ?
Sprititual successor ?
Addon ?


No, it's Incongnita.
New game made by Klei who made the indie game : Don't starve.
So much originality in this new game that I though it was Shadowruns return, wasn't it ?


finally got around to playing the game, story was a mess in the last third but the writing was generally quite good and I really enjoyed the gameplay. Looking forward to the Berlin campaign


Copy ?
Sprititual successor ?
Addon ?


No, it's Incongnita.
New game made by Klei who made the indie game : Don't starve.
So much originality in this new game that I though it was Shadowruns return, wasn't it ?
uh what are you talking about dude

different gameplay
different art style

tactical turn-based games that use grids have existed for over two decades, seriously what are you talking about


uh what are you talking about dude

different gameplay
different art style

tactical turn-based games that use grids have existed for over two decades, seriously what are you talking about
This might be drawing more attention because the colors and visual style can look kind of similar. I imagine they may try to differentiate later on though.


This might be drawing more attention because the colors and visual style can look kind of similar. I imagine they may try to differentiate later on though.

first time I hear someone complain about this

they're both unique games with their own identities.


Sigh...dammit. Ever since I learned of this title I had wondered if it would appear on the PS4: It'll take a miracle...:

I then asked if we could ever expect to see Shadowrun Returns on PS4, given Sony’s aggressive approach to scooping up indie developers with its open approach. He simply replied, “It would take a change in our licensing agreement with Microsoft,” suggesting the brand is – in some way – still tied up with Microsoft after FASA’s Shadowrun FPS release in 2007.
(source: http://www.vg247.com/2013/05/13/shadowrun-returns-capturing-the-tabletop-vibe/)

PC it most certainly is ;).


The Kickstarter for Shadowrn returns had a hilarious little chart that gives an overview of the convoluted mess that is the licensing of ShadowRun.

But basically MS owns Shadowrun so obviously they're not going to let anyone make a PS4 game with the license.
just started this on an ipad2.5 (weird release that was a 3 but then they changed it right after ) performance is ok. it runs a little slow but not bad. I am here for the story mostly anyways.
I did? Hmm...thought I just learned that tonight. Tsk, oh well......

Microsoft bought all of FASA Interactive's game rights lock-stock a long time ago, primarily for the MechWarrior brand. Shadowrun and a few other IPs came part-and-parcel with it (Crimson Skies, I believe? I suppose they also technically own Earthdawn's video game IP, for whatever that's worth.), and while Microsoft hasn't shown a great deal of interest in leveraging those brands, they haven't ever repackaged and sold any of the IPs.

To their credit, it was nice of them to finally admit they had no intention of doing a new Shadowrun RPG and letting someone else take the reigns. I'm not sure it really excuses them for leaving the door wide open for new IPs to crowd them out of the mecha space (Titanfall, Hawken, etc. all), but maybe I'm overvaluing the MechWarrior brand identity.
Microsoft bought all of FASA Interactive's game rights lock-stock a long time ago, primarily for the MechWarrior brand. Shadowrun and a few other IPs came part-and-parcel with it (Crimson Skies, I believe? I suppose they also technically own Earthdawn's video game IP, for whatever that's worth.), and while Microsoft hasn't shown a great deal of interest in leveraging those brands, they haven't ever repackaged and sold any of the IPs.

To their credit, it was nice of them to finally admit they had no intention of doing a new Shadowrun RPG and letting someone else take the reigns. I'm not sure it really excuses them for leaving the door wide open for new IPs to crowd them out of the mecha space (Titanfall, Hawken, etc. all), but maybe I'm overvaluing the MechWarrior brand identity.

Don't forget about MechWarrior Online - http://mwomercs.com/.

There's a nice shoutout to Microsoft right at the bottom of the page.


Hory shit, guys, I got my limited edition box and anthology tonight and the shit just balls out of control. It's beautiful! Really sturdy thick cardboard box sort of like puzzles come in and really nicely constructed hardcover book. Everything is fucking great. Pictures in a sec


Hory shit, guys, I got my limited edition box and anthology tonight and the shit just balls out of control. It's beautiful! Really sturdy thick cardboard box sort of like puzzles come in and really nicely constructed hardcover book. Everything is fucking great. Pictures in a sec

Wish I'd had the money at the time. Total envy.
Just started playing this. How do you even play as Decker? It seems so complicated... I'm thinking of just starting over and choose Street Samurai instead.


