I was having fun... until I punched a guy so hard, he somehow glitched through a wall... now he's cowering in fear on the other side in an alley, and I can't get to him to finish the fight due to a gate.
Had to restart the game.
Aside from that, it's really not bad.
- United Front
- Has anyone else brought aback to the first safehouse and had that little Easter egg?TaxiI don't know what I did to trigger that, but it was hilarious.A lady got in the backseat and right as she was going to annouce a destination, Wei asked her "Do I look like a cab driver?" and she screamed and ran out of the car.
That does blow. Luckily i haven't had any super crazy glitches or lock-ups yet.This game just killed my PS3 practically. I was playing and the game started glitchy like crazy. No road so my car would through the city. Certain items were not popping in or would pop in at the last second. I couldn't hijack a car. I shut it down thinking maybe it needed to cool off and I turned it back on later and I had to restore my PS3 system. On top of it all, the game never saved itself to my Cloud Storage so I have to start from scratch again.
I'm a little pissed.
hmmm does this game support steam cloud?
The store page is quite barebones on the right bar with it just saying 'single-player'.
Restarting the mission didnt help?I was having fun... until I punched a guy so hard, he somehow glitched through a wall... now he's cowering in fear on the other side in an alley, and I can't get to him to finish the fight due to a gate.
Had to restart the game.
Aside from that, it's really not bad.
it's really funny to think these are the modnation racers and littlebigplanet karting guys
Or you know... The Bully and Red Faction guys
yeah but that makes more sense so it's not as fun!
I'm just saying, give them a little credit!
I actually liked MNR.
Can't wait to play more Sleeping Dogs this weekend. Been too busy this week to play much.
how would this game run on an i7-920, 6GB RAM and a GTX 670?
So how about dem patch notes huh guys?
Isn't there a Sleeping Dogs PC performance thread?
oh dear... so where are the save files located for this?
In anticipation of the European launch of Sleeping Dogs and in response to some of the feedback generated by the PC gamers on the forum weve prepared a patch that aims to improve some PC-specific features as well as fix some bugs that have been reported by the community. The full list of changes is below:
Improvements & Bug Fixes
Fixed several bugs where NPCs would not path through doors properly this corrects the issue where Naz stops running in the first mission of the game
Added HD Textures for UI screens (only available with the free HD Texture Pack DLC installed)
Improvements made to reduce the frequency of erroneous dont lose your target warnings in missions where you are chasing an NPC
Significant improvements to mouse support on various options screens
New Keyboard/Mouse option which makes the keyboard & mouse the only input devices even if a controller is connected
Several minor text bugs corrected
Fixed an issue where mouse clicks would sometimes be ignored in the UI
Fixed the keyboard and mouse camera controls in the Phone Tracing minigame
The patch will be available on Steam tonight in a matter of hours and should be much smaller than the last one
Everytime I try to enable High Res textures it won't let me and at the same time changes the AA setting to "High". WTF