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Should I sell my Series S?


  • Yes, you aught.

  • No, you aughtn't.

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Oh bro...

With the money the guy made, he will buy another PS5 and scam someone else. Eventually, he will have made enough money to buy two PS5. And scam two people. And then, three etc...

Having a PS5 does not make the Series S less interesting. The console has all the emulators you seem to have enjoyed, they are not going anywhere. You don't have to sell whatever thing you are not using for a couple weeks or a month you know. I have a Wii U at home that is precisely my emulation machine, I am not using it all the time, but I am happy to have it when I feel like playing some GC or Mega-CD or whatever.

Console has a ton of BC games that you will never get on PS5. As well as the Xbox exclusives, of course. And if you are interested in something in GamePass, at any moment you can take a month of subscription and try it. And I don't think that Series S is the one taking the most room in your house.

"Scam" implies the purchaser has been mislead or deceived in some way, let's not be dramatic in the usage of words here. Anyone buying a ps5 at scalpers prices haven't been scammed if they went into the deal knowing the price beforehand.

As for the op, I'd question how important these retro games are, if not (considering he hasn't touched the xss since the ps5 purchase the retro may not be too important?) then I'd sell it.
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If you have or plan to get a 4k tv soon, then it goes without saying, sell it and get a Series X. If you're sticking with 1080p, then keep it.

Series S' are selling really well in Japan compared to Xbox One and even the 360 for the same timeframe since release, so you will always have a buyer who's ready to take your console at MSRP, I'm guessing ¥30,000.

But if you want to play Starfield at launch, just get Gamepass sub then, so that you could play via cloud now that Microsoft have officially launched xcloud in Japan.


"Scam" implies the purchaser has been mislead or deceived in some way, let's not be dramatic in the usage of words here. Anyone buying a ps5 at scalpers prices haven't been scammed if they went into the deal knowing the price beforehand.

As for the op, I'd question how important these retro games are, if not (considering he hasn't touched the xss since the ps5 purchase the retro may not be too important?) then I'd sell it.
Gg picking up on that, thanks, yeah I've got access to basically every game i could ever wish for from this systems (a couple of exceptions) and, yeah, i realise i played them enough 20 years ago lol.

RDR is currently the sole compelling reason for keeping it really. If there's another place to play it...


IMO it's just good practice to sell or give away whatever device you're not using at the moment.

Not only are you getting a little bit of cash on the side by selling it 2nd hand, someone else will be able to enjoy the Series S at a (supposedly) lower cost than whatever you paid for it.


Gold Member
IMO it's just good practice to sell or give away whatever device you're not using at the moment.

Not only are you getting a little bit of cash on the side by selling it 2nd hand, someone else will be able to enjoy the Series S at a (supposedly) lower cost than whatever you paid for it.
Agreed. They aren't investments and they are also losing money just sitting there unused. I do this with camera equipment all the time.


Just keep it and use it to play games on game pass (subscribe when you feel like it) instead of shelling out for it on PS5. Unless you’re in a situation where you really need 2-300 bucks…. I’d just keep it until you can get a XSX if you really wanted the upgrade down the road

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
Please keep it and play what you can on it. Talk about what you do play, the yays and nays the likes and dislikes.
Neogaf needs more games disscussions. And having more than one BOX enriches the experience.
Two questions:

1) Do you have GamePass and enjoy it?
2) Do you have any old Xbox OG/360/One discs?

If you answered "Yes" and then "No," then keep it. The Series S is such a solid console, I love it. I'm getting a PS5 because I have a PS4 disc collection and have no physical Xbox media.


democracy GIF


Golden Boy
You are wondering why the XSS you used for emulation is gathering dust after you got a PS5?
Could it perhaps be the fact that you are just enjoying your new console?
Keep the S, it will come in handy once you eventually feel the urge to emulate again.


If you really think 299 « cost a lot » and you need to sell something to afford IKEA shelves then most likely you have other priorities and should sell it.

Just curious how you will sustain the PS5 since you’ll have to buy the games.
Mate i think a $6 coffee costs a lot, doesn't mean i have $5. But thanks for signalling your financial penis :D

I've already got almost all the PS5 games i anticipate wanting, might get The Little Devil Inside if that ever comes out... I could get forbidden West right now but i didn't get into the first so I'll wait for it to be available at reduced price in the second hand stores here.. they Japanese take care of their shit, second hand is pretty much like new most of the time..


Yes you should.
If you do not use it, sell it. Embrace minimalism.

If you do want one again one day, you will still be able to buy one again.
In the meantime, your mind will be at peace. Actually, posting this is already your response, it affects you enough to have a XSS without playing it to write a post on Gaf, so sell it and enjoy your PS5.


voted poster of the decade by bots
In your case I'd say sell it now for max dollars, buy an x in a couple of years when the games you want come out.


A month or two ago I sold a bunch of bits and bobs on a Japanese version of ebay and found myself with sufficient credit on the website to cover a brand new XSS. I pounced.

But something happened about two weeks ago that has somewhat spoiled my love affair with the little white box. I got a PS5.

The 'bits and bobs' that netted me an XSS turned out to only be a portion of the old tech I was actually willing to sell, and I was able to raise enough through selling a GoPro here and a high def MP3 player there, and my ps4 pro, to snag a PS5 at scalper's prices (I live in Japan, it's statistically impossible to buy a PS5 retail here*, don't judge me, on the plus side I haven't seen another one up for that price since)

I'm torn. It's brand new, it cost a lot, it's nice and it can possibly give me access to some good games in future. On the other hand...

