I wish I could go back to this time, In Blockbuster Mexico, I went in search of each establishment to find video games that were difficult to obtain. I got Fatal Frame, Haunting ground, God Hand, Silent hill 3, among other very difficult games to get for 10 dollars.
Also I remember family members not talking for months because they were argumenting and both parties didn't want to say they were wrong because of the impossibility to validate a fact. For me it's a positive.Discussing a topic without someone grabbing their phone to look up a fact or detail.
We still have a Pizza Hutt with a lunch buffet around here.
My city still has video game and rental stores, was magical going there and getting some (still awesome) ps3 games for dirt cheap.Video and game rental stores.
When the internet and gaming were geek territory.
No social media.
Same, I still enjoy it. I would kill the chickens myself for a KFC buffet though.We still have a Pizza Hutt with a lunch buffet around here.
you reminded me that game martha is deadI kinda miss fucking with my VHS player's tracking thing to get the picture right for some reason. Don't know why, just something about being able to adjust things with analog switches and what not, it just appealed to me. I had a job for a few years in photo development, garnered a real appreciation for film as well, and just how intricate the chemical washing process is and the beauty of dark rooms. I miss when there was more to producing a good photo then just getting a good shot and fiddling with photo shop for a few hours. Even the act of producing the photo took a certain degree of skill and knowledge, and it was easy to destroy your paper if you exposed it to light, so there was a real care to the whole process.
We have one of those too, but it is only on Sundays.Same, I still enjoy it. I would kill the chickens myself for a KFC buffet though.
Not this but I'm using this thread as an excuse to post this video.
In simplest terms, my pick would be not having to provide for myself. Oh well.
I remember going to Blockbuster with my parents, renting SNES, N64 games, and trying to beat them in a week before I had to return them.Video and game rental stores.
When I was a kid my dad always bought a new atlas every year. I used to love studying it for some reason.Recently took a road trip with my family.
While my wife was on shift for driving, I dug through my glove box and found a map booklet of all 50 states. I just went page by page and was looking up and discovering where cities I have never been to are located.
I did that a lot as a kid.
I can smell this picture. I miss lots of things. One of the foremost on my mind lately is my hair.LAN parties.
These were my favorite thing to get every month, too bad once internet caught up they kinda became obsolete since you end up reading month old news by the time they publish a new issue. :/Videogame magazines.
Yeah this is a good one.Going to the photo mat with my parents and picking up four to six months' worth of pictures.
We would actually make a night of it going through the photos from holidays and vacations when we picked them up - sometimes even have neighbors and family over if it was after a big trip.
I always laugh now when I see somebody taking and retaking a selfie at a restaurant, traffic stop, or point of interest while making that ridiculous duck face.
Yup. I have lots of anecdotes of me "looking for something to buy" at a grocery store after school, when in reality I was just reading Tips and Tricks or Electronic Gaming Monthly or something. (Reading it in the store so I wouldn't have to pay for it) Once the store owner got a hold of what I was doing, he'd angrily rush my way and I had to run out of the store. Good timesVideogame magazines.