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Should we shut the economy down again if/when there is a COVID second wave?

If there is a second wave of COVID, what should the government do?

  • Shut down the economy like we did in Spring 2020 ("full" shutdown)

    Votes: 18 13.0%
  • No more shutdowns! We've had enough. ("no" shutdown)

    Votes: 50 36.2%
  • Somewhere in between... Protect the vulnerable but everyone else is free. ("partial" shutdown)

    Votes: 70 50.7%

  • Total voters


I think they should take whatever reasonable precautions based on the scope and intensity of a hypothetical second wave.

The system of governors coordinating with local municipalities to address localized outbreaks should continue unabated. I’m just not sure if it’s necessary to preemptively shut down entire states when we’re much more prepared, educated, and expecting of further outbreaks.

Except the problem arises when Dem governors turn tyrant and see it as a political opportunity to affect the election. And I’m not just talking about the Presidential election. Nancy Pelosi’s nephew in CA will never lift the state’s stay at home order until the virus is cured. He said that. Not until there’s a vaccine and treatment. Because by keeping it in place congressional challengers in vulnerable districts in the state can‘t go out and campaign and his aunt can remain speaker of the house and keep her Napa mansion stocked with $20 a pint ice cream.

Super Mario

We already know the right answer here, because it is always the opposite of what the left wants.

The working population was never at risk for this. Shutting down the world, creating massive debt, and putting small businesses under, did nothing to help the nursing homes.


We already know the right answer here, because it is always the opposite of what the left wants.

The working population was never at risk for this. Shutting down the world, creating massive debt, and putting small businesses under, did nothing to help the nursing homes.

Russia Russia Russia
Pandemic lockdowns
Race War

What’s next?


No, we should not.

If you're sick, at risk, or afraid then stay your ass home.

The whole point of having an immune system is to let it be exposed to build immunity. Not living life or not being able to work indefinitely is not a viable long term solution.
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I hear this a lot, and I am sympathetic to the viewpoint, but there was plenty of reason to believe we could reopen much sooner than we did/are doing.

That article was written on April 10th, and it's worth noting, not one of those points has been proven to be untrue/false/misguided, while virtually everything the doomsayers were saying in April has. It's now June 12th and most of the country is still in some form of the lockdown. Utterly insane.

Ehh, the very first page mentions a projected August 4th death toll of 60 thousand and a graph which hit zero deaths June 1st. That obviously was a pipe dream.


No way. I made a fortune in the stock market because of this, and I sure don’t want it undone. Totally selfless reason.
If it is like the 1918 Influenza and the deadlier strain starts killing the healthier people, then yes, lock down until the Virus is manageable.

If it is more of the same, then partially lock down.


If there is a second wave and it’s as bad as some are expecting, the economy isn’t going to be unphased as thousands are dying daily and people are afraid to leave their homes.

Responsible states will re-implement stay at home orders. Newsom, Cuomo, Pritzker and Wolf are 1/3rd of the economy. They will again provide leadership in the response.


If there is a second wave and it’s as bad as some are expecting, the economy isn’t going to be unphased as thousands are dying daily and people are afraid to leave their homes.

Responsible states will re-implement stay at home orders. Newsom, Cuomo, Pritzker and Wolf are 1/3rd of the economy. They will again provide leadership in the response.

Look at this propaganda bullshit.

Kev Kev


jk i dont really give af i just wanted an excuse to post this

EDIT: on topic, i havent worn a mask once since this things started

so, today i was checking out at the grocery store and the lady running the register was thanking the person in front of me for wearing a mask. she said it once i was within earshot and loud enough so that i could hear it, so i know she wanted me to hear it

i told her to fuck off when i got to the register

jk again, i was kind and stayed far back from her to help her feel more comfortable........

still not wearing a mask tho 🤷‍♂️
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°Temp. member
I’d say go back to having nonessential businesses shut down.... and stores should require customers to wear masks.
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Good job lefties.

Trump never wanted to shut down but he did because Fauci and Birx told him 2 million would die.

And now lefties decided protesting was more important tham Corona so Trump can just say fuck the virus if the left doesnt care lets get my economy back.

The last 2 weeks have made it that Trump will never shut down again.
No. Let people decide for themselves if they want to stay home or not. I personally want us to fully reopen and to stop living in fear of each other. This past week I passed by several old people walking about without wearing masks, you know, the ones who would be most at risk of the virus. So who exactly would we be doing any favors if we shut everything down again?
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I'm in ca. I think it will stay closed, I might even pray for it. Not because I think it will save lives but we in California deserve all the bad things that are coming. Get ready for a great exodus. I hope you like Californians, cause the rest of the country is gonna be feeling this a year from now. I think our leaders are excited about this, I don't think they would admit it, but I think a lot of our policies are designed to depopulate the state.


