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Smash Wii U & 3DS Downloadable Characters Discussion and Information on Smash Ballot

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Kind of makes you wonder whose actually the front runner of the poll.
Probably Snake, some other mainstream guest character (like Tails), any number of Pokémon, Toad, other Mario characters, or a veteran like Wolf. I don’t doubt that K. Rool is doing well in the ballot, but I don’t think he’s so immensely popular as to warrant an explanation regarding his absence. He isn't special.
Speaking of Snake

Nintendo is licensing some old Hudson IPs from Konami, meaning their relationship is better than everyone assumed.
Ooh! Wonder if this means there's even the slightest chance of a new bloody roar sometime in the future, or better yet... bomberman :D
I'd love to see what ninty could do with the bomberman franchise, especially after Splatoon XD

Excellent post. This is sort of what Chris Pranger from the Treehouse was saying; loud voices on the Internet do not represent nearly as big of an audience as they think they do.
Thankies :3
As an incredibly vocal person both online and in real life it's something I've run into personally quite a few times ^.^;

Kind of makes you wonder whose actually the front runner of the poll.
Q-bert :p
I don't know, that essay was kinda saying a lot without saying anything. One poll is no sample size but many many many polls all with the same result is as good an idea as we can get. There's an aggregate of like a dozen of them on tumblr with like 45,000 votes with K. Rool at a dominant lead

It feels like projection when GAFers scoff at fan polls and yet act as though there's undeniably a "casual boogeyman" completely distorting the results to some unknown character.


First of all: Even if K. Rool tops off the ballot votes like you seem to think, that doesn't mean that the ballot winner is going to actually get put into the game.

Second: Nobody really cares about him being fat and ugly - his visual design doesn't matter anyway. The point most people have made against K. Rool is that he simply doesn't have the relevance that Dixie has. Beyond spin-offs like that Mario Baseball one (which was released 7 years ago and the last appearance of K. Rool iirc), he hasn't appeared in any actual games since Donkey Kong 64 (and the puzzle and racing games are spin-offs, mind you).
Dixie Kong, on the other hand, has appeared as a playable character in the most recent installment of the Donkey Kong Country series (Tropical Freeze), and has had as many cameos in spin-offs as K. Rool, if not more.
To top it off, Dixie was planned for Brawl, but the partner mechanic with Diddy was ditched for an unknown reason. This means that Dixie clearly is on Sakurai's radar as well.

Now here's a funny thing: I could also apply the same logic you are doing with K. Rool's Mii costume to Dixie: Look at her trophy in the new Smash game.

This is, in fact, an entirely new model in a pose that has never been used before. Google it yourself, if you don't believe me.
Now, I was being mocked about this before for bringing this up as a hint that Dixie might've been at least planned to be playable, but here's the question I'll pose to you, UglyRareCharacter:
Would Sakurai and his team have gone through the process of making an entirely new model for Dixie Kong if they could've just nicked the Tropical Freeze model, and all that just for a trophy?

Think about it.

You really
want Dixie instead of King K, huh?
I don't know, that essay was kinda saying a lot without saying anything. One poll is no sample size but many many many polls all with the same result is as good an idea as we can get. There's an aggregate of like a dozen of them on tumblr with like 45,000 votes with K. Rool at a dominant lead

It feels like projection when GAFers scoff at fan polls and yet act as though there's undeniably a "casual boogeyman" completely distorting the results to some unknown character.

Not to mention how the "casuals" argument only gets brought up when discussing K. Rool. The dozens of online polls are wrong and *insert extremely vague and broad demographic here* is actually voting for Shadow the Hedgehog en masse.


I don't know, that essay was kinda saying a lot without saying anything. One poll is no sample size but many many many polls all with the same result is as good an idea as we can get. There's an aggregate of like a dozen of them on tumblr with like 45,000 votes with K. Rool at a dominant lead

It feels like projection when GAFers scoff at fan polls and yet act as though there's undeniably a "casual boogeyman" completely distorting the results to some unknown character.

But that's the problem with these polls-- they are very small amount. 45,000 is probably nothing compared to what Nintendo actually got. The only poll I personally took part in was Nintendo's and I'm sure there are many similar fans. If you have 45,000 votes but those are only made by say 20,000 people or less- the figure can be severely distorted and made to look like that's what fans want.
You really
want Dixie instead of King K, huh?

