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Slate : Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?

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This election is literally Arrested Development Season 5.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The "comey is working for the republicans" angle makes no sense when you consider he could have pulled the trigger on hillary earlier this year and didn't. Besides, he may be the director but he's just one man. Plus, obama himself said that comey isn't working for the republicans.

I'm just saying that it sounds suspicious that this comes out now, a week before the election, when the numbers are not as comfortable for hillary, and hillary has a prepared statement and breakdown ready to go. Even if they withheld revealing it until it was politically necessary that seems counter to the best interests of the american people. It should have been investigated by the official channels earlier.

1. Comey did in fact act alone either as a partisan or an incompetent or a coward.
2. If it's strategic release of the information that doesn't mean it's false or anything other than normal oppo. That is how oppo works.
3. Comey himself may have unclogged this (FBI) dam
4. There's nothing weird about having a statement about this stuff and nothing fast about it.
5. Clinton campaign has been investigating Trump Russian stuff all year.


The "comey is working for the republicans" angle makes no sense when you consider he could have pulled the trigger on hillary earlier this year and didn't. Besides, he may be the director but he's just one man. Plus, obama himself said that comey isn't working for the republicans.

Do you think the director of the FBI can just fabricate evidence of wrongdoing and get away with it? He had already thrown partisans a bone with that highly irregular press conference, that was the most he could do.

I don't think he is a plant or anything, just inept or succumbing to pressure from somebody.

Obama is being a politician and staying above the fray.
I hope after the election Trump is fucking raked over the coals for the multiple shit he has pulled and for being a treasonous bastard.
I get that it's not normal, but consider that he had to be caught on the record saying flat out that he does unwanted advances towards women before that whole line of critique had any impact on his prospects, despite all kinds of evidence floating around. Similarly here anything short of him being caught on record saying to Putin "I'll fuck shit up for you" is unlikely to have any material impact.

The next few days will be interesting. Newsmakers know there's small time to make their mark.
OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:

1. Comey did in fact act alone either as a partisan or an incompetent or a coward.
2. If it's strategic release of the information that doesn't mean it's false or anything other than normal oppo. That is how oppo works.
3. Comey himself may have unclogged this (FBI) dam
4. There's nothing weird about having a statement about this stuff and nothing fast about it.
5. Clinton campaign has been investigating Trump Russian stuff all year.

A presidential candidate that has even a slight chance of winning who is working for the interests of a hostile state is a bigger issue than "oppo" and should have been investigated earlier this year if it was known.

Holding onto that until the last week before the election is suspicious and like I said, counter to the best interests of the american people.
Before we unleash the lynch mob, remind me again what is wrong with Trump having a private line to a Russian bank? Considering his personal connections and business ties to Russia.

I mean, he might very well be a Russian puppet, but private connections with banks are hardly the conclusive proof people are looking for, unless I am missing something.

It's illegal to get funding for your campaign from foreign countries.
I get that it's not normal, but consider that he had to be caught on the record saying flat out that he does unwanted advances towards women before that whole line of critique had any impact on his prospects, despite all kinds of evidence floating around. Similarly here anything short of him being caught on record saying to Putin "I'll fuck shit up for you" is unlikely to have any material impact.

Instead of taking the pundit route and talking about how a story will or won't play, how about we talk about the actual content of the story?

A novel idea these days, I know. There is plenty in the actual story to talk about and question.


Funny now that right wingers are antiwar. I guess they aren't about that life unless it's bombing brown people.

There's no cohesive right wing message, I feel bad for the competent people swimming in a sea of absurdity. Fiscally conservatives need to take over if they ever want to make waves again.


Before we unleash the lynch mob, remind me again what is wrong with Trump having a private line to a Russian bank? Considering his personal connections and business ties to Russia.

I mean, he might very well be a Russian puppet, but private connections with banks are hardly the conclusive proof people are looking for, unless I am missing something.

They're using log file entries as a purely surreptitious method of communication. Nothing legitimate would be done in such a way.


OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


That would be literal treason if the implication is true.
OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:



Mother Jones has reviewed that report and other memos this former spy wrote. The first memo, based on the former intelligence officer's conversations with Russian sources, noted, "Russian regime has been cultivating, supporting and assisting TRUMP for at least 5 years. Aim, endorsed by PUTIN, has been to encourage splits and divisions in western alliance." It maintained that Trump "and his inner circle have accepted a regular flow of intelligence from the Kremlin, including on his Democratic and other political rivals." It claimed that Russian intelligence had "compromised" Trump during his visits to Moscow and could "blackmail him." It also reported that Russian intelligence had compiled a dossier on Hillary Clinton based on "bugged conversations she had on various visits to Russia and intercepted phone calls."

If this is true, sweet Jesus. This would be bigger than Watergate.
OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


Oh God, let this stick, let this stick!


Gold Member
The setup described in the article is purely a surreptitious means of communication. Very surreptitious. Nothing legitimate would be done in such a way.

That is clear. But for me the Occam's Razor is that Trump is plenty shit in business, relies on Russian funding to keep his Narcissist empire afloat, both sides have a goal to keep their relationship as secret as possible, both sides use expensive advisors to achieve that goal, hence secret line. Naturally many illegalities bound to be there, but not quite the conclusive evidence of treason required to finish him off.


OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


That is really crazy, possibly something for another thread?
That is clear. But for me the Occam's Razor is that Trump is plenty shit in business, relies on Russian funding to keep his Narcissist empire afloat, both sides have a goal to keep their relationship as secret as possible, both sides use expensive advisors to achieve that goal, hence secret line. Naturally many illegalities bound to be there, but not quite the conclusive evidence of treason required to finish him off.

Then only if we had his taxes so we could be sure!


OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


This kinda deserves its own thread

..because WOW
If this story is true and the FBI really knew about this and said nothing (while at the same time rushing to release the Clinton email story) then I think it's clear that senior leadership there attempted to manipulate the election for Trump. This is astonishing.

Yeah, it's nuts that so far only one of these two things has come out until now if this is true.

Holy shit, this is crazy if true.

But emails. The media will talk nothing other than the emails the entire week. Watch. *sigh*

Yeah, sigh. Let's see.


OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


H O L Y F U C K if accurate. And who is this "rich Republican?"

Corn is usually on point too


Yep, facebook post just devolved into people claiming this is better than a nuclear war and that they would rather have someone friendly with Putin than a warhawk that will get us all killed. Then name calling like Killary and some third party talk.

When did the everyday person get so uninformed?
Yep, facebook post just devolved into people claiming this is better than a nuclear war and that they would rather have someone friendly with Putin than a warhawk that will get us all killed. Then name calling like Killary and some third party talk.

When did the everyday person get so uninformed?

You mean misinformed.
Yep, facebook post just devolved into people claiming this is better than a nuclear war and that they would rather have someone friendly with Putin than a warhawk that will get us all killed. Then name calling like Killary and some third party talk.

When did the everyday person get so uninformed?

This is just mental gymnastics for people who will vote republican no matter what.

Hardcore democrats would be doing the same if it was somehow revealed that Hillary conspired to create ISIS or something stupid.


This is just mental gymnastics for people who will vote republican no matter what.

Hardcore democrats would be doing the same if it was somehow revealed that Hillary conspired to create ISIS or something stupid.

Not me, I admit she has a lot of issues and it's been tough for me to support her. I guess that's the difference between some people is that some can support blindly and others have to get the info first. It took a lot to convince me Hillary was a worthy candidate (which she is). But if something similar came out, and was truthful, I'd drop her easily.
OH SHIT, David Corn has quotes from a veteran spy hired by a rich Republican during the primary that found direct information sharing between the Trump campaign and Russia. Here's one:

"It started off as a fairly general inquiry," says the former spook, who asks not to be identified. But when he dug into Trump, he notes, he came across troubling information indicating connections between Trump and the Russian government. According to his sources, he says, "there was an established exchange of information between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin of mutual benefit."

Full story here:


Well fuck me sideways. It looks like old Trump is getting cozy with Russia. Goddamn.


There's no cohesive right wing message, I feel bad for the competent people swimming in a sea of absurdity. Fiscally conservatives need to take over if they ever want to make waves again.

