the female character models like tiffany and amanda are pretty fugly. amanda doesn't even looks white.
the female character models like tiffany and amanda are pretty fugly. amanda doesn't even looks white.
Haha this one environment kill was pretty awesome. Hung a guy from a chandelier. It's too bad these unique ones come along so rarely. I've spent most of the game smashing someone into a phone booth or wall fan.
Okay, this is a going to be about as shaky as can get, but I'm trying to decide if I want to pick this up on Steam right now. I'm in the mood for a high-tech open world game.
My feelings about some open-world games:
Just Cause 2 - Awesome
GTA IV - Pretty good
San Andreas - Awesome
Saints Row 3 - Boring
Red Dead Redemption - Okay
Assassin's Creed - Boring
Is the melee in this game as hands-off as Assassin's Creed and Batman AC? Is the ranged combat a lot of waiting behind cover? If yes to either or both of these, are there enough badass-looking ways to deal with enemies to keep it all fresh enough? Is the city pretty and varied?
lexi said:Minor gameplay spoilers:
The mission where you're chasing someone for a debt and they have armed cars protecting them -- and you lean out the window and shoot at them and their cars explode and crash in slowmo.... Is easily the coolest shit I have done in a game for a long time. I want more!
Got on my bike. Tried to call Tiffany while driving. Killed a pedestrian.
Such is the life of a Hong Kong gangster.
Where can I get a badass suit and tie from? Not sure when or where I get one or how.
Where can I get a badass suit and tie from? Not sure when or where I get one or how.
If I keep playing, but only shop in north point, will they get some of the crazier stuff?
As you build up your Face meter you should be able to buy crazier stuff (you probably want to have the face bonus active all the time if you want to build it up faster). You also find clothes in the lock boxes (so no need to buy them).
What's the best way to build up my face quickly? I keep seeing cool clothes that I can't buy yet.
awhh yeeeeh probably not changing at least till I find the Game of Death outfit
haha I found the Kill Bill outfit and one from Reservoir Dogs. Game is fun
What's the best way to build up my face quickly? I keep seeing cool clothes that I can't buy yet.
Easily, that said, I've been looking forward to this for a long time, and it's the only game this year that I've pulled an all nighter for. I haven't touched Darksiders or Dust yet though, and I was looking forward to both of those as well.So...GOTY for anyone else? I feel like I'm forgetting everything else that has come out this yearFor some reason I'm having a huge brain freeze right now haha
S'all about Sandra and Vivi.the female character models like tiffany and amanda are pretty fugly. amanda doesn't even looks white.
So...GOTY for anyone else? I feel like I'm forgetting everything else that has come out this yearFor some reason I'm having a huge brain freeze right now haha
Easily, that said, I've been looking forward to this for a long time, and it's the only game this year that I've pulled an all nighter for. I haven't touched Darksiders or Dust yet though, and I was looking forward to both of those as well.
Hitman has the chance to dethrone Sleeping Dogs, and if I decide to import Yakuza 5, that'll probably end up winning out, but so far, it's my favorite game of the year, and really my favorite game in a while. I love urban settings, and Sleeping Dogs combines my favorite parts of Yakuza and Just Cause 2 into a nice, tight package. I wish the story was better, but so far, I'm having a blast.So...GOTY for anyone else? I feel like I'm forgetting everything else that has come out this yearFor some reason I'm having a huge brain freeze right now haha
Mhm, preach. The female character designs aren't particularly attractive, but some of the men are good-looking in a video gamey sort of way.Thankfully i don't have to look at the girls in this game when someone like Conroy is in it.
Are some doors unlocked later in the game? I'm early and found one of the 12 glowing statues in a building, but can't find a way to enter the building.