Shut down the economy for the 2nd wave, just leave all the protesters, the CHAZ's, the rioting though.

No economy so people can earn a living, but yes protesting and rioting!

Can't wait for the media to shriek to shut it down while blowing the CHAZ and BLM as they go out day and night.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
There needs to be a national effort to have everyone wear masks. Make it a health violation to not require a mask in any place of business.
There wasn't a national lock down the first time, so there definitely won't be one now.
I think individual areas will need to lock down when their health care systems buckle under the pressure.

When you have people not receiving medical care, and dying in waiting rooms, action will need to be taken.


I agree on the masks. Its not a hard ask from people and its better than shutting everything down.

But even where I am in Canada I see more maskless then masked, especially in the younger age bracket.

Most mask wearers are older from my observation

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I should definitely get 9 more weeks off with pay. I don’t give a shit what happens to the rest of you though. 😁
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I'm in ca. I think it will stay closed, I might even pray for it. Not because I think it will save lives but we in California deserve all the bad things that are coming. Get ready for a great exodus. I hope you like Californians, cause the rest of the country is gonna be feeling this a year from now. I think our leaders are excited about this, I don't think they would admit it, but I think a lot of our policies are designed to depopulate the state.

Why would the leaders want to de-populate the state that has the fifth highest gdp in the world?


Darkness no more
The health care system doesn’t seem over burdened now. If there is another wave we should be plenty prepared. Let everyone go about their life. Protect the elderly. Wear masks where it makes sense to. We have to learn to live with it somewhat since you’ll never completely stop it unless there is a vaccine.


The health care system doesn’t seem over burdened now. If there is another wave we should be plenty prepared. Let everyone go about their life. Protect the elderly. Wear masks where it makes sense to. We have to learn to live with it somewhat since you’ll never completely stop it unless there is a vaccine.
Fuck. That.

Our response was piss poor and now thousands will continue to die because “we have to learn to live with it.” New Zealand is COVID-19 free.

Countries have literally shown that isn’t the case, by any means.


I wish there were some sort of waiver everybody has to sign. If you’re pressing for the end of lockdowns but end up contracting COVID-19 because of your ignorance, you should be denied medical care; those beds should be saved for the individuals that managed to contract the virus despite their best efforts to avoid it.
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Why would the leaders want to de-populate the state that has the fifth highest gdp in the world?

I think they want a playground for the rich. I think they want our great weather and other good things for themselves, and that some of them may understand having a high population is bad for the environment but that any effort to address population issues in California will cause them political problems, so they create policies that drive people out.

I'm reminded of an interview Gavin Newsom did with Adam Carolla. Adam says he is very concerned about traffic in LA and wanted to know what Gavin was going to do about it, Gavin's response was "You aren't in traffic, you are traffic." I think they view themselves as something like Royalty and want to get the dirty serfs like us off their terf.


I wish there were some sort of waiver everybody has to sign. If you’re pressing for the end of lockdowns but end up contracting COVID-19 because of your ignorance, you should be denied medical care; those beds should be saved for the individuals that managed to contract the virus despite their best efforts to avoid it.

I would gladly sign said waiver and preach the gospel of St Waiver to every non-idiot in my country. I would go straight up tele-evangelist for an idea as awesome as that if it meant ending the lockdown in my state today.
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I just can't tell anymore.

Tens of thousands of morons just grouped up together to "protest" weeks ago and I haven't seen news of huge spikes in those areas. Have there been?


I just can't tell anymore.

Tens of thousands of morons just grouped up together to "protest" weeks ago and I haven't seen news of huge spikes in those areas. Have there been?


Memorial Day was on 5/25. If you allow for the 1-2 week incubation period, you can see that our downward trend plateaued after Memorial Day, and now there's a slow tick upwards that's not quite a trend, yet.

Lockdown worked in that it capped our case counts, but so many places applied half-assed lockdowns that we truly did "flatten" the wave instead of turn it into a bell curve.

The protests are now two weeks old, which means if there have been a lot of hotspots as a result, we'll see cases rise this week. If Memorial Day + Protests bring us back to April numbers, or 30k+ a day, then it'll be obvious that re-opening is making this worse.

