That's what I was saying earlier. In an open world game the scripted corridor just sticks out even more. Thankfully it's a good script.I usually don't like the new GTA model of 'open world' games where every mission is as scripted and linear as any COD or Uncharted, but I find the basic gameplay so fun in this I think I'll be OK with it.
I hope they can do these things in the sequel, because this is obviously a game deserving of one.Given that this was once a true crime game, the only reason Pendrew got busted was because of your thug and cop levels, at least that was what I thought initially..
See how the cutscenes played out in segments, I'm of the opinion that initially the ending segments were varied and alternates were available.
If you got a low thug level, Broken Nose Jiang wouldn't have given you that folder, if you had a low cop level, you wouldn't have been spared by Raymond, etc..
I haven't finished the game either, but I imagine it's a play off the "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie" saying, which means just leave things as they are.
Could be that Wei is a sleeping dog and by putting him in the Triads, you've woken him, when you should've just left him alone.
Who knows!
Anywei, I heard you like memes, so I put a meme in your etc etc.
I'm very sorry. I'm normally more careful about labeling spoilers, but forgot I was quoting one. Thanks for the heads up though I edited to make sure it's properly labeled.Why did I highlight
Only got a peek but I'm slightly spoiled now. Must leave this thread till I'm done with the game. No idea how far I am.
but I must be getting close.just finished showing the American music producer around town
Any way to get thevalet to bring you something other than your motorcycle?
I've been playing the game on the PC but I decided to give the PS3 demo a shot just for kicks and I came away duly impressed.
Yes, the PC version is obvious a step up, but the PS3 version still looks fantastic and runs fairly smoothly. It's very clearly the same game and much of the visual panache remains in tact. Impressive work. It's definitely one of the best looking sandbox games to date.
I'm really sick of the driving camera, though. The way it faces down all of the time is just beyond irritating. You have these massive structures stretched before you and the camera wants to tilt down the entire time. I wish this could be adjusted.
Pretty sure this is the first game I've ever 100%'d in achievements.
I'm jealous.
I don't have any Platinum trophies on PS3 and I was thinking about making this my first. Any particular achievements give you any issues?
Another thing that is buggy but cracks me up is when you break up a drug bust, win, and the guys scatter. They not only scatter but always seem to take whatever vehicle I used to get there, leaving Wei all alone and on foot.
I just realized that I've never been able to successfully do a car environmental attack (like with the car door). Anything special involved in that? Every time I drag them to the car I just slam them into it. Is it one of the ones that isn't automatic (i.e. you have to press B to do it)?
I just realized that I've never been able to successfully do a car environmental attack (like with the car door). Anything special involved in that? Every time I drag them to the car I just slam them into it. Is it one of the ones that isn't automatic (i.e. you have to press B to do it)?
Pretty sure this is the first game I've ever 100%'d in achievements.
Silver/Gold stat grinding is a bit tedious, but it teaches you mastery of the mechanics and, again, you'll chew through a lot of them through normal. There's a few you're unlikely to get unless you try, like massacring cops and maybe vault disarms, but you can replay levels or just focus on getting them in the sandbox easily enough.
That's why I stop without my 100%, I found this been SOOOOO FUCKING LAME, I just made some more, but after some time I realize I wasn't have fun anymore, and no fun no game for me. LOL
But we gonna have DLC, and then we come back to the fight!
YOLO tattoo DLC.I have absolutely no idea what is going on there. None whatsoever.
how are people getting this for $35 on GMG?
It was described to me as reflecting Wei's own motivations to go after the Triads. After all, it was Dog Eyes who got Wei's sister hooked on junk, which ultimately led to her death... but the Triads are a powerful and ruthless criminal organisation (to say the least), and so rather than embarking on a risky path of vengeance, perhaps it would have been better if Wei (and Pendrew) had let 'sleeping dogs' lie.
Or I think that's how it went. I hadn't had my first cup of coffee that morning, so I might be misremembering.
TheExecutive said:Is this a sandbox game or open world like Mafia 2?
Think Mafia 2, but with side content. I'd say a sandbox game, but it hones towards Mafia 2 with its more serious atmosphere, plot, and characters.
Ok thanks. I dont have 60 hrs to spend on a game so that sounds like fun.
Ok thanks. I dont have 60 hrs to spend on a game so that sounds like fun.
Does the game support game pad?
I just got a call fromNot Ping!
This pleases me. Now I just needto call. I miss her.Amanda
Edit: Gah, nevermind, I can't call them back. Now I'm sad.![]()
yeah I just got this too yesterday, is this a bug? or the end of her story?
why does this game run like dog shit on anything but medium on my 570... surely it isnt that old...