Gold Member
the good of the whole more important than the good of you ??
This post is so full of shit. OP, ignore everything in this post. Getting the vaccine is a good thing, by all accounts, and you are taking steps to protect yourself and those around you.You are neither doing a good thing or a bad thing. You are simply doing a thing. You will not grow a third arm or anything crazy, and you will either have no symptoms or diminished symptoms if you come into close contact with Covid.
I’ve gotten Covid twice at this point, once April of last year with I assume the OG strain, and a month ago with what I assume is Covid. April’s felt like a mild flu with the added fun of easily being out of breath. This one a month ago was easier than any cold I can remember but for this lingering loss of taste and smell.
Not taking the vaccine because there is no real value add for me at this point, but I encourage anyone who is still concerned about Covid or who is old to get it. It gives you a pass to stop living in fear.
The one thing I will say is people need to stop making the vax/no vax thing an issue of altruism vs selfishness. The vaccine seems to do little to nothing with regards to slowing the spread but it is highly effective at keeping hospital beds empty.
All joking aside I get my second Moderna shot Monday, I was delayed due to a medical crisis involving infection earlier this year, will be good to be fully vaccinated soon. Shot is scheduled for noon and just took the rest of the day off hearing of some stories of side effects, hopefully be ready to go back to work Tues.
May I ask why? If it's not too personal a question.Congrats!
Won't be getting one myself but hope it works out well for you.
May I ask why? If it's not too personal a question.
Already had covid.May I ask why? If it's not too personal a question.
I don't know if I'd say I went through hell but the second shot definitely made me sick for a day. (Got the shot at noon, started feeling sick at 10 pm. Got a fever over night that got up to 101 but then came down to 100 for most of the day and started feeling ok around 8pm the next day.) Then again at my age I actually do have something to worry about from Covid.Moderna 2nd Shot made ne go through hell for one night lol
What was full of shit? To clarify, in my first paragraph I meant now that he has the vaccine he will have no symptoms or diminished symptoms. If he was unvaccinated he would feel the full brunt of the virus which would either show mild symptoms like it did with me but could turn bad and kill you like it did for my friend in his 30s.This post is so full of shit. OP, ignore everything in this post. Getting the vaccine is a good thing, by all accounts, and you are taking steps to protect yourself and those around you.
EDIT: Ah. You died. My sympathies. On the plus side, my ability to communicate with the dead is back. Huzzah.
Again; both parents dead, suffered from Covid myself.Why do you care so strongly whether someone else gets vaccinated? Surely it's not because you care that strongly about people not dying. Look, if this is about your safety, others getting vaccinated won't reduce your risk of becoming infected by them. The vaccinated can be spreaders just the same.
I don't know if I'd say I went through hell but the second shot definitely made me sick for a day. (Got the shot at noon, started feeling sick at 10 pm. Got a fever over night that got up to 101 but then came down to 100 for most of the day and started feeling ok around 8pm the next day.) Then again at my age I actually do have something to worry about from Covid.
Man, you folks in the West overthink this really hard at times huh.
I've been fully vaccinated for weeks, and I'm doing fine if your concern is health.
Do I trust its efficacy? No, not entirely since it was made in a rush. But it's better than none.
It's a shame we're politicising something such as a vaccine, but I dont blame anyone who feels the need to say no based on how incredibly deafening the call to get vaccinated has been.
Its loud, its obnoxious, and it sounds very much like your finger pointed to do it.
But millions have gotten vaccinated by now, and I'd argue the negative effects of the vaccine are far too minuscule on a scale of millions of vaccinated people.
If anything, I'd like to hear why the big push against it besides the dictator-ish approach some governments take in regards to it.
I think mRNA vaccines are one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of our lifetime.. I think it's wise to get vaccinated..
but that said the constant attacks on people for not wanting it bug me, everyone has to understand their own risks and make their own decisions.
I personally jumped on it as soon as I could get it (I visit my 75 YO parents regularly as well as my 98 year old grandmother and I live with allergies so I've always got basic covid like symptoms)...
But man I wish they would be more open and honest about the issues and give people path to deal with them, the Moderna vaccine gave me Myocarditis and I've been fighting for months to get a doctor to take it seriously.. FINALLY last week I a minor blip showed up on the EKG and they arranged for me to see a cardiologist..
The other thing that bugs me is that nobody seems to want to grant natural immunity as being the same as being vaccinated.. like if you got covid IMO you're good.. and if you got the vaccine and had a breakthrough infection IMO you just got a free booster.
