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SNES Classic Preorder Shitshow Discussion (Please Read Rules in OP)

So after this , it's seems a N64 mini could be a possibility

Im struggling to think what they could put on an N64 Mini to make it appealing when you wont have any of Rare's games.

N64DD games would do the trick probably.

I wonder about this. Does Nintendo have enough games that would be considered "classics" on the N64 that aren't licensed? Outside of Mario 64, Waverace and DK64, I don't remember many Nintendo classics on the system. I do remember some great 3rd party games they simply have no chance at getting. Not to mention Rare games they probably can't get either.

Missing so many Rare games(unless they work something out with MS) makes this seem like a non-starter to me.

Rare = Microsoft = Third party publisher. They can have Rare games on N64 Mini just like they have Minecraft on Switch or Castlevania and Street Fighter on the SNES Mini.

Sin & Punishment would probably be on it. And Mario Kart 64 will appeal to a lot of people. Especially fans of Battle mode.

I mean, a quick and dirty list if we included NO Rare games:

Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Donkey Kong 64 (made by Rare, but it's a Nintendo IP, so I think it'd be okay?)
Diddy Kong Racing (made by Rare, but it's a Nintendo IP, so I think it'd be okay?)
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
F-Zero X
Pokemon Snap
Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros.
Wave Race 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Yoshi's Story
Pilotwings 64

Not a bad list at all. I'd pick one up. I think that 15 titles is reasonable, since the NES had 30, and the SNES dropped to 21. Considering the controller being much more expensive to manufacturer, I think an N64 Classic w/ two controllers and 15 games for $100 would be my expectation.
Im struggling to think what they could put on an N64 Mini to make it appealing when you wont have any of Rare's games.

N64DD games would do the trick probably.

If their cross-play partnering is anything to go off, Nintendo and MS seem to have a good relationship so I imagine something could be worked out in terms of licensing.
Microsoft gets $50-$100 for every N64 mini sold for every rare game so that's $50- $100 for
Perfect dark
Conkers bad fur day
Blast corps
Killer instinct gold
Banjo kazooie
Banjo tooie
Jet force Gemini

It'll retail for $200 to be the same price as the original N64 to kill scalpers
Includes 4 controllers and 30 games

Do it Nintendo


Have zero interest in an N64 Mini, ya'll can have that one.

A Game Boy Mini I would do though.

Yeah, I would be in for a Game Boy Mini. Now that would be worth of a pre-order bloodbath. The Game Boy is the most ubiquitous retro platform besides the NES. The N64 Mini may be okay, but a $100 MSRP is pushing it, and because of rereleases and emulation of most of these titles, I'm not sure if people would want to pay the asking price. They'd need to put some serious work in the emulator to make it worthwhile.


Without EA (Star Wars) and Rare getting on board, an N64 mini would just be pointless. Yes there are enough games from Nintendo that could scrounge up a system, but they certainly wouldn't be the best of the best N64 games. Far from it.

Fox Mulder

Have zero interest in an N64 Mini, ya'll can have that one.

A Game Boy Mini I would do though.

Maybe they'd get Rare games or go the extra mile for 007 Goldeneye.

MS has said they are open to working with Nintendo recently, and they're not doing anything with Banjo Kazooie or Perfect Dark.
So after this , it's seems a N64 mini could be a possibility

My girlfriend who isn't a "gamer" said she would line up for one. There are a lot of people to whom the N64 was their SNES. They view those shitty 3D games with the same Nostalgia I view Super Mario World. As for the Rare games situation, I really do think it could be worked out with Microsoft. If not just throw in some other 3rd party games. People would still buy it just for the Nintendo games alone, the controllers, and the ability to hook it up to their HDTVs without the issues of scaling resolutions with the original.
SNES Classic mini is good enough for me.

That was the golden age of gaming for me and my friends.

Sleepovers with all-night gaming sessions was the highlight of my childhood.

N64 was great for Zelda, but I honestly don't remember playing anything else on that system. I know I had more games than OOT and MM, but off the top of my head, I don't remember them.

SNES though - I had ALL those games, minus Star Fox 2. I traded them all in for a PSX back in the day. :( A kid like me didn't have money like I do now.

As much as I love the PSX too, I miss my SNES years. Looking forward to snagging a SNES classic. Hopefully.


OG gameboy colors and form factor and same size or at least not smaller than a GBC would be great.

I'd hope that it would have compatibility with GBC games though.

I guess I just want a GBC classic.


I just don't care about the N64 very much, and many of the best games, like the Zeldas, can be played elsewhere in better versions. Also have Rare Replay on Xbone which covers most of the N64 Rare titles(except DK64, which sucks anyway, and Diddy Kong Racing).
I mean, a quick and dirty list if we included NO Rare games:

Yeah, my first thought was that it would be tough to put together a a great list without the popular Rare games and other licensed titles like No Mercy and Blitz, but the first-party stuff adds up. Some other games you could toss in:

Pokemon Stadium
Mario Tennis
Mario Golf
Bomberman 64
Mario Party
Mystical Ninja
1080 Snowboarding

I feel like any N64 Mini would need to comes with four differently-colored controllers, though. Gotta have that four-player Smash Bros. and Mario Kart. Even if it pushed the price to $120-140, it would still sell.


Someone at CNET must be reading GAF; even they agree it was a shitshow.
Hi Sean!


"Nintendo's SNES Classic preorders were a shitshow"
I think the SNES is more nostalgic for many than the NES too so I hope Nintendo is shipping 50x the amount of the NES classic, though we know this isn't the case

It is going be impossible to find unless you get lucky being in the right place at the right time.


I think the SNES is more nostalgic for many than the NES too so I hope Nintendo is shipping 50x the amount of the NES classic, though we know this isn't the case

It is going be impossible to find unless you get lucky being in the right place at the right time.
In my opinion NES collecting peaked a few years ago, and right now is like the peak for SNES. People who grew up with it are getting to that age.