I don't care about whether Dixie or Rool or both get picked, I only would like more DK representation in Smash. I just can't stand the militant K. Rool fanboys playing the victim card and using really faulty arguments.

Then again, I also would like more Metroid and F-Zero representation, but at least I realize that those 2 series have no chance of ever getting another character. DK has a shot at least.
But that's the problem with these polls-- they are very small amount. 45,000 is probably nothing compared to what Nintendo actually got. The only poll I personally took part in was Nintendo's and I'm sure there are many similar fans. If you have 45,000 votes but those are only made by say 20,000 people or less- the figure can be severely distorted and made to look like that's what fans want.

Realistically, how many votes do you think are being cast? Millions? People are acting like the Wii U is some hot commodity and this game has a player base of >20 million. Casuals won't care unless their gamer friends tell them who to vote for.
Realistically, how many votes do you think are being cast? Millions? People are acting like the Wii U is some hot commodity and this game has a player base of >20 million. Casuals won't care unless their gamer friends tell them who to vote for.

You're aware the Wii U isn't the only console this ballot is for, yes?
Goku, Naruto, Ichigo.

Honest to god, DBZ Mii costumes could legitimately happen.

- Namco has the license for DBZ games
- Goku is obviously going to be voted in the ballot
- Splatoon had a crossover with a popular anime, and Mario Kart has irl cars in it as a promo.

It could happen. And honestly, it should happen. DBZ Brawler costumes would be ultra-hype.

Yeah... It's really weird that THIS is the franchise they picked to license... But maybe it'll lead to more Castlevania/Metal Gear/Bomberman/Adventure Island in the future?

I've heard speculation this might be a first step for potentially selling off the Hudson stuff to Nintendo. Konami doesn't appear to want anything to do with the Hudson stuff, not even to make casino games out of them.

Nintendo owning Bomberman would pretty much guarantee he'd appear in a future Smash or as DLC. He's not strong enough as a third party rep, but as a Nintendo second party rep? He absolutely would get in.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah seriously, it's like apparently online polls are infallible or something.

Is this the source of "Rool is winning the Smash poll!" conclusion even though we never actually know who is leading in said Smash Poll?


Maturity, bitches.
If Nintendo got Bomberman we'd finally get the Wario Blast sequel everyone and K Rool had been yearning for!
To the guy with the furry avatar who said that's a new Dixie model, it's not, it's the Paon model like almost every other DK trophy they ripped from older games. Unless there's some tiny detail I'm missing? I just remember seeing that it was not the Tropical Freeze model, because they didn't bother putting much of anything from that game into Smash this time.

Realistically, how many votes do you think are being cast? Millions? People are acting like the Wii U is some hot commodity and this game has a player base of >20 million. Casuals won't care unless their gamer friends tell them who to vote for.

THIS. The ballot was only advertised in one Nintendo Direct and a few social media posts. The sorts of people aware of that kind of thing aren't casual. The sort of Wii Music playing people we conjure up for our anti-online fan arguments would never even find the ballot unless they stumbled onto the website (and even then might not care enough to make a comment about their character).
I like that I'm not even "worthy" enough anymore to be directly quoted or even named, and just got relegated to be "the guy with a furry avatar" (who is a character from a fantastic video game series btw, you really should educate yourself on Clover/Platinum...).
I like that I'm not even "worthy" enough anymore to be directly quoted or even named, and just got relegated to be "the guy with a furry avatar" (who is a character from a fantastic video game series btw, you really should educate yourself on Clover/Platinum...).

I saw the response hours ago and was too lazy to turn the page back to quote directly when I knew the post's gist. No judgment on "worthiness" or whatever dude.

So since he didn't answer about the Dixie model, does any one else know if it's the Paon design or a new one?
So since he didn't answer about the Dixie model, does any one else know if it's the Paon design or a new one?

Could you like, stop acting like I'm not participating in the discussion at all?
How about YOU stop being a lazy git and actually read the follow-up discussion I had with someone else about this?
Can anyone be ANY more disrespectful in a discussion than you are towards me?

That model is taken from Barrel Blast, like Lanky's was. It's not a new model. It's a new pose, but so was Lanky's.

