I think the world is very well designed and feels "full" and interesting to explore. Lot's of people everywhere and plenty to see and do.One thing I really like about this game is how you can just turn it on and just do some random shit for 30 minutes for a quick laugh and do some of those side missions in the process. I really do love this game, I think it's one of the best open sandboxes ever done. It just feels so right.
When you think about it, open-world games would be perfect for F2P and can work with Single Player. You keep updating the game, adding new items,collectables, missions and even whole new map areas - all for free and you offer all these boos packs and unlocks if people want to speed their way ('Face level X \ X money required to access the new island' for example).
gaf-mods being gaf-mods?
Dat high-res texture pack.As mentioned I been playing this game on PS3 and having a good time.
Got a chance to play it on PC.
I don't want to play it on PS3 anymore ;_;
Nope...still haven't gotten even half of them, probably never will. I just don't think stuff should be spoon fed to you in games. Finding a Pigeon that barely does anything in GTA4 is far more satisfying than looking at my map to locate/activate a shrine that boosts my health in Sleeping Dogs.
Also stuff like that shouldn't be expected to be done in a reasonable amount of time, GTA4's version gets you to explore the game world and try new things...SD's version doesn't really encourage anything.
Huh, I'm pretty sure I just saw an old man get a heart attack on the streets. Paramedics came to revive him with defibrillators but he died.
I don't think he got hit by something, because he dropped on his knees while holding his chest.
What do the different color missions mean, I guess Blue means Police I think, but I have seen Orange and Green, which ones are main story?
U jelly?
No, there is not an option to change the spoken language, but much of the cutscene dialogue is english with random cantonese words thrown in (usually swear words, or an important word repeated in cantonese after being spoken in english). Lots of people on the streets speak cantonese.I have a question:
Is there a lot of spoken Cantonese in the game? My wife is from Hong Kong, and I would love it if there was a lot of people speaking in her native language. Can you change the spoken language to Cantonese in any of the versions?
I have a question:
Is there a lot of spoken Cantonese in the game? My wife is from Hong Kong, and I would love it if there was a lot of people speaking in her native language. Can you change the spoken language to Cantonese in any of the versions?
I have a question:
Is there a lot of spoken Cantonese in the game? My wife is from Hong Kong, and I would love it if there was a lot of people speaking in her native language. Can you change the spoken language to Cantonese in any of the versions?
You see that GAF? I seem to have picked up this fine looking thing.
U jelly?
My mind is blown by the voice acting... is this just about the best voice acting u can get in a game? I don't play many games so I wouldn't know - but Sandra and Vivi's voice acting is absolutely outstanding.
Old but should be in the OT
Wet Shen is Wei Cool
Enough with the screens dude.
Why dont you answer my question?![]()
1. Steal car.
2. Drive in front of taxi.
3. Get out of car.
4. Hire taxi.
I just picked this game up today. It's pretty awesome so far. I had to go with the PS3 version, but I think it looks amazing. I had a laugh when listening to the radio and I heard a travel ad to visit Panau.
Disappointing demo. No driving? Meh.
Fixed version:
1. Steal car.
2. Drive in front of taxi.
3. Get out of car.
4. Hold Y to Hire Taxi.
5. Somehow the Y button wasn't held down for some reason, even though you did, and you end up hi-jacking the Taxi.
Repeat 1-4 until success. Usually takes me 2-3 tries to do it successfully.
You see that GAF? I seem to have picked up this fine looking thing.
U jelly?