Salazar said:KARA fan-art. They nailed Gyuri.
Goo too.
Salazar said:KARA fan-art. They nailed Gyuri.
filler said:I had a good laugh looking through one of the anti forums. They had thread about how SNSD were going to fail miserably in Japan. They kept it going strong for a while, but it faded out before the end of 2010. Apparently a soshi fan made an account and did some trolling, but they deleted all his posts.
bloodforge said:Why would you spend your time talking about a group you don't like?
Tristam said:Since we're on the subject, and since I've never really attempted to rank them...
filler said:I just know they are dedicated as fuck about their hatred. They write articles and shit.
In South Korea, a group of internet users raised doubts about the academic background of Tablo, who majored in English and English Literature at Stanford University. Led by two fan sites, most notably "We Demand the Truth from Tablo" (Hangul: "타블로에게 진실을 요구합니다", also known as "Tajinyo" (Hangul: "타진요"), some netizens claimed that Tablo could not have graduated from Stanford with both a B.A. and M.A. in English and Creative Writing, respectively, in just three and a half years.
It became front-page news in Korea in June 2010, when Tajinyo's manager, whatbecomes, claimed that that Tablo's academic record was "not making any sense" and showed what he believed to be inconsistencies in Tablo's transcripts. Even though Tablo posted his official transcript and other legal documents online, many netizens refused to believe him, and called for other documents such as his immigration statement, diploma, etc.
Tablo visited Stanford University in late August to clear himself by re-printing his documents on camera, and many of his acquaintances and professors from Stanford attested to the validity of his academic background on camera. The documentary was shown in two parts: "Tablo Goes to Stanford", and "Tablo and South Korea Online", which respectively aired on MBC October 1 and 8. However, despite the documentary, and Stanford's administration clearly siding with Tablo, membership at Tajinyo increased to as many as 190,000 within a few days, as numerous netizens refused to believe Tablo or the documentary.
On October 9, however, police confirmed that Tablo had indeed graduated from Stanford, having requested information beyond what Tablo had already provided, directly from Stanford University. South Korean police filed an arrest warrant domestically and with Interpol for the arrest of whatbecomes, who was revealed to be a 57-year old Korean-American surnamed Kim living in the United States. In addition, twenty-two netizens received summons indicating they had been sued by Tablo for criminal defamation.
Tajinyo was shut down soon after by its host site, Naver, following the results of the investigation, which also revealed that whatbecomes had fraudulently used a friend's ID number to create the website, violating Naver's terms of service. However, many members of Tajinyo joined another community called "We Demand the Truth from Tablo 2" (Hangul: "타블로에게 진실을 요구합니다2", or "타진요 2" ["Tajinyo-i"] for short), which has a membership of over 33,000 netizens.
Netizens are crazy and always will be. It's really sad and definitely an interesting facet of Korean culture - had to write an essay on the subject for University last year. Tablo's case is horrible, but there are a lot more out there as well. A lot of which lead to suicides (Choi Jin Sil is the most high profile case, as well as the former president, Ro Moo Hyun) or cause the person being attacked to flee the country (Jay Park - who had a petition made about him asking him to kill himself after the MySpace controversy). It's not limited to just big time celebrities either. Pretty disturbing stuff.Salazar said:Yep. This is an especially infuriating case, as it has made Tablo step back from the music industry.
Eh, best looking guy in kpop is probably Nichkhun, which is funny since he's Thai.Salazar said:Obligatory man post.
Dice said:Eh, best looking guy in kpop is probably Nichkhun, which is funny since he's Thai.
Alta1r said:Compare and contrast part 2:
Ranvier said:And I'm just throwing in this last picture because well...its awesome.
milkham said:who's butt is that?
milkham said:who's butt is that?
Ranvier said:I haven't seen such blatant stereotyping since Shananae in that TV show Martin. Is this because contact with black people is limited and mainly through American TV shows? If so, then its kinda forgivable and makes sense but I still refuse to believe all Korean's stereotype black people this much.
I thought she was mocking her absurdly annoying voice rather than accent. Then again I can't speak Korean and hadn't even noticed what type of accent she had.Salazar said:I honestly don't think they even conceive of it as stereotyping black folks; its just a terribly (occasionally amusingly) gauche hiphop posture that they've been kind of trained in but not raised in. I think it gets amplified in variety shows because there's almost an expectation of caricatures and imitations. Which are intrinsically suspect in, say, English or American discourse, but are pretty standard (or seem to be) in Korea. I remember an interview show when Soshi (Sooyoung, I think) absolutely ripped on an Italian woman's accent and the way she spoke Korean. It was kind of awkward for me, but everyone laughed it up - I think that's just the way it goes, at least on tv.
vordhosbn said:I thought she was mocking her absurdly annoying voice rather than accent. Then again I can't speak Korean and hadn't even noticed what type of accent she had.
Yeah I don't think it's superiority; that's their stance towards other Asian countries, not Western countriesvordhosbn said:East Asian countries are highly isolated culturally and so their manners might come off as more careless. I don't sense any superiority but actually cluelessness in regards to other ethnicities.
I thought she was mocking her absurdly annoying voice rather than accent. Then again I can't speak Korean and hadn't even noticed what type of accent she had.
ramyeon said:Sooyoung's impersonation is spot on, by the way.
If it's a foreigner it might be Bronwyn, she's pretty hard to listen to as well :lolSalazar said:There's another woman with an amazingly annoying voice as her "thing". Can't remember her name - she was on PKL's show a few times, I think.
ramyeon said:If it's a foreigner it might be Bronwyn, she's pretty hard to listen to as well :lol
Baby Milo said:Taeyon is weird sometimes she is really attractive and other times she looks like a space alien
what are the best running man episodes?
Alta1r said:Compare and contrast part 2:
Ronok said:Erm no... She either looks damn good, or damn good while looking cute/dorky.
Ronok said:Hyo looks damn good there. She always looks better when she isn't doing her HUGE smile. =P
Very similar to mine except Hyoyeon's higher and Seohyun's bottom.keuja said:Ranking time! Here's mine:
CHEEZMO said:Hyoyeon's highs put her over Jessica but her lows? Well...
Ranvier said:Yuri then throws on her hood and says in English, "You die" straight to the camera. This is followed by a couple of "what up yo", ending with the oh no you diddin head shake along with the snapping of the fingers. And everyone at the table cracked up. They even edited it so her words come on screen and they put in the laugh track. I haven't seen such blatant stereotyping since Shananae in that TV show Martin. Is this because contact with black people is limited and mainly through American TV shows? If so, then its kinda forgivable and makes sense but I still refuse to believe all Korean's stereotype black people this much.
Goblin???rooflapimp said:Hyoyeon - Goblin. Okay not really, only compared to the others.
It has Sooyoung and Yuri in the bottom 4.Salazar said:Every time I think I agree with a ranking, I hate myself and instantly change my mind.