The fur texture looks different tho.

There. Are you happy now? Or do I have to forcefeed you what you could read yourself some more? I'll get the baby spoon out.
Funny thing is that you really reminded me of MyFinestHour.
Funny, I actually almost posted earlier saying "Just looking at this conversation, I can see this just slowly devolving into a repeat of the MyFinestHour/BKupa666 banning :/"
Looks like I wasn't the only one thinking of it at least :3

Also, poor Red. Don't worry, I'm reading what you write even the people you're trying to aim it at aren't :p


THIS. The ballot was only advertised in one Nintendo Direct and a few social media posts. The sorts of people aware of that kind of thing aren't casual. The sort of Wii Music playing people we conjure up for our anti-online fan arguments would never even find the ballot unless they stumbled onto the website (and even then might not care enough to make a comment about their character).

And how many less stumble onto random internet board that's doing a poll? You have a fairly decent user base for the game and probably even miiverse only kids who voted.

Does anyone have a similar poll during early Brawl days? Curious where Geno was.
Fewer* Less is for a substance, fewer is for something you count ;) Anyhow there is no homogenous block of casuals voting, it's just thousands of different people who like all manner of characters from Pinky Pie to Squidward. Online fans are more focused and prone to spam voting, so unless anyone can prove some character is the casual's equivalent to K. Rool there's no reason to assume the casuals are doing anything but cluttering the ballot with random votes every which way.

I didn't say anything bad that would be cause for a ban I don't think (can't tell what "snip" means wrt my post). RedArremer do you have any evidence that the Dixie trophy is not the Paon model recycled?
Even if K Rool was #1 (which it seems he probably wasn't), being #1 doesn't mean he's getting in.

Some random might have caught Sakurai's eye. Maybe we'll see some oddballs, like Balloon Fighter, DK Jr, Blaziken, or Monita. Or maybe they'll see the Goku votes and add Infernape because he's the closest thing Nintendo has to Goku.

We just don't know. It's more of a suggestion box, and maybe some suggestions that only got a handful of votes caught someone's eye more than the top 5.
Excellent post. This is sort of what Chris Pranger from the Treehouse was saying; loud voices on the Internet do not represent nearly as big of an audience as they think they do.
The sooner your hardcore smash fan realizes the average person voting in this will just say 'Waluigi' the better prepared you can be for the heartbreak.

I've heard speculation this might be a first step for potentially selling off the Hudson stuff to Nintendo. Konami doesn't appear to want anything to do with the Hudson stuff, not even to make casino games out of them.

Nintendo owning Bomberman would pretty much guarantee he'd appear in a future Smash or as DLC. He's not strong enough as a third party rep, but as a Nintendo second party rep? He absolutely would get in.
God I hope so. Konami buying Hudson out, especially given their trajectory now, was completely pointless. It's literally holding a bunch of IP's you had nothing to do with the development of and have zero intention to use ransom. Bomberman as a character isn't really something I'd get crazy excited for, but I have really fond memories of the N64 games and if he was owned outright by Nintendo he'd easily justify a slot in Smash 5.

More on topic, I don't doubt K. Rool wasn't at #1 on the polls at this point (keeping in mind people can re-vote as much as they want) or that he isn't ranking higher than any non-veteran in most regions, but his costume has a directly acknowledgment of his surprise popularity in the ballot. We don't know the specifics behind how far back costumes are decided on, developed just like how the ballot characters (if any) will be chosen for DLC; K. Rool getting a quick call-out could've been decided on as far back as before-E3 and agreed on to monitor the reaction. The October deadline could mean that's when we should expect to see the reveal of a ballot character, but it could also mean that's when they fully decide to work on one and cut out any outside feedback.

I don't think the costume's a good thing for K. Rool's chances (though I dunno, maybe a hypothetical DKCR3 is going to bring back the Kremlings proper), but I think given how many unknowns we have about how the DLC's being planned and developed it could also be a red herring.

Some random might have caught Sakurai's eye. Maybe we'll see some oddballs, like Balloon Fighter, DK Jr, Blaziken, or Monita. Or maybe they'll see the Goku votes and add Infernape because he's the closest thing Nintendo has to Goku.
Donkey Kong Jr. would be the equivalent to having 'Jumpman' as a character to me. Neat for a few minutes for the retro-value, then for the rest of the game's lifetime you question why they're even there.

