tehbible said:
just SNSD? more like rampant cosmetic surgery in korean society. this practice must stop. its disparaging towards women.
I don't think the problem is the getting it or being dissatisfied with how pretty one is or being disparaging towards women so much as it is the extremely narrow concept of what is beautiful.
Double eyelids: Uh, the most I can say to this is that they stand out more on camera, so I get that much, but it doesn't mean they are better.
Small, pointy nose: Outside of jew/greek/italian jokes, I literally never heard anything about noses until kpop. I like all sorts of girls with different types of noses, even bigger ones and flat ones.
V-line: Looks kinda weird to me, honestly. What's wrong with rounder chin and cheek lines? It's cute.
Egg-cheek thing: ...of all the crazy shit...
White skin: Darker skin East Asians are hot, some of the best tan skin out there.
Ask anyone away from the area what they think of this stuff and they'll probably say you're crazy. They are just differences/specifics and have nothing to do with prettiness. We do many things to look how we want, and I see PS as a mere extension to this, like dying your hair but permanent. However, as a culture, to have such a narrow concept of what is pretty that most require surgery to fit into it... that is the issue. Girls changing themselves to the liking of men is nothing new to the world, however men disliking variety of beauty is something I just don't understand.