Deckers don't have tons to do in this first campaign. I rolled my usual shaman\decker mix and the sparse decking missions and the few optional decking side missions made me feel like I wasted an essence point for a cyberjack.

Decking still looks cool though, and it seems fleshed out, but there's simply not enough of it. You need to buy a deck and buy programs and AIs, and if you have a deck on you, you will see the uplinks that let you jack in. Mainly unlocking doors or deactivating turrets or something. it's just like combat, except in cyberspace. There are 2 missions where good decking is vital, but since I was a crappy decker, it's good that the rest of my team were hot shit, combat-wise.


Did they ever mention Android and did they fix/or add a better checkpoint,save system...?been tempted to grab this since it came out...


Did they ever mention Android and did they fix/or add a better checkpoint,save system...?been tempted to grab this since it came out...

they've been looking into it, so it's a possibility they'll change the saving system, but for now it's same as ever

it's really bad but at the same time it doesn't inconvenience nearly you as much as you'd think, at least on normal


Just started playing this. How do you even play as Decker? It seems so complicated... I'm thinking of just starting over and choose Street Samurai instead.

Best way to make Deckers work is to make them Riggers as well so your high INT score goes to something that's actually useful in combat and make heavy use of your Mark Target skill so that you buff your teammates and drone to do the actual killing. It's kinda painful all the way through but Karma comes so easily that you'll be able to put points into both Decking and Rigging without much of a problem. Don't expect your main character to do almost any direct damage though from mid way through the game to the end.

There's only a few missions where you can actually go into Cyberspace and the game always gives you a companion to go along with you to take care of that stuff. As a decently leveled decker you'll feel like a Neo when you're in there as a result.

It's obvious the game wasn't meant to be played as a Decker which is a huge shame as they're the most iconic part of Shadowrun. You can still make it work though as the combat in the game isn't hard. (There's a few levels in there that are basically puzzles though).
So I just downloaded the game, and Im really enjoying the atmosphere. However, Im afrid to acutally save a charcter because Im not understanding how the Karma system works. I want to be a mage, or a adept. However, when I go down to wisdom for spells I dont see a tree that fits me. How can I ensure that I'll be able to cast offensive magic or how can I see what magic tree Im going down? Its the same with the adept, I understand he has a Chi tree. But he is also suppose to be good in unarmed combat, right? I dont see a tree like that for him
So, they released a Kickstarter update saying that a big 1.1 patch is coming that will bring some of the improvements from the Berlin campaign. They have a beta tester version of the game up on Steam now too.

Also, they said they have made significant progress on fixing the save system. The code is in place, and they're now testing/polishing before releasing it.

So, it looks like the save system will get fixed.


So, they released a Kickstarter update saying that a big 1.1 patch is coming that will bring some of the improvements from the Berlin campaign. They have a beta tester version of the game up on Steam now too.

Also, they said they have made significant progress on fixing the save system. The code is in place, and they're now testing/polishing before releasing it.

So, it looks like the save system will get fixed.

yay! That's really kept me from actually starting my copy of the game.


yay! That's really kept me from actually starting my copy of the game.

It shouldn't, it really isn't that big a deal. I can only think of one level in particular where it's a pain in the neck; the last one. The levels are brief enough where their save states are more than adequate, I think.


So I just downloaded the game, and Im really enjoying the atmosphere. However, Im afrid to acutally save a charcter because Im not understanding how the Karma system works. I want to be a mage, or a adept. However, when I go down to wisdom for spells I dont see a tree that fits me. How can I ensure that I'll be able to cast offensive magic or how can I see what magic tree Im going down? Its the same with the adept, I understand he has a Chi tree. But he is also suppose to be good in unarmed combat, right? I dont see a tree like that for him

I didn't play a mage or adept but I"m pretty sure that there is no 'tree' of spells Diablo style.You buy spells from vendors with cash and you're just upgrading your effectiveness in using them and maybe the level of spell that you can use by upgrading your character.