If people understood the risks and then made their decisions accordingly almost everyone would be vaccinated. There has to be some imperative to try and stop people making bad decisions.I think mRNA vaccines are one of the biggest medical breakthroughs of our lifetime.. I think it's wise to get vaccinated..
but that said the constant attacks on people for not wanting it bug me, everyone has to understand their own risks and make their own decisions.
I personally jumped on it as soon as I could get it (I visit my 75 YO parents regularly as well as my 98 year old grandmother and I live with allergies so I've always got basic covid like symptoms)...
But man I wish they would be more open and honest about the issues and give people path to deal with them, the Moderna vaccine gave me Myocarditis and I've been fighting for months to get a doctor to take it seriously.. FINALLY last week I a minor blip showed up on the EKG and they arranged for me to see a cardiologist..
The other thing that bugs me is that nobody seems to want to grant natural immunity as being the same as being vaccinated.. like if you got covid IMO you're good.. and if you got the vaccine and had a breakthrough infection IMO you just got a free booster.
This. Then once youre done you dont have to think about it again. it really is no problem at all.PleaseDontBanMe get some Gatorade or sports drinks and get hydrated AF today, before, and all day tomorrow. This will lower the chance you will have ady adverse reaction.
Hopefully this is the case, but there are arguments against such. Such arguments must be dismissed on the merits of the arguments not based on appeals to authority.All I’m saying is that the vaccine is effective and viable for people to diminish their Covid risk to essentially 0, it’s doing little against delta to slow the spread. Therefor the decision to vaccinate isn’t this “I’m doing my part” thing it was pre delta. It’s simply an individual risk mitigator.
Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part 3: Q&A and the Million Dollar Bounty - by Mathew Crawford - Rounding the Earth Newsletter ( you just shared increases my concern to even get vaccinated. I know several people now with long term effects from getting vaccinated, and I can't believe there are discussions to make this mandatory and to have a vaccination proof card. I know far more people who got vaccinated without any known lasting effects, but it's still concerning for someone, or anyone, who might just avoid COVID by following good safety precautions (like just staying home).
Risks? Do you understand the risks? The official stats is just appeal to authority a logical fallacy. There is debate on what the actual risks are.If people understood the risks and then made their decisions accordingly almost everyone would be vaccinated. There has to be some imperative to try and stop people making bad decisions.
All of this is exactly what I'm talking about. If you already had COVID? Doesn't matter, go get vaccinated. Have natural immunity? It won't last. Go get vaccinated. Had an adverse reaction to getting vaccinated? There's no proof or evidence THAT happened because of the vaccine. Now go get vaccinated again! Hesitant to get the vaccine? Go get vaccinated, Anti-Vax Terrorist!
What you just shared increases my concern to even get vaccinated. I know several people now with long term effects from getting vaccinated, and I can't believe there are discussions to make this mandatory and to have a vaccination proof card. I know far more people who got vaccinated without any known lasting effects, but it's still concerning for someone, or anyone, who might just avoid COVID by following good safety precautions (like just staying home).
If people understood the risks and then made their decisions accordingly almost everyone would be vaccinated. There has to be some imperative to try and stop people making bad decisions.
You made the right decision to get vaccinated and it sucks that you have had a hard time getting a doctor to take your side effects seriously. But let's be honest, did you even know what myocarditis was and it's symptoms until you heard about it being a possible side effect. I'm sure a lot of us shrug it off without knowing what it was after getting it after a viral infection. Just a weird spell you had, probably just tired after fighting the infection etc.
This shit looks more and more like the election bullshit everyday. Amateur statisticians manipulating databases they don't understand and then producing wild theories that explain there incorrect data.Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part 3: Q&A and the Million Dollar Bounty - by Mathew Crawford - Rounding the Earth Newsletter (
There are some suggesting the vaccines may carry more risks than are being suggested by official claims.
Yes I understand the risks. True, there is some rational scientific discussion on the exact quantitation of risks, philisophical discussion on the nature of risk, and then pie in the sky conspiracy theories like you posted that is only being debated by other conspiracy theorists.Risks? Do you understand the risks? The official stats is just appeal to authority a logical fallacy. There is debate on what the actual risks are.
