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Shogun 2 |OT| This is Total War


I'm running at 1900x1200 with everything at ultra:



GuiltybyAssociation said:
So how are people finding the game? Spent a few hours with it tonight. Still a bit too early to form a full opinion yet, but I'm pretty happy with what I've played thus far.

I have only put about four hours in, but I am enjoying it more then I did Empire. Mostly because it seems they fixed the problems i had with Empire. The battle AI seems better not perfect but better and the campaign AI is more aggressive then Empires was from what i remember.

I am playing on hard as the Shimazu and am having to fight pretty hard to expand/maintain my territory. The AI so far is putting more pressure on me then it did in Empire and while I am winning the battles they pretty close most of the time. Right now if the AI can keep up the pressure chances are pretty good it will be able to overrun me soon.

Though as I mentioned before the AI could still use some improvement its still improved in my opinion over Empire. The two things off the top of my head I think the AI could do better is one the AI likes to build a lot of yari ashigaru when it can build better units. The problem with that is my army is mostly katana samurai(because for my faction they are pretty cheap) and they tear the yari ashigaru to pieces. So the AI could be improved by being able to see my armies makeup and building more of the appropriate units to counter. Which in my case is more cavalry if I remember right.

The other problem is that during sieges it seems to want to rush right in. There have been multiple siege battle where the AI had the clear advantage in archer and instead of weakening me first by raining arrows on me then sending its units in it goes right to scaling the walls. If the AI would of waited until its arrows was almost out then charges in a couple fights I won would of been losses.

Overall though those are in my opinion pretty minor complaints. I am just glad the things the AI did in Empire that annoyed me like moving its units around endlessly for no reason are gone so far. Also siege battles are now fun to play because as far as i can tell the path finding issues I had in Empire are gone. My units can now scale walls with out getting stuck and when I order my men to leave they no longer do stupid things like instead of using the gates climb down the walls.


I just played the demo.

The game really requieres a good videocard, I had to reduce the resolution to 1600x1200 to make it run a bit faster (full effects, the game does not allow AA or aniso, cant remember which one).

The visuals are good but i was expecting for more oustanding graphics that justify the slowdowns and system requirements, I guess they will improve them when they release a DX11 patch or something.

The gameplay and music are both great, I liked the strategy elements, it requires you to pay close attention to the tutorials though.


Is there any way to set the graphics before the game launches? The game takes about 10 minutes to get to the options screen (everything is set to Ultra/High) and then dies.


Went ahead and picked up a copy of this. Glad to hear that a lot of the AI problems aren't there anymore.

Just hope it runs decently on my PC. I've got an HD 4870 and I'm guessing those are considered low end now? Doesn't seem that it was that long ago when I got it either :/


I had fun with the demo, I'm thinking of getting it but I've never played a Total War game is. Is this iteration good for a new comer?


I think I'll wait till the patch arrives, I want to play it with optimal settings.. just doesn't look very satisfying without anti-aliasing.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Really enjoying this even though I'm so bad at it, I've had to restart my campaign like 5 times as I keep losing my capital as I leave it undefended x) The online Avatar Campaign is pretty cool, and I like how you get gear from the Achievements.


Anyone else having serious problems with moral? I swear to god, every lost game I have is due to half my army going AWOL - ALL. THE. FUCKING. TIME. Even when they are in an advantageous position, superior in numbers, they get a volley of arrows and boohoo, they're off. Was doing the historical battle with the ships on Normal - All my ships gathered, took the little boats 10m in front of the pack to lay out some mines - First volley from the enemy ships and they were routing and then the rest of the ships go down as well, 3 minutes later.

Even use Warcry / Rally and all those special moral abilities to no avail. What's even more annoying ... This problem doesn't seem to effect the enemy AT ALL. I've seen a single, isolated enemy ship fight till the last man while mine just row the fuck out of there when they see as much as an arrow.

I don't remember Empire or Napoleon being this bad, not even close.
Downloading the files now from steam! should be here next month =) j/k

Running an overclocked Phenom 955 and 5850 Crossfire... Hearing some mixed things about SLI/crossfire but i'm sure most will be ironed out with a new profile.

Running the new Preview AMD drivers.. will update you guys with any problems or performance experience.
I really wish my computer could handle this... The CPU just isn't up to it, think that on the battlefield when everybody is idle I'm already at 80% load over both my cores!


Almighty said:
I haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary with moral myself. I will keep an eye out though.

Maybe I'm just very unlucky or something I'm missing :/

DrBo42 said:
Loving it. Hey can we start a GAF group for this on Steam?

That would be sweet. Need to get some GAF games going!


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Running everything on ultra with a 5770, and it runs great. I had to revert to the previous Catalyst drivers, though, because otherwise my troop movement arrows and all water wouldn't show up. Weird.

