Saw it.when someone creates a new thread 30 minutes after you post and then gives credit to CAG.
SMH at the guy.
Saw it.when someone creates a new thread 30 minutes after you post and then gives credit to CAG.
Does it upset anyone else knowing we probably won't be able to get one's such s gut wrenching feeling not to be able to safely know you can secure a neat device.
Target's listing is up, not live
No, because this is Nintendo.Given the reception that the NES mini had, can we assume that Nintendo will produce enough SNES mini for everyone?
Is this only for the US? Cos Gamestop Ireland are taking pre orders again in store.
Do you have any fail-safes other than this thread (Wario, nowinstock)?
Can never be too safe.
OP lists multiple regions
Do you have any fail-safes other than this thread (Wario, nowinstock)?
Can never be too safe.
My nowinstock text was IMMEDIATE. I had one preordered on Walmart 3 minutes after it came up.
I don't know if that's just me though.
I'm in the UK/Ireland and I have two SNES mini pre orders going begging!
*sees thread get updated*
I'm in the UK/Ireland and I have two SNES mini pre orders going begging!
I'm in the UK/Ireland and I have two SNES mini pre orders going begging!
I will totally take one off your hands!
I would too and would pay shipping to
The U.S #ididntvotefortrump
If I had to guess, pre-orders (at most US stores) will go up on the 29th, a month ahead of release.
If I had to guess, pre-orders (at most US stores) will go up on the 29th, a month ahead of release.
At 3am for 43 seconds.
I doubt this is it. That's obviously a game preorder.
The way Nintendo handles this shit is terrible. Let's announce pre orders but not give a date and have everyone glued to their computer for the entire month. Lets also make a never released star fox 2 available with the console. Going to be such a shit show if they have such limited quantity again. Scalpers will be everywhere trying to add 20 to their cart at a time. Because of inclusion of star fox 2 the scalping prices are going to be fucking insane. Really hoping for 1 per customer limitations this time.
Six week out and still no pre-orders. I really didn't care about the NES Classic. If I could have picked one up in the wild I would have, but that turned out to be impossible. I really love the SNES though. I still have one hooked up in the basement but the games are incredibly expensive.
Like most in this thread, Nintendo is making me crazy.
I know I was one of those people who did the Walmart pre-order, but I'm gonna be mad if this Amazon test thing was for NES Classics and I didn't get one lol