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Skyforge |OT| Thou shall not workship false prophets


See below, yep and nope.

Once you have the ascension atlas opened, you will start earning class specific sparks (in your case Paladin). As opposed to doing missions for them like you do for colored sparks, these will drop from both mobs and bosses, with obviously bosses yielding more.

This allows you to continue gaining power, skills and abilities as a paladin, while the nodes you unlock in the ascension atlas with colored sparks, apply to all classes. So basically you can progress in both atlases at the same time.

One thing I've said a few times already earlier in the thread is to max your starting class even if you've just unlocked another you really wanna play. The Paladin gets an essential symbol for tanking, and like maxing all classes, you get 2 extra symbol slots, which is worth the time alone

Thanks for the writeup! That clears up quite a bit.


well not really...yet
Unlocked Necro. Seems totally legit-i-mate

Is it normal that your hair turns White after you leave Reaper form though?


Unlocked Necro. Seems totally legit-i-mate

Is it normal that your hair turns White after you leave Reaper form though?

I wear a mask most of the time, but I did notice this after I took it off a couple of times. I don't know if it is intended or not but I kinda like that the Lich form does that even if it isn't intended.


Downloading this game, I loved Tera so interested to see this. Thinking of going Lightbinder or should I stick with knight. How solo-able is each one?


Downloading this game, I loved Tera so interested to see this. Thinking of going Lightbinder or should I stick with knight. How solo-able is each one?

You can solo with most classes honestly, but there are instances where you need a group no matter what class you are playing. The game does a pretty good job of balancing solo and group instances.


/Begin Rant

So I decided to play a lightbinder on my way to witch and man, I do not like playing that class in 5-mans.

I've always found the targeting in this game pretty janky but when it comes to 5-mans and having to quickly switch to the right target to slap a shield up on them asap, the problems with the targeting system really come to light. Dealing with it in 3-mans usually wasn't so bad because nothing hits especially hard outside of huge wind-up attacks and like 95% of the time, there was only one melee class (the tank).

In 5-mans, people's health just melts away without a shield and I'm more likely to come across other melee classes (slayer and berserker). So the problem here is that multiple people in melee range means a higher probability that A) they'll get in the crossfire between mobs and the tank and B) more people to accidentally place a shield on intended for the tank. And because everything hits way harder, there's a lot less room for error.

So basically, the game has a toggle key for switching between targeting friendlies and enemies (the "T" key, which i think is too far away from WASD and too close to your ultimate key "R". I nipped that problem in the bud by assigning that to my mouse wheel-click. Also, the keyboard, in general, is a horrible controller for action games.). There is no indication of what targeting mode you're in other than your inability to target the other (sometimes...). So I'm having to constantly switch between targeting modes in order to be productive in combat but the button doesn't always register which leads to moments where I'm trying to quickly switch to friendly target mode in order to put up a shield only to end up slapping the shield on myself because the target mode switch didn't register.

But that's far from the only time I unintentionally target myself with shields. It also happens frequently when I'm targeting a friendly unit but right as I hit the shield button, they move out of the reticule, out of range, or some dps disrupts line-of-sight (Cryos are the worst for this. They're constantly running around even if nothing is targeting them) and I slap the shield on myself/unworthy dps.

This is all problematic because as I stated earlier, shit hits hard in 5-mans. While shield management was very forgiving in basically everything else, 5-mans seem like I need pretty close to 100% uptime of the shield on the tank so wasting shield cooldowns on people that don't need them is detrimental to the run.

Which leads to locking on. Locking on sucks. I suppose in a perfect run where you're not expected to dps and only have to worry about the tank it would be fine...but that's never gonna happen. Locking on is just another thing you have to worry about constantly toggling on and off (and having to occasionally deal with it not registering). Locking on avoids the problem of targeting the wrong player (initially) but you have to unlock to target anything else. This leads to situations where you're trying to target someone but are still locked on to another person, because you forgot you were locked on to them in the heat of the moment, and yet another wasted shield.

TL;DR - Witch can't come soon enough. I don't want to have the parties success resting on my shoulders. I wanna go back to having my only worry be which enemy I should kill first.

/End Rant

The game is pretty fun...

Ploid 3.0

holy shit

Stay tuned for the full list of patch notes! (Now spilling over into 16 pages...)