Well, the one thing I turned off was Depth of Field. I just find it to be butt-ugly. It basically just pixelates everything that is "far away"... I don't understand why anyone would want this.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
Gah, hate how you can't select the Art you want to work towards before hand. Keep forgetting to change to the right Art.


gotee12 said:
I'm part of the Steam NeoGAF group, and it allowed me to join that "clan" last night in multi, though I was the only member...
Oh right. I actually remember something about that. Did you get to choose a focus for the clan? I remember doing it and selecting swordsmanship or something like that, dunno why it says only 1 member.


DrBo42 said:
Oh right. I actually remember something about that. Did you get to choose a focus for the clan? I remember doing it and selecting swordsmanship or something like that, dunno why it says only 1 member.
I clicked it to join last night, it failed, I moved on, and 30 seconds later it told me that I successfully joined the clan and I peaked back at the clan tab long enough to see that I was the only one there.

That's the full extent of my knowledge on the subject. :lol
Think I've found a bug. I have ten trade ships trading silk from China. For some reason (no explanation given) after attacking the Ashikage Shogun the trade just stopped and now I can't move those ten ships. As they're costing me money it looks like I'll have to scuttle them all and try again. Anyone experienced this?


I tried joining the NeoGaf 'clan', first I waited 60 seconds and it said there was no response from the clan server - Now I can click it without no message, loading or nothing. Even tried restarting the game ... Eugh.


A patch was just released on Steam that makes the game no longer function. I'd set your Shogun to "Do not automatically update" for now guys. This is fucking bullshit.


Update was just released;

Total War: SHOGUN 2 – v 1.1
Release Notes

Multiplayer - Fixed Crash when reaching lobby for a 4v4 Set-up Team game
Multiplayer Campaign – Fixed bug where Realm divide event is shown three times
Tutorials – Fixed bug where camera would fall below ground level during fly-by of warrior monks.
Localisation – Various minor bug fixes

And it was updated under my nose, now I get "Incomplete installation of Total War: SHOGUN 2 (15 )" lawl.


Took Kyoto, became Shogun, got gangbanged by ever other faction playing. Managed to capture a few Sakai territories and make them vassals instead of annexing them myself, in order to maintain limited paths for aggression towards Kyoto itself. Hostile armies now have to go around those Vassal territories as they will not recieve any military access and i have not brought said Vassals into the war.

At the moment, my biggest issue is Iko (or Iyo i think), i've had to cede territories and move back onto the mainland to consolidate forces in order for a counter-attack. Everything East of Kyoto is seemingly maintained at the moment, through rigorous use of ranked up Ninja to assassinate generals and sabotage armies advancing on my territory.

Economy has suffered due to the build-up of troops and loss of Western territories, plus broken trade agreements and alliances. However, I always play the economy on the strength of my own production instead of relying on trade and other means, so i'm comfortable with 1,500 income right now.

Fucking love it. so much more fun to play than Empire.


Facism said:
Took Kyoto, became Shogun, got gangbanged by ever other faction playing. Managed to capture a few Sakai territories and make them vassals instead of annexing them myself, in order to maintain limited paths for aggression towards Kyoto itself. Hostile armies now have to go around those Vassal territories as they will not recieve any military access and i have not brought said Vassals into the war.

At the moment, my biggest issue is Iko (or Iyo i think), i've had to cede territories and move back onto the mainland to consolidate forces in order for a counter-attack. Everything East of Kyoto is seemingly maintained at the moment, through rigorous use of ranked up Ninja to assassinate generals and sabotage armies advancing on my territory.

Economy has suffered due to the build-up of troops and loss of Western territories, plus broken trade agreements and alliances. However, I always play the economy on the strength of my own production instead of relying on trade and other means, so i'm comfortable with 1,500 income right now.

Fucking love it. so much more fun to play than Empire.
Agreed. Wish I had more time to play it, and that it worked currently.
Game is running at mostly Ultra settings. Frame rates are pretty smooth except on the campaign map and when I am looking down directly on a massive melee battle. On a Q6600/250GTS/4gb/Win7 system. Campaign map choppiness is intermittent, no idea why.

Battle AI is actually competent on normal difficulty. None of the stupidity from Empire has become evident as of yet. AI seems aggressive too and actually has a sense of terrain enough to grab high-ground advantages and to hide units. I lost one battle because I sent some samurai to kill their archers, only to get ambushed by some sneaky enemy samurai. Another battle the AI flanked around my approaching army and took control of a hill, pretty sure they got some sort of charge bonus for charging down-slope because they pretty well smashed my troops I sent up there.

No clue on naval battles. I built a few ships but have yet to test them out. I'm hoping its simpler than Empire, because as awesome as Empires naval battles were to watch, I absolutely sucked at controlling the ships and would litterally lose at 5-1 odds in my favor.