My issue is that it seems the protection wears down within several months, some of those arguing for higher risks from vaccine suggest it is risk per dose. And in those under 45 the death rate is well below 1%, iirc. So is one to take booster shots annually or biannually?Now if you live in a big city I think you'd be kind of foolish not to take the shot, but I live in a small town where many people don't see other people except maybe once or twice a week.. if those people don't feel the need I take no issues with them not getting it. And also we know enough about how it impacts people based on age/obesity.. I see no reason why my 8 year old should get the shot knowing what we know.
Most people who get COVID-19 will survive. Of roughly 35.2 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States, around 614,300 people, or 1.7%, have died, according to Johns Hopkins University’s mortality data as of Aug 6.
The CDC data shows that most people who have died from COVID-19, about 79%, have been people ages 65 and older. People between 45 and 64 years old account for about 18% of COVID-19 deaths, and people under 45 years account for 2.8% of such deaths, according to the CDC’s data as of Aug. 6.
There's a 1 million bounty if you can disprove it. He's given a post answering most of the doubters and the mistakes the doubters have made. And supposedly other researchers are going to publish similar data in peer review.Amateur statisticians manipulating databases they don't understand and then producing wild theories that explain there incorrect data.
Diaprove what? I looked through and couldn't find a concrete verifiable position.My issue is that it seems the protection wears down within several months, some of those arguing for higher risks from vaccine suggest it is risk per dose. And in those under 45 the death rate is well below 1%, iirc. So is one to take booster shots annually or biannually?
Maybe if this is unethically mandated it will force practically everyone to take it, but I doubt that's gone happen, a lot of people are gonna oppose. And like voting, one more person won't do much difference. So unless you have or work with vulnerable individuals, it is very likely someone else will be a vector in the general population and continue the spread of the virus.
This is without mentioning that if you've gotten covid one or more times you also likely have some degree of protection.
Why the COVID-19 survival rate is not over 99% - Poynter
Most people who contract COVID-19 will not die, though an individual should not weigh their own chances of death by looking at national
There's a 1 million bounty if you can disprove it. He's given a post answering most of the doubters and the mistakes the doubters have made. And supposedly other researchers are going to publish similar data in peer review.
The CFR has gone up notably high within following weeks in multiple indepedent countries after vaccination. Could be a coincidence, but I won't dismiss arguments against based solely on official claims. There is a lot of egg on the face if any of such claims are shown to be true.
It is very simple there is statistical analysis in the first post, which is mentioned in the article. The article does not have the statistical analysis, it is in another post. There is 1 Million dollars you can earn if you find significant flaw in the statistical analysis. So far many have tried and none have done so, it seems.Diaprove what? I looked through and couldn't find a concrete verifiable position.
May I ask why? If it's not too personal a question.
Again which claim?It is very simple there is statistical analysis in the first post, which is mentioned in the article. The article does not have the statistical analysis, it is in another post. There is 1 Million dollars you can earn if you find significant flaw in the statistical analysis. So far many have tried and none have done so, it seems.
Here's the data in question, if I'm not mistaken
Estimating Vaccine-Induced Mortality, Part I - by Mathew Crawford - Rounding the Earth Newsletter (
Again maybe english isn't your first language, there's an analysis suggesting CFR shot in multiple countries.Again which claim?
This vague one?
"Sadly, this picture suggests that there were an estimated more than 17,000 vaccine-induced deaths during the first month of COVID-19 vaccinations throughout Europe..."
Or this personal suspicion one?
"Now I personally suspect that over 100,000 Americans have been killed by the experimental vaccines."
Maybe this one, seems like an actual verifiable claim:
"The result: 17,390 estimated vaccine-induced deaths, computed as the proportion of excess CFR above the normalized 1. This represents 1,018 deaths per million doses used during the first 30 days of those national vaccination programs."
But wait, he doesn't agree with this one:
"Now, do I believe that the vaccine kill 1 out of every thousand recipients? No."
Don't worry though he corrected this one by 'eyeballing' it:
"....makes me think the 1,018 deaths per million is likely overstated by a factor of 2 to 5."
A final chilling 'estimated suggestion':
"At 360 million doses delivered, these estimates suggest between 72,000 and 180,000 (or maybe even a little more) vaccine-induced deaths in the U.S. during the experimental COVID-19 vaccination program."
There is no verifiable solid claim to disprove.
The fatal flaw is of course assuming that VAERS data is in anyway related to the reporting of deaths from COVID.