Ploid 3.0

/Begin Rant

So I decided to play a lightbinder on my way to witch and man, I do not like playing that class in 5-mans.

I've always found the targeting in this game pretty janky but when it comes to 5-mans and having to quickly switch to the right target to slap a shield up on them asap, the problems with the targeting system really come to light. Dealing with it in 3-mans usually wasn't so bad because nothing hits especially hard outside of huge wind-up attacks and like 95% of the time, there was only one melee class (the tank).

In 5-mans, people's health just melts away without a shield and I'm more likely to come across other melee classes (slayer and berserker). So the problem here is that multiple people in melee range means a higher probability that A) they'll get in the crossfire between mobs and the tank and B) more people to accidentally place a shield on intended for the tank. And because everything hits way harder, there's a lot less room for error.

So basically, the game has a toggle key for switching between targeting friendlies and enemies (the "T" key, which i think is too far away from WASD and too close to your ultimate key "R". I nipped that problem in the bud by assigning that to my mouse wheel-click. Also, the keyboard, in general, is a horrible controller for action games.). There is no indication of what targeting mode you're in other than your inability to target the other (sometimes...). So I'm having to constantly switch between targeting modes in order to be productive in combat but the button doesn't always register which leads to moments where I'm trying to quickly switch to friendly target mode in order to put up a shield only to end up slapping the shield on myself because the target mode switch didn't register.

But that's far from the only time I unintentionally target myself with shields. It also happens frequently when I'm targeting a friendly unit but right as I hit the shield button, they move out of the reticule, out of range, or some dps disrupts line-of-sight (Cryos are the worst for this. They're constantly running around even if nothing is targeting them) and I slap the shield on myself/unworthy dps.

This is all problematic because as I stated earlier, shit hits hard in 5-mans. While shield management was very forgiving in basically everything else, 5-mans seem like I need pretty close to 100% uptime of the shield on the tank so wasting shield cooldowns on people that don't need them is detrimental to the run.

Which leads to locking on. Locking on sucks. I suppose in a perfect run where you're not expected to dps and only have to worry about the tank it would be fine...but that's never gonna happen. Locking on is just another thing you have to worry about constantly toggling on and off (and having to occasionally deal with it not registering). Locking on avoids the problem of targeting the wrong player (initially) but you have to unlock to target anything else, even other party members when using the F* keys (which auto-lock). This leads to situations where you're trying to target someone but are still locked on to another person, because you forgot you were locked on to them in the heat of the moment, and yet another wasted shield.

TL;DR - Witch can't come soon enough. I don't want to have the parties success resting on my shoulders. I wanna go back to having my only worry be which enemy I should kill first.

/End Rant

The game is pretty fun...

After GAF's 5 man yesterday in which I played lightbringer it sold me on the class, though I played whitmage and support classes in Final Fantasy 11 for many years and I liked it there. Last night it felt like I was back in the MMO support mode but with the placement of the health bars it caused me to tunnel vision quite a bit to watch health, especially with two necros in the party dropping health like a bad habbit.

You know about F1 - F5 being self target - party member 5 right? It made things so easy for me outside of having to stretch my fingers up to the F# buttons. I still ran into problems switching from friend to foe targeting though but I only needed to do that when I didn't have to focus on helping with DD. This only happened when people were dying and I needed to help kill stuff. Some of the team may have noticed me standing still or not casting when I'd try to transition into being able to just hit T or Tab to change between modes. They really need to tweak the targeting for Lightbringers sakes. Nearly forgot to mention that right click and V is good to help with DD and Aoe killing as you can use right click on your target, and V you can manually aim.

I also used my ultimate by mistake in that raid btw hah. :(

Anyway if you aren't using the F's to change between targeting already you should try it. Makes things so smooth. You can also tab between all targets including enemies, but I wish I could set tab to just select between enemies since I have the F's for friendlies. Screw non party people. I can figure something out. T really needs to be moved to another button or hotkey. Hope that's in that 16 page patch notes.

Downloading this game, I loved Tera so interested to see this. Thinking of going Lightbinder or should I stick with knight. How solo-able is each one?

Lightbinder is surprising awesome solo. It has the hardest hitting single target ability (Spark of Anger). You can buff the crap out of that ability with impulse among other things. It's very survivable and hard to kill thanks to it's many shield abilities.