It's not holding my attention anymore. I can sell it for a good amount along with a second controller and charge stand. On the other hand, Starfield and TES6 are, I ain't gonna lie, interesting titles. But they're like the only ones I might be interested in, and I don't trust Bethesda, and they could be years away. So.

I'm moving house in a month or so and I'm thinking of selling my XSS to buy a platoon of shelving units from IKEA.

Aught I? Or aughtn't I?

*that could be true but i don't actually know, I'm just saying it for effect

ps. You wish to post "lol i'm not gonna give u an opinion", just don't post lol, it's a fucking forum lower ur standards

Yikes! It sounds like you need the money. Selling "bits and bobs" and GoPros and mp3 players and ps4 pros....That's a guy that needs money. Oof! Hope you land on your feet soon. I know you'll be selling that PS5 soon. Sorry in advance.


That's what he should have done with the PS5. He bought it from a scalper too. LOL!
But he's actually playing and enjoying it and lost interest in the S now. Also said the games he's interested in won't come til much later. So he's better off selling it now and make some money off it instead of collect dust, and buy later when the games he mentioned release.


But he's actually playing and enjoying it and lost interest in the S now. Also said the games he's interested in won't come til much later. So he's better off selling it now and make some money off it instead of collect dust, and buy later when the games he mentioned release.
I realized the OP is the one that made the thread about It Takes Two and how much he enjoyed it. A game that looks like trash and plays fine on the Series S and is on Game Pass. So why the need for the PS5 at an inflated price? He also said he was having a blast with the Series S. So I don't know what's going on with this guy. Seems like a fickle dude.


Yikes! It sounds like you need the money. Selling "bits and bobs" and GoPros and mp3 players and ps4 pros....That's a guy that needs money. Oof! Hope you land on your feet soon. I know you'll be selling that PS5 soon. Sorry in advance.
Funny guy is funny :D

For the record I set aside fixed amounts for gaming and tech and keep that money within those.. genres. I don't spend money marked for other areas of life on gaming, if i want a hugely expensive scalper console i have to raise funds for it.

I have an osmo pocket, which i prefer to the GoPro Hero 7 Black i sold for $350.

My phone sounds good enough for my music, that player was laying on a shelf and earned me another $300.

I don't need a ps4 pro if i have a ps5, that was $350 again and it was more than i needed.
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Good man OP. I'm gonna sell my Series S and Seagate 1TB card and buy a Switch + pro controller and games. I wanna play Metroid Dread, Shin Megarbage Tensei V and Pokemon Pearl. I already have a Series X though 😌


Coming from someone that sells games and consoles the moment they start collecting dust, KEEP IT. I’ve regretted the decision every time and end up rebuying down the road.

If it’s an eye sore, box it up and store her in the closet. You’ll come back to it eventually.

Enjoy Japan. Went to HS there. Wanna return one day


I realized the OP is the one that made the thread about It Takes Two and how much he enjoyed it. A game that looks like trash and plays fine on the Series S and is on Game Pass. So why the need for the PS5 at an inflated price? He also said he was having a blast with the Series S. So I don't know what's going on with this guy. Seems like a fickle dude.
I don't know why i have triggered you but i feel utterly superior to you and i hope that makes you happy :)


Tschumi Tschumi
I was going to say mod it but you did that. If you aren't getting any use out of it, sell it. Modding was the best reason to keep a Series S imho and if that isn't doing it for you, get some money for something else. Personally, i'd keep the series s as an emulation machine.

But yea, sell the series S and don't regret it, get some more PS5 games. Now that the series S is gone, it won't be so hard to pull the trigger a Series X instead if you get the urge to play Bethesda titles later down the line. & Maybe the Series X will get a price drop or a cheaper revision in the future.
Am afraid OP, you have not given it a proper chance, going by what you played on it in your post.

No Ori, Psychonauts 2, Gears 5 etc. Or other gems available on gamepass.

It feels like as if you don't want to like it or keep it.

In such mental state, I say sell it and get some help for your medical condition.


Should i skip an episiotomy during live birth or get a cesarean section. Wondering which yields a more dignified scar.


There’s really no reason to own both at the moment. I would sell it and get a Series X in a few years to play exclusives.


If you dont need/use it at the moment, I would sell it NOW.


Because some parts of the world have already reached the point, where even series x is easily available on retailer stores.*

which means, that sooner than later USA (assuming you are from there) will reach the point too -> availability sky rockets -> prices go down -> you should sell it now to get back what you paid for.

You can always buy one later, or buy series x, but you can't get back what you paid for it, if you wait until the point of them saturating the market.

I bought my series x 5 days before xmas from retailer, and it is just not worth it to save few hundred to get inferior device (series s), disc drive alone is big enough benefit to me.

*At Finland series S have been available almost always since the launch, I saw series x on stores after the launch for few weeks, then they went to order from the counter status, as in you could order one at stores and with luck get it in 1-8 weeks. So basically sold out status.

Series X became avalaible here at stores (one chain, but they are the biggest) about week before xmas, as in we can just walk into a store on all/majority of big cities and buy one, they didnt sell out even because of xmas which means that market is saturated. And they are still available on major locations, not on all chains but at least on the biggest one.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Will you dipshits stop using message boards as your personal blog?

Nobody wants to read 10 fucking paragraphs about your soul searching that lead you to sell an Xbox.

Nobody gives a shit if you sell your console.

Nobody can make a buying/selling decision for you.
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