Honestly - while I believe a lot of fiscal issues are important to talk about, I just don't think an actual fiscal conservative platform is popular for the majority on the population anymore. Before it was mostly used as a cover up for to mess with programs for poor and minorities but actual fiscal conservatism would have to look at our social security, medicare, defense spending, transportation, or even something as "simple" as mortgage interest deduction. That's not gonna fly whether you're left or right.
That is clear. But for me the Occam's Razor is that Trump is plenty shit in business, relies on Russian funding to keep his Narcissist empire afloat, both sides have a goal to keep their relationship as secret as possible, both sides use expensive advisors to achieve that goal, hence secret line. Naturally many illegalities bound to be there, but not quite the conclusive evidence of treason required to finish him off.

Trump's comments about refusing to honor our commitments to NATO tell me all I need to know. There is enough evidence to charge him with treason.

Knowledgeable people know how much the dissolution of NATO would harm us. It would be absolutely devastating for national AND global stability and security.
Honestly - while I believe a lot of fiscal issues are important to talk about, I just don't think an actual fiscal conservative platform is popular for the majority on the population anymore. Before it was mostly used as a cover up for to mess with programs for poor and minorities but actual fiscal conservatism would have to look at our social security, medicare, defense spending, transportation, or even something as "simple" as mortgage interest deduction. That's not gonna fly whether you're left or right.

Huh? Fiscal conservativism means to privatize everything.


This is too hard to explain. Therefore it didnt happen.

Nothing will happen. Facts don't matter anymore.

"Trump computer has direct secret hotline to Russia." A little sensationalist, but that didn't stop the media doing the same with the email story.

I hate Ronald Reagan with every fiber of my being, but there's no doubt he'd be spinning in his grave if he knew that the leader of *his* party was so closely involved with the Russian government.


The entire first Clinton administration is going to be the simultaneous House impeachment hearings over the emails and Justice Department prosecution against Trump for treason. It will be like the election never ended.


Honestly - while I believe a lot of fiscal issues are important to talk about, I just don't think an actual fiscal conservative platform is popular for the majority on the population anymore. Before it was mostly used as a cover up for to mess with programs for poor and minorities but actual fiscal conservatism would have to look at our social security, medicare, defense spending, transportation, or even something as "simple" as mortgage interest deduction. That's not gonna fly whether you're left or right.

Definitely true, but the GOP needs something new to replace this anti-progressive thing they are trying to sell.


Yep, facebook post just devolved into people claiming this is better than a nuclear war and that they would rather have someone friendly with Putin than a warhawk that will get us all killed. Then name calling like Killary and some third party talk.

When did the everyday person get so uninformed?

that's what makes someone the everyday person.
I still wonder why anyone would go through all of this to create a secret server when there are encrypted messaging clients readily available. Also, the fact that it was registered in 2009 and not used until recently is also suspicious. I believe it must have been in the early stages and quickly scrapped after discovery.

And finally the fact that a third party was involved, Cendyn:
Cendyn is a full-service hotel digital marketing agency specializing in online solutions that drive bottom line results for the hospitality industry.

My best guess is that either:
1. Secret server for back-channel communications with Russia/Kremlin
2. Trump-something Michigan healthcare/Russian bank related business email server

I'm inclined to believe the latter because again, why would anyone not use an encrypted/disposable channels for shady communications?

I believe Trump was doing something business related with Russia/Russian bank and didn't want it to leak that he has Russian ties when all this time he's been denying it.

Log data added 2016-10-08

  • Trump and Russia's largest private bank communicate via hidden server since at least 2016 May
  • Confronted with questions by NYT reporter, Alfa Bank denies any relationship
  • Hidden server belonging to Trump then disappears (no one but Alfa Bank was asked)
  • Deleted host name mail1.Trump-Email.com is replaced with trump1.contact-client.com
  • Russian Alfa Bank is the first host seen to contact the new trump1. server

Trump's FEC filings fail to disclose any foreign bank account in Russia or relationship with the Russian Alfa Bank.

Network logs show a distinctively human pattern of communications between a hidden server dedicated for use by the Trump Organization and the Russian financial company Alfa Bank, which has close ties to the Kremlin. Trump campaign advisors also have relationships with Alfa Bank and related Alfa-Group / LetterOne.