Yeah it seems to me that you aren't using the F1-10 keys to change targets which is way faster. That solves most of your problems with the targeting system on its own. To switch back to an enemy quickly just look at one and hit the regular F key instead of trying to rotate through enemies. For whatever reason most people don't use the F keys for targeting team mates even though it shows which key goes to which person.


Should I use all the sparks of evolution I have to max out my main class faster or should I sit on them until I unlock a new class?
Guys...my legs hurt so bad from all the walking I did today. My phone says 20k steps. I can't sit at my laptop to log in because I think my leg might fall off. I mentioned being out most of this weekend since I'm at a convention, but I do have my laptop. We'll see how often/if I get on. Again, any votes needed, let me know. I will throw my adepts at building missions, too. Patch sounds awesome.


After GAF's 5 man yesterday in which I played lightbringer it sold me on the class, though I played whitmage and support classes in Final Fantasy 11 for many years and I liked it there. Last night it felt like I was back in the MMO support mode but with the placement of the health bars it caused me to tunnel vision quite a bit to watch health, especially with two necros in the party dropping health like a bad habbit.

You know about F1 - F5 being self target - party member 5 right? It made things so easy for me outside of having to stretch my fingers up to the F# buttons. I still ran into problems switching from friend to foe targeting though but I only needed to do that when I didn't have to focus on helping with DD. This only happened when people were dying and I needed to help kill stuff. Some of the team may have noticed me standing still or not casting when I'd try to transition into being able to just hit T or Tab to change between modes. They really need to tweak the targeting for Lightbringers sakes. Nearly forgot to mention that right click and V is good to help with DD and Aoe killing as you can use right click on your target, and V you can manually aim.

I also used my ultimate by mistake in that raid btw hah. :(

Anyway if you aren't using the F's to change between targeting already you should try it. Makes things so smooth. You can also tab between all targets including enemies, but I wish I could set tab to just select between enemies since I have the F's for friendlies. Screw non party people. I can figure something out. T really needs to be moved to another button or hotkey. Hope that's in that 16 page patch notes.

Yeah it seems to me that you aren't using the F1-10 keys to change targets which is way faster. That solves most of your problems with the targeting system on its own. To switch back to an enemy quickly just look at one and hit the regular F key instead of trying to rotate through enemies. For whatever reason most people don't use the F keys for targeting team mates even though it shows which key goes to which person.

Yeah, I'm working on using the F keys more, but they're so far away. I just need to figure out how to map everything to my mouse, which is what I do in all MMOs. It's just the first time I've needed to do that for targeting.

Edit: Nevermind, can't change the key bindings for targeting. That makes it really hard to map to my mouse with the skill commands already being there.


Question for anyone with CE as i am trying to help my friend.

He started as the knight and he got far enough along that he got his knight sparks and wanted to start expanding his ascension atlas but it is not letting him unlock the first node (625 greens for stamina) saying he does not met the requirements. Seeing he started at knight does he still need to start the AA progress from the cyro/paladin/LightB part or are we missing something.


Question for anyone with CE as i am trying to help my friend.

He started as the knight and he got far enough along that he got his knight sparks and wanted to start expanding his ascension atlas but it is not letting him unlock the first node (625 greens for stamina) saying he does not met the requirements. Seeing he started at knight does he still need to start the AA progress from the cyro/paladin/LightB part or are we missing something.

My understanding is that you still have to start the upper atlus from the starting classes.

Ploid 3.0

Yeah I could see having to start from the starting area the way that would be intended as that my create an imbalance for people that buy the CE. I'd want to skip that starting Cryo/paladin/Lightbinder section too.


My understand is that you still have to start the upper atlus from the starting classes.

Yeah this is my understanding as well. IIRC they said it's for balance reasons because of where the other classes start at in the tree. The nodes around them cost more/give better stat bonuses so you have to work your way up to them. You don't have to unlock the starting class nodes so you just start building from whatever node you want. I'm pretty sure that the three starters all meet in the middle and then branch off from there so you don't have to worry about which one to choose.


What does that mean, that they don't stack? If I get 2 keys and I enter the second one, after the first expired it won't work?

The same code type can't be used twice. So you can use multiple codes if they are offering different things but if you've already used a 14d premium, 10k thread, 1hr mount code, you can't use another one. I doubt having the first codes premium expire would change anything.