Funky Kong is Love, Funky Kong is Life
if we're talking about quickie clone characters


Or maybe they'll see the Goku votes and add Infernape because he's the closest thing Nintendo has to Goku.

Jeez, I wish. Infernape is easily one of my favorite starters and yet he stands eternally in the shadow of Charizard and Blaziken... I'll count my blessings if he ends up in Pokken, never mind Smash.

Man, there's so many cool Pokemon that'd make for good Smash fighters. So glad we're finally getting a dedicated Pokemon fighting game, even if it's not really my style.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Also what I don't like is this narrative of "Nintendo/Sakurai doesn't care or know about Kremlings and us fans/Rarefans are the crusaders of that through this poll and you guys ignored damn you Nintendo/Sakurai!"

It's like you guys missed stuff like Kremlings being Smash Run enemies or something and the "hype" around that fact.

Funny thing is that you really reminded me of MyFinestHour.

why does the name sound familiar
It's like you guys missed stuff like Kremlings being Smash Run enemies or something and the "hype" around that fact.
Lanky Kong, K Rool, Zinger and Kremings all have trophies, plus Rare has Jungle Japes and Kongo Jungle, especially the latter which has graphics basically ripped from the SNES. K Rool has a costume in the game. There's a decent selection of music from DKC, including two really great remixes from Brawl for non-Jungle themes. Even Diddy still looks like his Rare appearance, being bulkier and lacking a backpack.

Smash is really the only thing still referencing Rare DKC.
Smash is kind of fun in that regard. It takes liberties from the game series featured and sometimes those game series take those ideas back with them.


K. Rool has become the new Ridley in Internet discussions. Doesn't take long before the discussion turns into chasing our own tails.

We can provide valid arguments to both his inclusion or exclusion, but ultimately Sakurai does what he wants, and exactly what -that- is with regards to K. Rool specifically, we don't know yet.


Maturity, bitches.
DK Jr isn't like Jump Man. One an old name for a character already in Smash and the other is their own unique character we haven't seen since Mario Tennis on the N64.*

*or does he appear in those DK vs Mario games like he did in DK94?


Maturity, bitches.
I want Dixie Kong in just so we can be disappointed all over again when the DKC2 level complete animation is once again not used for a victory animation.


I still think Cranky would be the best in terms of a new playable Donkey Kong character. It's just he has barely any support.

Masked Man

I said wow
I StreetPassed with Sakurai at Press Start: Symphony of Games last night, and my message is "I hope a Rhythm Heaven character gets into Smash!"
Feel free to thank me when Chorus Kids make it in as DLC. ;)

Masked Man

I said wow
Lucky! What was the song list?

  • Liberi Fatali (FFVIII)
  • Classical Music in Video Games (2015 Version)
  • Overworld / Underwater / Underground / Game Over (Super Mario Bros.)
  • Main Theme (The Legend of Zelda)
  • Grotesque Figures / Revived Power (Shadow of the Colossus)
  • ZERO (Ace Combat Zero: The Balkan War)
  • Title Theme / Hometown Domina / City of Flickering Destruction / Earth Painting / Song of MANA ~Opening Theme~ (Legend of Mana)
  • Flower (Ore no shikabane wo koete yuke)
  • Ninja (Rhythm Heaven)
  • Theme of El Shaddai / The Faraway Creation ~Enoch's Theme~ / Tragic Scream (El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron)
  • Main Theme / Gaur Plains / Mechanical Rhythm / Riki the Legendary Heropon / Satorl Marsh (Night) / You Will Know Our Names / Engage the Enemy (Xenoblade Chronicles)
  • Pollyanna (I Believe in You) / Bein' Friends / Eight Melodies (MOTHER)
  • Epilogue ~To My Dear Friends~ / Chrono Trigger / Frog's Theme / Magus Confronted / Radical Dreamers ~Le Tresor Interdit~ / Outskirts of Time / Chrono Cross ~The Scars of Time~ (Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross)
  • PRESS START Farewell Medley (2006-2015)

An amazing setlist and an amazing concert!
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