At that point, the places that get overwhelmed, like NYC was, will have no choice but to shut down again because hospitals will hit capacity. Most places won't hit capacity, so governments won't do another full shut down due to economic concerns.

In short, we fucked up the first lock down because Americans are fucking idiots run by idiots in government. We blew our chance, and people definitely won't want to put up with a full lockdown a second time.

If we had a federal, coordinated response to this shitshow, we would be looking like this by now:


Land of the free (to be stupid).

REE Machine

Did it even have a point the first time? Didn't we just delay the inevitable?

No, I wouldn't agree with doing this again. Ever, frankly.
Depends where you are, where I live we only have 3 active cases right now and everyone still social distancing and I feel safer going out now than I did months ago when cases were higher. If there are travel bans, cases reach zero in the area etc hoe can a virus spread if no one in the community has it?


I think the states are covering up their cases from the protests.

Notice how when a barber cuts someones hair its in the news if they had CV. Or we knew that some guy at the Ozarks tested positive.

Yet nothing about people testing positive in the CHAZ or from the protests. Only thing we know is some members of the national guard tested positive (which means protesters as well).

The protest have basically thrown out all the progress the US made. But the genie is out of the bottle and its not going back in.


LOL at Full Shutdown. The US did nothing of the sort. So many companies just found ways to be branded "Essential". My wife works retail and somehow they were essential because they sold fucking vacuums. We would be in a much better spot (Well I mean we are number 1....) had we went a real 4-6 week lockdown, but we didn't. We whined about the economy and the stock market and way to much of the country didn't even shut down or put anything into effect so at no point were we going to get the numbers down, along with the fact that idiots in the US don't want to wear masks which every report has shown would also significantly reduce the spread. But you know, fuck everybody else, I just want mine. Shithole of a fucking country.

Memorial Day was on 5/25. If you allow for the 1-2 week incubation period, you can see that our downward trend plateaued after Memorial Day, and now there's a slow tick upwards that's not quite a trend, yet.

Lockdown worked in that it capped our case counts, but so many places applied half-assed lockdowns that we truly did "flatten" the wave instead of turn it into a bell curve.

The protests are now two weeks old, which means if there have been a lot of hotspots as a result, we'll see cases rise this week. If Memorial Day + Protests bring us back to April numbers, or 30k+ a day, then it'll be obvious that re-opening is making this worse.

At that point, the places that get overwhelmed, like NYC was, will have no choice but to shut down again because hospitals will hit capacity. Most places won't hit capacity, so governments won't do another full shut down due to economic concerns.

In short, we fucked up the first lock down because Americans are fucking idiots run by idiots in government. We blew our chance, and people definitely won't want to put up with a full lockdown a second time.

If we had a federal, coordinated response to this shitshow, we would be looking like this by now:


Land of the free (to be stupid).

"Flattening the curve" was always the goal - it is revisionist to say otherwise. The goal from the outset was always to minimize deaths from hospital overload while the virus went through the country.

As for Italy versus the US, from Google:

PopulationInfect% Infected of PopDeaths% Dead of PopDeath Rate of Infected
United States

The US has significantly better figures for deaths than Italy, even with incompetent governors like Andrew Cuomo signing the death sentences of tens of thousands of nursing home patients not being factored in. It is going to keep spreading as it always was, but the US is logistically different than Italy. Federal lockdowns were illegal, much like the feds ordering lockdowns to end would have been.

I wish there were some sort of waiver everybody has to sign. If you’re pressing for the end of lockdowns but end up contracting COVID-19 because of your ignorance, you should be denied medical care; those beds should be saved for the individuals that managed to contract the virus despite their best efforts to avoid it.

Only if we get to do the same to protesters.


"Flattening the curve" was always the goal - it is revisionist to say otherwise. The goal from the outset was always to minimize deaths from hospital overload while the virus went through the country.

As for Italy versus the US, from Google:

PopulationInfect% Infected of PopDeaths% Dead of PopDeath Rate of Infected
United States

The US has significantly better figures for deaths than Italy, even with incompetent governors like Andrew Cuomo signing the death sentences of tens of thousands of nursing home patients not being factored in. It is going to keep spreading as it always was, but the US is logistically different than Italy. Federal lockdowns were illegal, much like the feds ordering lockdowns to end would have been.

Only if we get to do the same to protesters.

I think it makes more sense to look at infected population. That's showcasing how preventative the measures were more reasonably than comparing deaths given differences in population demographics like age, as well as potential for strain variants.
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