Sooyoungs first composition, Spring Day [How Great is Your Love]
Sooyoung: Our company gave us the guide version first, and told us to write out lyrics if any of the members wanted to participate in writing. That was during our time off and there was only one day left before the deadline, so I sat there contemplating if I should write or not, but I submitted my lyrics anyway and it got chosen. (laughs) It was my first time writing lyrics so we ended up changing up many things even on the day of recording. It was probably hard for the members to sing because of that. I wrote the lyrics while thinking of what it would be like if there was somebody out there who showed me love as warm as a spring day. I wrote it in a way that when someone listens to the song, the person they think of would not be just limited to one person like their mother, the SNSD members, or a lover. I wrote it so that people can listen to it while thinking of anyone out there that loved them.
Yuri: There were other members who handed in lyrics to the song, but I think the criteria were very strict. (laughs)
Tiffany: The rest of the members were eliminated. So cold. (laughs)