Again the 100,000 is extrapolation, the other is him downplaying as he clearly indicates, the death rate may be higher in the elderly, which were the first vaccinated, than the normal population so it is bound to be lower in the rest of the population. The other is estimates.
Maybe English isn't your first language, or at least weaseling out language because you read 'CFR rate' in that Twitter post when it actually isn't there until a later post that doesn't mention any reward.Again maybe english isn't your first language, there's an analysis suggesting CFR shot in multiple countries.
Again the 100,000 is extrapolation, the other is him downplaying as he clearly indicates, the death rate may be higher in the elderly, which were the first vaccinated, than the normal population so it is bound to be lower in the rest of the population. The other is estimates.
What needs to be disproved is the CFR data from multiple countries showing a spike in number of dead following vaccination. All the other claims follow if that initial spike in multiple countries was a result of vaccination.
Any case it'd still be quite low mortality, even if it were true.
Case fatality rate spikes days after vaccination. The first post has clear very big graph showing such spikeMaybe English isn't your first language, or at least weaseling out language because you read 'CFR rate' in that Twitter post when it actually isn't there until a later post that doesn't mention any reward.
So wait I am supposed to disprove the CFR increase from 1.48% to 1.48%?
"Aggregate CFR was 1.48% before vaccination and 1.48% since vaccination began, though this result was highly variable by nation"
It may also be that somebody finds a reasonable explanation for the 30% increase in CFR across the whole of Europe during the first 20 days of vaccination (larger in many places).-Mathew Crawford
You are sure that is the one they are talking about and not the decrease of CFR from 1.48% to 1.48%? That is clear to you from that tweet?Case fatality rate spikes days after vaccination. The first post has clear very big graph showing such spike
this assumes no correlation between number of vaccines given and number of positive cases or the fact that in some places your death counts as unvaccinated if it occurs days after the first dose.You are sure that is the one they are talking about and not the decrease of CFR from 1.48% to 1.48%? That is clear to you from that tweet?
Anyway the fact that there is no correlation with number of vaccines given and deaths pretty much tells you all there is to know about this analysis. I'm sure it wouldn't be 'proof', but it kinda throws a wrench in the whole idea that vaccines are causing deaths.
link:"The impact of vaccination with Comirnaty on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the community is not yet known. It is not yet known how much vaccinated people may still be able to carry and spread the virus."
I've had my 2 pfizer shots. It's all good, no side effects.
Get it done!
It's already passed on to many animal populations, or so they say, and given it can still infect a portion of the vaccinated, larger portion the further from vaccination time, it cannot be stopped from mutating even were we to get 100% vaccination rate.Get vaccinated. If we ever want to try to get some semblance of control over the virus, we’ve got quit giving it breeding grounds. Otherwise, it’s just going to keep mutating.
Which vaccine?Second shot was Monday afternoon, felt fine until I woke up in the middle of the night, mild fever, body ache, of course arm hurt like hell. Super low energy all the next day, took off work and just chilled. Today I'm totally back to normal. Well, what passes for normal anyway.
I'm scheduled for a vaccine in like 8 minutes wish me luck!
Still alive, haha, thank christ for that!! Dodged one for sure.You have 50% chance it will kill you.
It's already passed on to many animal populations, or so they say, and given it can still infect a portion of the vaccinated, larger portion the further from vaccination time, it cannot be stopped from mutating even were we to get 100% vaccination rate.
also a recent video on prior immunity vs vaccination
(6) Natural Immunity VS Enhanced Immunity: New Data in Israel - YouTube
The overwhelming trait of people who say that kind of shit is simply that their rate of self-obsession outstrips their ability to think of others.. this dipshitThis post is so full of shit. OP, ignore everything in this post. Getting the vaccine is a good thing, by all accounts, and you are taking steps to protect yourself and those around you.
EDIT: Ah. You died. My sympathies. On the plus side, my ability to communicate with the dead is back. Huzzah.
It's like the flu in this regard. No amount of vaccination will entirely eliminate it. Covid is here to stay, quite literally forever.At this point people should probably drop the unrealistic expectations of the vaccine being able to eliminate the virus, and instead focus on the real world data showing how effective it is at lowering your chance the illness putting you in the hospital kn s ventilater.
Yep, the best we can do is do what we can to protect ourselves against it and learn to live alongside it. It’s weird to think that children are being born into a world where COVID is the norm.It's like the flu in this regard. No amount of vaccination will entirely eliminate it. Covid is here to stay, quite literally forever.