Guys...my legs hurt so bad from all the walking I did today. My phone says 20k steps. I can't sit at my laptop to log in because I think my leg might fall off. I mentioned being out most of this weekend since I'm at a convention, but I do have my laptop. We'll see how often/if I get on. Again, any votes needed, let me know. I will throw my adepts at building missions, too. Patch sounds awesome.

There is a vote that is currently on going. You might be the last vote that is needed actually.


Are votes for everyone? Sometimes I see Vote started or something and I go check in the Pantheon but can't do anything


I have decided that shield of the banished is a pretty strong ability for Necro. After you have summoned a unit you can banish them right when they are about to time out and you get a pretty strong shield for 15 seconds that can make you immune to cc if you have the correct talent selected. It also allows me to cast other abilities without taking any damage from them.


The paths to different classes are so long, I dunno what to go for. I liked a few in the training mode, but I don't want to spend a ton of time moving towards one only to not like it and feel like I wasted a bunch of gems. Hmm.

Gunner, Monk, Necro or Witch.

Anyone know of good videos which show some of the more advanced skills for the various classes?


Just hit Necro.

Realllyyy squishy hen you just start. Without most of your stuff Necro is slow and burns a lot of HP.

Most likely stick with pally so I can finish it up and get the symbol.
The paths to different classes are so long, I dunno what to go for. I liked a few in the training mode, but I don't want to spend a ton of time moving towards one only to not like it and feel like I wasted a bunch of gems. Hmm.

Gunner, Monk, Necro or Witch.

Anyone know of good videos which show some of the more advanced skills for the various classes?

Just as a warning: Monk (at the moment) is a fairly buggy class. It has a lot of issues with hits being detected as well as other things. I'd avoid going for it until they fix it in a patch, i'm not sure if the Russian version has it fixed as of yet.


Damn my friend wants to play but he is only interested in berserker and since they take a few weeks to unlock he has no interest anymore. LOL Welp that's pretty much the downside of the system this game uses :p


Just hit Necro.

Realllyyy squishy hen you just start. Without most of your stuff Necro is slow and burns a lot of HP.

Most likely stick with pally so I can finish it up and get the symbol.

I don't remember if the statue is a starting skill, but if it is here's the basic starting combo you should do so you aren't low on HP.

Grasping hands > statue > summon something > skull throws. Statue brings your hp back to where it was when you first used it, so you want to use it at the start and get out all of your spells as quick as possible so that you can go back to full hp. If you're lucky your skull throw reset chance will proc and you can get multiple out during one statue. Then you just attack normally until statue is back up and repeat. As long as you don't get blown up by anything you shouldn't really be on low hp playing this way, even early on.

Also, @nataku, every now and then you will get the chance to play as a different class at the start of a mission. Use those chances to try out different stuff and see which one you want to head towards.

When you go into Lich form, left click as much as possible and then right click once to get as much hp back as you can. Once you get to Reaper's sweep in the tree, use that instead of volley of darkness. It does more dmg and can heal you quicker.
Damn my friend wants to play but he is only interested in berserker and since they take a few weeks to unlock he has no interest anymore. LOL Welp that's pretty much the downside of the system this game uses :p

I'd be surprised if he didn't end up enjoying one of the 3 basic classes. I quite like the class system but it'll definitely put off some people.


I don't remember if the statue is a starting skill, but if it is here's the basic starting combo you should do so you aren't low on HP.

Grasping hands > statue > summon something > skull throws. Statue brings your hp back to where it was when you first used it, so you want to use it at the start and get out all of your spells as quick as possible so that you can go back to full hp. If you're lucky your skull throw reset chance will proc and you can get multiple out during one statue. Then you just attack normally until statue is back up and repeat. As long as you don't get blown up by anything you shouldn't really be on low hp playing this way, even early on.

Also, @nataku, every now and then you will get the chance to play as a different class at the start of a mission. Use those chances to try out different stuff and see which one you want to head towards.

When you go into Lich form, left click as much as possible and then right click once to get as much hp back as you can. Once you get to Reaper's sweep in the tree, use that instead of volley of darkness. It does more dmg and can heal you quicker.

My main problem was switching classes in the middle of Narios Island. The later large mob packs chunk my HP before I could react.