I put about 3 hours into the game so far, and I'm really liking it. I picked Decker and really haven't done anything for that role, but I just got the description of the Matrix stuff and I'm a little overwhelmed. Maybe when I actually see that stuff it'll make more sense.

The only thing that is kind of frustrating so far is that the game doesn't seem to recognize input (mostly clicking) like 25% of the time, requiring me to click again. Is this happening to everyone?


So, they released a Kickstarter update saying that a big 1.1 patch is coming that will bring some of the improvements from the Berlin campaign. They have a beta tester version of the game up on Steam now too.

Also, they said they have made significant progress on fixing the save system. The code is in place, and they're now testing/polishing before releasing it.

So, it looks like the save system will get fixed.

So it's been two weeks. Any update? Hvae they fixed this yet?


So it's been two weeks. Any update? Hvae they fixed this yet?

I really hope they fix this for the berlin campaign and for the ugc content. I ve been playing most of the ugc and there are some levels with big fights and options that take about an hour without saving. Extremely frustrating when someone lands a lucky crit and you have to do it all over again (and no i dont).


I really hope they fix this for the berlin campaign and for the ugc content. I ve been playing most of the ugc and there are some levels with big fights and options that take about an hour without saving. Extremely frustrating when someone lands a lucky crit and you have to do it all over again (and no i dont).
Life on a Lamb did this to me with a really long highway section. Other user made shadowruns screw up in the other direction by having short meaningless scenes too often.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
So, I picked this up to play again. I think I left off about 3-4 missions in.

I'm in the hallway to my safehouse, and I go in and use the closet. I forgot how terrible the UI for the game is, and I fail to put on the correct clothes like 5 times in a row until I realize I need to click on the picture of the clothes for the bottom button to work.

Then, I go to my dresser, and I now have 5 duplicated sets of clothes in my stash... due to me "putting back" clothes I wasn't wearing. Hmmm... well, that should have been caught by QA.

Anyhow, the only thing in my dresser is a deck, so I head out the door. Before I get out the door, there is a thing at the bottom of the screen that says "I BETTER GET MY GUN FROM MY DRESSER BEFORE I LEAVE". Seeing how I had already had my gun before I went into the safehouse, and there was no gun in the dresser, I leave anyways.

I wander around the streets, and the only two places I can go are into the shanty mall or the bar. The bartender has a dialog icon over him, but clicking it does nothing. There is a staircase in the mall, but if I try to go up it the guy yells at me and says it's closed. I've talked to every merchant in the mall as well, and all they are doing is selling stuff.

WTF am I supposed to do now? I have no quest (under my quest it says soimething like "MEAN STREETS- Gangs fight over the mean streets"... just some description text of the area I'm in).

That's it. I think it's bugged?
So, I picked this up to play again. I think I left off about 3-4 missions in.

I'm in the hallway to my safehouse, and I go in and use the closet. I forgot how terrible the UI for the game is, and I fail to put on the correct clothes like 5 times in a row until I realize I need to click on the picture of the clothes for the bottom button to work.

Then, I go to my dresser, and I now have 5 duplicated sets of clothes in my stash... due to me "putting back" clothes I wasn't wearing. Hmmm... well, that should have been caught by QA.

Anyhow, the only thing in my dresser is a deck, so I head out the door. Before I get out the door, there is a thing at the bottom of the screen that says "I BETTER GET MY GUN FROM MY DRESSER BEFORE I LEAVE". Seeing how I had already had my gun before I went into the safehouse, and there was no gun in the dresser, I leave anyways.

I wander around the streets, and the only two places I can go are into the shanty mall or the bar. The bartender has a dialog icon over him, but clicking it does nothing. There is a staircase in the mall, but if I try to go up it the guy yells at me and says it's closed. I've talked to every merchant in the mall as well, and all they are doing is selling stuff.

WTF am I supposed to do now? I have no quest (under my quest it says soimething like "MEAN STREETS- Gangs fight over the mean streets"... just some description text of the area I'm in).

That's it. I think it's bugged?
I don't remember anything like that in the official campaign. Are you playing a mod?
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