The other frequent connection to Trump's hidden server with the same distinctive human pattern is Spectrum Health, a Michigan hospital with close ties to the DeVos family (http://www.spectrumhealth.org/locations/helen-devos-childrens-hospital). The Devos family founded Amway / Alticor which operates in Russia including transactions with Alfa Bank such as buying insurance for 800 Alticor employees from Alfa Bank's insurance subsidiary. The Devos family has given millions of dollars in the past few months to conservative super PACs (www.fec.gov). One member of the Devos family was a founder of Blackwater.

Trump's hidden server appears to be a specially configured outbound email server. The email server type normally would handle outbound bulk advertising or transactional mail for a large enterprise to customers, powerful enough to deliver millions of emails per day. ( http://www.marketerspublishinggroup.com/PMTA-UsersGuide-4.0.pdf). Different in every way from traffic seen on adjacent servers managed by the same server company, this specially configured server has been exclusively corresponding with Alfa-Bank and Spectrum since at least May 2016 with a cadence and rate of a human conversation. See the graph of the connections here.

The stealth server has had two different names:

mail1.Trump-Email.com (zone deleted on Friday, 2016-Sept-23 after the Russian Alfa-Bank was asked by the New York Times to explain the communications)

and on 2016-Sept-27 a new name showed up:


When a reporter from the New York Times (NYT) asked the Russian Alfa Bank for comment about the apparent communications, Alfa Bank denied any relationship with the Trump Organization. The NYT reporter communicated with no one other than the Russian Alfa Bank - yet the Trump-Email.com domain began showing signs of panicked reconfiguration within hours of the New York Times asking the Russian Alfa Bank why they were making connections to Trump-Email.com. While no errors were seen in all the months prior to this question from the reporter - suddenly errors appeared. Two of the authoritative name server hosts deleted the zone, while the third authoritative just erased the IP from the configuration line and continued to answer authoritatively. This mistake can still be demonstrated at the time of this writing.

The Trump Organization deleted the Trump-Email.com zone shortly before 10 AM Eastern US time on Friday Sept 23rd after the NYT reporter called Alfa Bank. This suggests a cover-up attempt by Trump and Alfa Bank. It suggests communication from Alfa Bank warning the Trump Organization to take action to remove the evidence of the hidden server domain, mail1.Trump-Email.com.

The physical server itself was never changed; just the hostname mail1.Trump-Email.com stopped pointing to that physical server and the hostname was effectively deleted from the global Domain Name System (DNS).

By September 27th 2016, the Trump Organization had created a new host trump1.contact-client.com pointing to the exact same physical server previously operating as mail1.Trump-Email.com.

The Russian Alfa Bank was the first to contact the newly renamed host, strongly indicating again that Trump and Alfa Bank are coordinating with each other and have a very close relationship. After this discovery, they are likely moving conversations to a new channel.

Trump has a bank account with the Russian Alfa Bank, which may explain the need for hidden server communications. Alfa Bank / Alfa Group / LetterOne has expressed interest in investing billions in US health care companies, which could include Michigan's Spectrum Health or could be regarding the financial relationships Amway/Alticor has with the Russian Alfa Bank insurance company.

Are you sure the Trump-Email.com domain really belongs to the Trump Organization?

We have 100% confidence. You can verify the complete whois record by going to the Godaddy.com website and clicking on WHOIS. While whois records can be forged, we also judge authenticity based on the resources used by each domain name. A very detailed analysis has been made of thousands of Trump Organization domain names, vendors and hosting resources, confirming that this domain without question belongs in the same group.

A lot of trump business stuff has been created under this registrant.

Source: http://gdd.i2p.xyz/


FBI investigated, found nothing. Bank has also now responded. There are no ties.


Unconfirmed Member
so they go to all that effort to setup a secret server and then call it "trump1"

that's either really convenient or really stupid.


Instead of taking the pundit route and talking about how a story will or won't play, how about we talk about the actual content of the story?

A novel idea these days, I know. There is plenty in the actual story to talk about and question.

This is my absolute least favorite part of political discussion.

Everyone wants to play political strategist and discuss what it means for the campaign or the candidate, what they should do, talk about the spin, etc. Meanwhile the meat of what's happening falls to the side.
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