I'd be surprised if he didn't end up enjoying one of the 3 basic classes. I quite like the class system but it'll definitely put off some people.
He said he watched videos of everything and he's dead set on it cause he didnt like how anything else looked. haha
My main problem was switching classes in the middle of Narios Island. The later large mob packs chunk my HP before I could react.

It's not recommended to switch to your new class as soon as you unlock it. It's better to play your old class until you unlock class sparks for the new class; otherwise you're making half the progress (since no class sparks will drop on the new class) for the same amount of work. It also eases the difficulty spike a little, though not fully.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I seem to have gotten disconnected from the guild chat? How do you reopen the chat?


I seem to have gotten disconnected from the guild chat? How do you reopen the chat?

You have to log out and back in. Happens sometimes.

Almost soloed the Lanber catacombs boss after my team died when it had 4 hp bars left. Got it down to the last bar but got swarmed by mobs when I didn't have statue or lich form cus they were on cd. Would have been pretty awesome if I could have done it. Oh well.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
You have to log out and back in. Happens sometimes.

Almost soloed the Lanber catacombs boss after my team died when it had 4 hp bars left. Got it down to the last bar but got swarmed by mobs when I didn't have statue or lich form cus they were on cd. Would have been pretty awesome if I could have done it. Oh well.

Does not seem to be working... :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Weird, always fixes it for me. What's your in game name? I'll make sure that you didn't get dropped for some reason.

Suiko Falena

I can still see the tab that shows construction progress and the like.


Started mucking around with Slayer. Up to class sparks so I've got a few things. I don't really know what I'm doing but these guys can boogie! Carnage is so sweet

edit - more details from Mother Russia on the coming invasions.Hnnnggggg

Here is another sneak peak from RU server. This time about alien invasions events, and about all the stuff that comes from it.

From time to time an Alien Invaders comes with unfriendly visit. So far there are 3 kind of Invasions - Mechanoids, Fitonids (we call them Salad), Reapers of Death (Ratonids nickname are not popular but it exists).

Two days before invasion the alien ship marker will appear on global map (with estimated time to invasion start). To participate in Invasion adventures you need to have a God form unlocked.

Invasions lasts 10 days (so far). First Invasions can't be lost, so the are basically the way to farm some extra stuff and to prepare for future Invasions with Avatars of Alien Gods.

Invasion adventures

During the Inavsion the special adventures will become available for you. They have daily rotation (available at different days). There are three 3-man Adventures (barely soloable unless you are a badass), and two 5-man Adventures. Also 5-man Alien Ship dungeon , and 10-man raid for an Avatar of Alien God (but they are not yet in game.. we most likely see the first Alien God Avatar in a few weeks on RU).

Here comes the tricky part. To enter the Invasion adventure you need to have a certain value in of Resistance to (Cold, Radiation, Electricity, Poison, Psi). You can get the either by joining a Pantheon with Ether Projector, or by using special consumables that grant resistance for a limited amount of time - you loyal cultists with give it to you with a daily offerings during the invasions, though you can only get 4 consumables per day and visit only 4 basic Invasions adventures per day if you are not in Pantheon with Ether projector.

There are basic adventures that even solo players can enter (though only 4 times per day), and advanced adventures that require a Resistance of 300 (electricity for Mechanoids, poison for Fitonoids, psi for Reapers of Death) also advanced invasion adventures will provide you with 10 times more Ether materials that basic ones. You can research and upgrade the Resistance by spending energy modules (you will get a bit of them daily for having Premium active, and 3 times per day with Order missions) and ether material that you can collect from Invasion adventures. There are weekly cap on how many of them you can collect. And at some point (few weeks before a first major Invasion begins) this cap will be significantly increased.

Ether materials

The difficulty level of Invasion adventures scales with a Prestige of the group or individual players (if they are bold enough to go there solo).

The special feature of those adventures is unusual and hard bosses with a special combat abilities that can turn the combat in wipe fest unless you can kill the really really fast (check out my Bursts and Buffs guide to learn how).

Invasion adventures rewards

Completing the adventures for a certain rank will reward you with a Divine Sparks (they are used to buy nodes in Divine Atlas) but this reward is given only once per adventure instance. You get 20 Divine sparks for completing it on A rating, or if you can beat it at C rating to get 10 Divine sparks,and then you can beat it later for a higher score, then you will get remaining 10 Divine sparks. So it's not a big deal if you can't complete in on A or S at first attempt. Also there are single use reliquary reward with 500 blue, 500 green, 500 red Sparks of Insight, that also awarded only once for completing Invasion adventure at least on B rating. Also there is a Costume reward for S rating, though it's only a different color scheme for costumes for a fully closed Paladin, Cryomancer and Lightbinder so far.