Campaign AI seems intelligent so far, and pleasantly both aggressive and reactive. Playing as the Date clan I was at war with a clan to the north, and friendly with a clan to the West. I attacked the northern clan after defeating an invasion force and lost, narrowly. I pulled my troops back to regroup when my friendly wetern neighbors seemed to capitalize on this and take out the northern clan.

After that the friendly clan became unfriendly and our trade agreement was cancelled. Fine. I married off one of my daughters to him and he was happy again. I assume the souring of the relationship was because A. They were stronger than me B. Shared borders and C. I had a large army at that border.

I then got a quest to take over some small island, since I was blocked from the rest of the mainland by my eastern neighbo I made a small fleet and took my whole army to go conquer it. Too bad I was too eager to actually read stuff on the screen, as that island happened to belong to my friendly neighbor. Woops. Taking the island was pretty rough too, and I had the disadvantage of having all my troops and generals on some faraway island. I got back JUST in time to reinforce my capital resulting in a large seige battle.

My city defenses were paltry, I just had a couple archer units and a samurai group along with whatever levies were raised. I DID have a large (although weakened from the island battle) reinforcement army.

I was suprised when the battle started to see the AI attacking the city walls from every possible angle. Needless to say my defenders were overwhelmed. I moved my reinforcements slowly uphill towards the city, and had to use my 4 general units to sprint ahead and kill some archers. Ended up losing 2 of the 4 generals, but it drew enough of the AI units outside of my own walls where I could kill them with the rest of my army. After that I mopped up the rest of the enemy with relative ease.

I love the utility of generals now, and how you can level them up and choose their retinue and assign skill points. I have a few questions (like does stacking generals in an army stack their effects?).

I've only spend about 2-3 hours with the game, and so far I am quite happy. Won't touch multiplayer until maybe this weekend


I'm stunned that they really nailed multiplayer aspect of the game. Granted i have only played one match, it's really slick with general customization, talents, perks etc. Match-making is fast and whole metagame of advancement is probably going to keep mp scene active for a good while.
Never thought MP in Total War any made sense, but i'm glad devs disagreed :)

Game also runs great maxed out. Looks and runs better than Napoleon. Nice to see that also menus are really well done with fitting art style, game just oozes proper atmosphere.

Only bummer so far is the lack of dat DX11 sweetness. Lack of AA in dx9 is the biggest crime.



Sethos said:
Update was just released;

Total War: SHOGUN 2 – v 1.1
Release Notes

Multiplayer - Fixed Crash when reaching lobby for a 4v4 Set-up Team game
Multiplayer Campaign – Fixed bug where Realm divide event is shown three times
Tutorials – Fixed bug where camera would fall below ground level during fly-by of warrior monks.
Localisation – Various minor bug fixes

And it was updated under my nose, now I get "Incomplete installation of Total War: SHOGUN 2 (15 )" lawl.

Same here. It seems like it's starting another update before it comes up with that error, though. The link they send you to doesn't even list the error code they give you.
Eh? This is why I hate steam.

I'd disconnect my router before booting my computer to try and put it into offline mode, but doesn't crappy peice of junk steam insist on connecting before it will let you do that?


Finished the demo, man I haven't played that much Total War since the original Shogun :) I skipped all the other (but own them). Definitely gonna have to pick this up next Friday.


I'm pretty excited for this, but don't necessarily want to buy it now due to rampant issues with seemingly all Total War games on release. Anybody think it will get cheaper than the $50-20% off at direct2drive right now? $30 would be sweet spot for me.


I just finished a drop-in battle where I took over an ambushing CPU unit. I had 1600 troops or so against this guy's 600. He asked me to let him win or else he'd be screwed in the campaign. It was so tempting to absolutely crush him. I had like 6 units of Bow Samurai I could have deployed in the forest and wiped out his entire army. /tear I'm too nice.
Yep, business as usual, second tutorial, fight at the end, I lose track of which units I have, and select all and charge lol and I wonder why I'm never very good at these games.


DrBo42 said:
I just finished a drop-in battle where I took over an ambushing CPU unit. I had 1600 troops or so against this guy's 600. He asked me to let him win or else he'd be screwed in the campaign. It was so tempting to absolutely crush him. I had like 6 units of Bow Samurai I could have deployed in the forest and wiped out his entire army. /tear I'm too nice.
Ikuu said:
Should have crushed him, shouldn't have selected to allow drop in :p

I have a feeling he enabled the drop in battle hoping to find some one who would let him win. After all it sounds like other wise the AI would of crushed him.
Just got absolutely crushed in the campaign on Hard.

I committed the majority of my force to take the city of an enemy, which they did in glorious fashion, only to have a friendly neighbour declare war and march a gigantic army straight up to my capital city. I managed to kill something like 1500 of his army with my 500 men but there were just too many to hold back towards the end of the battle. So I finished the turn with one city, which was promptly retaken on the next turn.

On the plus side the campaign failure video was quite good...
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