I could def see this being more desirable in the current market.


Super Game Boy Player Mini where's it's just a USB shaped like the Super Game Boy and you plug your controller into where you'd normally put the Game Boy game. The Controller is shaped like a Gameboy. With a different sku for a GBA controller.

Only 100 will be made. 50 each.


For every ten people that are hunting for these things fiercely, one will get it.

There aren't enough.

They didn't make nearly enough.

Just accept you probably won't get one, unless you pay 3 times scalper markup.

I think the SNES is more nostalgic for many than the NES too so I hope Nintendo is shipping 50x the amount of the NES classic, though we know this isn't the case

It is going be impossible to find unless you get lucky being in the right place at the right time.

Yuuuuuup sucks man. 😔😔😔
In my opinion NES collecting peaked a few years ago, and right now is like the peak for SNES. People who grew up with it are getting to that age.

I could def see this being more desirable in the current market.

I wouldn't be surprised if the announcement of the SNES Classic drove prices for SNES games up a little too.


I am confident there will be more preorders opportunities before it comes out. The problem is the demand has likely grown knowing some could double their money.


I mean, a quick and dirty list if we included NO Rare games:

Super Mario 64
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
Donkey Kong 64 (made by Rare, but it's a Nintendo IP, so I think it'd be okay?)
Diddy Kong Racing (made by Rare, but it's a Nintendo IP, so I think it'd be okay?)
Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
F-Zero X
Pokemon Snap
Paper Mario
Super Smash Bros.
Wave Race 64
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
Yoshi’s Story
Pilotwings 64

Not a bad list at all. I'd pick one up. I think that 15 titles is reasonable, since the NES had 30, and the SNES dropped to 21. Considering the controller being much more expensive to manufacturer, I think an N64 Classic w/ two controllers and 15 games for $100 would be my expectation.

You're forgetting:

- Castlevania 64
- Ogre Battle 64
- I'm sure wouls release some Sega ganes too as dreancasr games were close to N64 graphics. I'm forgetting some other Capcom games, but I think an N64 mini sans Rare would sell.
I am confident there will be more preorders opportunities before it comes out. The problem is the demand has likely grown knowing some could double their money.

I’ll be shocked if this isn’t how it plays out all season, with preorders quickly being snatched up. Nintendo may producing more compared to the NES, but it still feels like they’re going to be no where near meeting demand, especially for such a great holiday gift.


I think the SNES is more nostalgic for many than the NES too so I hope Nintendo is shipping 50x the amount of the NES classic, though we know this isn't the case

It is going be impossible to find unless you get lucky being in the right place at the right time.

Agreed. While i played on the NES, snes was my legit first real console i played with friends. same with my wife and our friends. im glad i got a pre order


I was thinking about how Nintendo might be able to still release limited edition classic systems without inflicting so much pain upon their biggest fans.

To me it's clear that these things would be a whole lot easier to get if they were a) priced significantly higher or b) scalpers had a harder time profiting off of them.

Obviously option a) is a frustrating one, as it would be hard to justify paying $200 or more for one of these devices when you can get an X1S, PS4 or even Switch for just a bit more money. Or a raspberry pi for well under $100. So that doesn't feel like it works.

$60 for NES classic was clearly way too cheap however, as we've seen, and $80 for SNES is similar. The appeal to scalpers is just too great. Money down up front is low, potential profit from ebay is $100+ minimum. And they are lightweight and easy to ship to boot. They're almost the ideal item to scalp.

One thought I had to resolve would be for Nintendo to skip retail entirely and just sell on their website. A gaffer previously posted on this thread this idea, but I can't find it in the 150 pages. This at least spares all the B&M retailers from having to deal with the hassle of giving out tickets, answering the phone constantly the entire holiday season to say sorry they don't have any, and frustrating customers who mistakenly (but somewhat naturally) blame the store for the fact that they can never find one in stock. But on the flipside, the retailers wouldn't get to make any money off of selling the Nintendo products, which doesn't help Nintendo guarantee they have shelf space at all the big retailers for their other stuff-- Switches, Switch games, Amiibos, accessories.

Anyway, here's the idea. What if they cranked the price up significantly on them, to $200 range, but specified that all purchases were eligible for a $100 mail-in-rebate. The rebate would be 1 per person per address and processed within 90 days-- typical of rebates.

To me this plan could actually significantly help the situation, as scalping would be discouraged. Flipping one or two could be somewhat doable, but even if you sell the thing for $300 on ebay you've still got $100 tied up per box on your credit cards until after the holidays. And you have to come up with a unique address for each one you flip.

Of course the ebay sellers could simply sell the box as-is on ebay and put it on the buyer to send in the rebate. But I think it would change the picture pretty dramatically. Now as a buyer, you're looking at paying $300-350 for one of these things on ebay, and then dealing with the rebate yourself. That figure gets pretty offputting when again you figure you can buy a PS4 or Switch or whatever straight away for less.

I know all this is a pipe dream because of course 'Nintendo gonna Nintendo' but it's fun to think about possible strategies to offset the ebay/scalper effect. I'm frustrated that nowadays virtually any new product I want is impossible to get even though (though perhaps not in this case) there actually is good supply out there. The new Airpods are a good example. Scalpers are buying them in droves to flip, but Apple is restocking them pretty fast. If people couldn't sell them on ebay for a markup they'd have been easy to find for months now.


Someone at CNET must be reading GAF; even they agree it was a shitshow.
Hi Sean!


"Nintendo's SNES Classic preorders were a shitshow"

How are you writing for a tech website and you can't process a pre-order or find when sites are selling it?


Aren't you dudes breaking this news?
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