This shit is selling out in minutes. Fucking Nintendo with this bullshit.
Nintendo is forever on their bullshitGuys, I thought Nintendo learned from the NES Classic and would have way more stock!?
5 more.Don't worry, Nintendo made more this time.
Don't worry, Nintendo made more this time.
Guys, I thought Nintendo learned from the NES Classic and would have way more stock!?
Guys, I thought Nintendo learned from the NES Classic and would have way more stock!?
Yeah with how cheap these things are to make, anyone that says it isn't artificial is lying and they know it.Does anyone still wanna argue that Nintendo doesn't do artificial scarcity?
I offer now as the time to bring that up.
Does anyone still wanna argue that Nintendo doesn't do artificial scarcity?
I offer now as the time to bring that up.
Does anyone still wanna argue that Nintendo doesn't do artificial scarcity?
I offer now as the time to bring that up.
Significantly more my ass.
"The GameStop's get 10 instead of 5"
Nintendo is peddling that crap since way back
Significantly more my ass.
"The GameStop's get 10 instead of 9"
They do this shit on purpose.
Does anyone still wanna argue that Nintendo doesn't do artificial scarcity?
I offer now as the time to bring that up.
Nintendon't care.
Officially done with Nintendo. Fuck them.
How many manchild drivers will kill people on route to GameStop today?
Guys, I thought Nintendo learned from the NES Classic and would have way more stock!?
gamestop pre-ordering is in-store apparently
no online for them?
So to recap:
- BBY and Amazon stealth preorders in the middle of the night, missed
- Walmart gone in seconds, missed despite being right there
- Target's site blew up, missed
Guess I'm pinning my hopes now on Amazon actually shipping my UK SNES Classic despite their product page claiming they couldn't. I apologize for having to jack an order from our friends across the pond, but NoA and U.S. retailers are dicks.