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Shirtless FF League : Shirts are for squares.


I am preparing a concession speech. Barring an unforeseen occurrences, I will be posting it at the end of the Broncos game!


venison crêpe
131 points in the final game of the season. I WAS DESTINED FOR GREATNESS BUT I FLEW TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN.
So seeing as how Moreno is pretty much out of the game after taking himself out from tweaking his leg, we got this: I'm up by 23.64, while Godslay has Beast Mode, Vernon Davis, and Hauschka left in SNF.

I think he's got this


So seeing as how Moreno is pretty much out of the game after taking himself out from tweaking his leg, we got this: I'm up by 23.64, while Godslay has Beast Mode, Vernon Davis, and Hauschka left in SNF.

I think he's got this

Meh, likely defensive battle with 9 -6 being the final. Not too hopeful.


greepoman has won the NeoGAF Economy League.

My Broskis have put up 119.32 Points in the No Quitters championship game.

I will either take home the league title or will lose having posted the highest-score ever for a losing team in ANY matchup across 4 seasons of the GAF high stakes money league.


I need Marshawn Lynch to put up LESS than 12.69 fantasy points.
Effectively 126 all-purpose yards or 66 yards and a TD.

I project him to finish with 127.
Since we're doing other league status: both are semifinal rounds.

One league I was down by 26-30 going into he late games with me having Moreno and Forte while the other person had Pitta. Lost that one by 4. Biggest miss was starting TY Hilton while Mike Williams and Antonio Brown were on he bench.

One league it was about even (maybe I was up by around 4-5) going into the late games where I had Ray Rice and the other guy has Lynch. Looking good there.


Just lost the No Quitters League title game.
While scoring the most points for a losing team out of a previous 445 league matchups.

I'm taking my vengeance out upon you Shirtless guys next year!


and there it is. Good show, sir.

Now I just hope Lynch doesn't score any more TDs otherwise I get knocked out in all 3 leagues today :x

I'll root against any Lynch points!

GG btw. I can't believe I came back. Assuming it holds of course. Can still lose yards I guess.
Good season everyone!

I'll be back with a vengeance! There will be no Shirtless Super Bowl loser curse!

Also to note: every single matchup in the championship bracket was won by the lower seed except for the 5th place game where Wrayfield ends his Shirtless career with a win toppling Dutch Goodell

and another side node, I survived in one league by 1.3 points. One more championship match to go!
Aight who's season got shattered by Foster's -0.07 performance today? I got 3rd because my opponent had him and also ran out of moves and didn't have a kicker(his original kicker went on IR).
Aight who's season got shattered by Foster's -0.07 performance today? I got 3rd because my opponent had him and also ran out of moves and didn't have a kicker(his original kicker went on IR).

The guy who had him in this league actually won his matchup :jnc

In a league where I'm still alive I went against Foster :D
This one is for our Shirtless brother, Godslay, a true champion.


You've paid your dues
Time after time
You've done your sentence
But wore no shirt
And bad mistakes
You've made a few
You've had your share of dirt kicked in your face
But you've come through

You are the champion - my friend
And you've kept on fighting - till the end -
You are the champion
You are the champion
No time for shirts!
'Cause you are the champion - of the Shirtless League -

You've taken your bows
And your wife calls
I've brought you fame and fortune and everything that goes with it
You can thank me for this all

But it's been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise
I consider it a challenge before the whole shirtless human race -
And you ain't gonna lose -

You are the champion - my friend
And you've kept on fighting - till the end -
You are the champion
You are the champion
No time for shirts!
'Cause you are the champion - of the Shirtless League!

It fucking sucks how Amendola his -1.50 points cost me the victory against Wray. Both Fitzgerald and Hicks would have won me 5th place, hell, if I started nobody in his place I would have won. Clearly I've beaten myself, instead of lost to Wray.


It fucking sucks how Amendola his -1.50 points cost me the victory against Wray. Both Fitzgerald and Hicks would have won me 5th place, hell, if I started nobody in his place I would have won. Clearly I've beaten myself, instead of lost to Wray.

You sound like the Green Bay Packers.


venison crêpe
Can someone post the complete final standings?

Also Dutch, I'm thinking after the trouble we had last year we shoudl start drafting now so can you organise that? kthxpeaceoutbye
When it came down to the end my team proved to be frauds, I'm like the Falcons of our league. Phil Dawson Cleveland Frauds!
Highest scoring team in league my ass! I'm like Brees useless record! I'm just a shell of a owner.


come in my shame circle
Y'all better do your pushups.

Baby Back Cribbs comes to you from the neogaf cat.gif league as the CHAMPION!!!

I'm coming for the number 1 spot next year!
Can someone post the complete final standings?

Also Dutch, I'm thinking after the trouble we had last year we shoudl start drafting now so can you organise that? kthxpeaceoutbye

1. Godslay
2. Actstriker
3. Greg
4. BlackGhost
5. Wrayfield
6. Dutch Goddell
7. Wes
8. Milchjon
9. Fox318
10. TheFatOne
11. Larry
12. Chan
13. Snes
14. Sanjuro

Also, why were you sending me messages via email? And shut your mouth poopyface, we're doing an online draft this year! Whoooooooooooo!

When it came down to the end my team proved to be frauds, I'm like the Falcons of our league. Phil Dawson Cleveland Frauds!
Highest scoring team in league my ass! I'm like Brees useless record! I'm just a shell of a owner.

I'm the Shirtless Bears. Overly depended on my defense, with my offense injured and overall pretty terrible. Defense doesn't win you championships.

Y'all better do your pushups.

Baby Back Cribbs comes to you from the neogaf cat.gif league as the CHAMPION!!!

I'm coming for the number 1 spot next year!

I'm already semi-gronked out since I'm hitting the gym again. Gonna destroy you.

And people called this the relegation league :jnc

Who said that?!


come in my shame circle
People said that! Didn't you read what he said?

It matters not, Dutch Goodell sold me on this shirtless league and the benefits of going sans shirt.

My life changes today.
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