Invasions atlas

Recently there were a special addition to the Invasions - the Invasion Atlas (there will be one for each kind of aliens). Currently we have an atlas for Fitonids.

it comes with a special passive nodes that improves your damage and mitigation against certain kind of invaders. Also it comes with a few Invasions Talents that you can assign among your active symbols.

To get access ti this Atlas you need to collect at least 5000 invasion tokens (and there 1000000 tokes cap per single invasion). It will also provide you with Invasion Sparks for this alien race.

Here is the progression bar of how many Invasion Sparks you can get for a certain amount of tokens.

Single invasion (if you collect 1000000 tokens) allows you to buy only a small part of Invasion Atlas. So it's like a loyalty program for gods :)

Now almost everyone can fight the Invaders

And here comes a really good part

Everyone know can participate in fending off the Invasion, even if they don't have a God Form or Pantheon, though they need to have at least some Prestige to participate. And here is how: one Group dungeon and one solo adventure get transformed by Invasion.

Transformed dungeons and solo adventures.

First of all - difficulty level there are now scaling with a group Prestige during the Invasions there. Second - there are new special bonus missions that you need to do to get S-rating to get full amount of tokens.

It was promised that the actual Invasions adventures will provide a LOT more tokes than transformed adventures, though they messed up a bit this time and promised to fix it for next invasion.

That is all for now :) Cheers from RU server!

P.S. a comment from ARGUS system:



Looks like we need to get to building those structures in the pantheon. Although we are all pretty far away from 30k lol


Seeing as how there's a few of us playing on the EU server, how about a (small) EU Guild? I'll try to set it up as soon as I hit 50k if I can get some people interested.

(if I ever seem to do hit 50k...)
Seeing as how there's a few of us playing on the EU server, how about a (small) EU Guild? I'll try to set it up as soon as I hit 50k if I can get some people interested.

(if I ever seem to do hit 50k...)

I've seen some people asking about an EU guild so that might be a good idea. It'd be pretty simple to make a second tab in the gaf character sheet for EU players to list their names and get invited.


i ve been looking for one and failing pretty hard so it would be nice. does it want 50k prestige or money?


Unlocked warlock last night. used my last few sparks before hitting limit to unlock him then was grumpy I didn't have the sparks to level him.

Then hit 11k prestige and boom 700 of each spark limit free.

Warlock is pretty much what I was hoping. I kinda can't believe the killing speed of a 30% leveled warlock to a 80% leveled lightbinder.

I thought for sure lightbinder would do around 80% of warlock damage due to having shields and such.

I feel like my lightbinder does 40% the warlocks damage. I guess DPS must just wreck in this game.

Warlock has 2 stances. DoT stance, and explosion stance (my names). Pretty much what it seems, dot stance dots em all em, switch to explosion stance and explode all of your dots off instantly.

Got wrecked for an hour figuring it out, now I can't believe how fast I'm killing stuff. Just can't get hit so squishy. But at this point, mobs are having problems even taking a few steps towards me before getting blown up.


Unlocked warlock last night. used my last few sparks before hitting limit to unlock him then was grumpy I didn't have the sparks to level him.

Then hit 11k prestige and boom 700 of each spark limit free.

Warlock is pretty much what I was hoping. I kinda can't believe the killing speed of a 30% leveled warlock to a 80% leveled lightbinder.

I thought for sure lightbinder would do around 80% of warlock damage due to having shields and such.

I feel like my lightbinder does 40% the warlocks damage. I guess DPS must just wreck in this game.

Warlock has 2 stances. DoT stance, and explosion stance (my names). Pretty much what it seems, dot stance dots em all em, switch to explosion stance and explode all of your dots off instantly.

Got wrecked for an hour figuring it out, now I can't believe how fast I'm killing stuff. Just can't get hit so squishy. But at this point, mobs are having problems even taking a few steps towards me before getting blown up.

Warlock is a DoT based glass cannon. It's prbabaly the highest sustained. Kinetic and zerker beat it in burst.
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