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So... Marvel Just SDCC


Yeah, I should read more of that run, I only read the first trade. I remember liking Malketh in it, he was very intense but also had this dark sense of humor. I mean, IIRC his first words upon meeting female Thor were, "a female Thor? Now what sort of factory would make something like this?" then says a little more softly, "and how would I go about ordering one?"

Like, you cast Christopher fucking Eccleston as this guy and only had ramble on about the darkness like he's a Kingdom Hearts villain and had none of this funny stuff? Shame, Dark World, SHAME.

If you're going to read that arc, be prepared for some horrible ass dialogue and less than impressive writing. In fact if you're a fan of the real Thor and the mythology it built before, that arc will prob just piss you off.

Xaero Gravity

Considering how atrocious Jane Foster Thor was in the comics, I'm having a hard time getting excited for Thor 4. Captain Marvel 2 will be an easy skip. The rest I'm pretty excited for.

Blade and more Zemo are the announcements that excited me the most though.
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It's a comedy movie that isn't funny at all. There isn't even a mildly amusing joke, nothing. It's pure straight shit. You should feel bad for humanity if this is what qualifies as quality entertainment.

She's a great actress, but she's a terrible fit for the role. If you're at peace with yourself thinking that she looks like a nordic god-like figure then more power to you I guess. They should have put Idris Elba for the role, he's also already in the universe and shit.

The continuity sucks, I didn't say the DC universe is perfect. Far from it in fact. My point is that the movies are way more interesting than current Marvel ones, they at least feel different from one another. Every Marvel movie nowadays feel very, VERY samey, shit just got stagnant. It's the same hip jokes that don't land, the same washed out look, even the fucking space ship dogfights are the same. It's corporate fast food. They had a good run though, up until GOTG 2 it was a god-tier experience and every movie was worth watching in the big screen completely sober. They lost their way since then.

But that's like my opinion man. You're all welcome to think otherwise.

I disagree. Wonder Woman, Shazam and Aquaman are absolutely nothing alike. They feel like single entities. Meanwhile, and I'm officially a broken record here, every Marvel movie past GOTG 2 feature the same moronic quips, the same increasingly low budget looking fight scenes, the same kind of smartass support characters. They're more cohesive, but they feel very safe and boring. I'm just not the target audience for this shit I guess.
It’s cool to have a minority opinion just realize you’re in the extreme minority with yours. It’s reflected in ticket sales, cinema scores and reviews.

Okay, so why do you still have a problem with me not liking the MCU then for legitimate reasons? You could just as easily fuck right off instead of putting words into my mouth.
I never said I did. I responded to your insane assumption that if you don’t like marvel movies you’re called a racist or sexist. Pretty sure you know what I’m telling you and just acting aggressive to hide your lack of an argument.
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It should really be a series of animated shorts.

What if Uncle Ben didn’t die?
What if Tony was still drinking?
What if Thanos won?
What if Loki had become Thor?

I always loved the reimagining of thier stories in the What If comics, and would love to see them all properly retold.

It'd still be interesting if they went all out with some crazy scenario for a "What If?" movie.


I always thought if they were going to go the female Thor route, that Tessa Thompson would be the one to become “Lady Thor”.

I barely remember Natalie Portman in the first two Thor films, primarily because the performance was forgettable. I hope she puts more effort into the role this time. I know she is a great actress, so she is more than capable.

I am still shocked people liked Aquaman. I felt it was very cringe, especially the scene where his brother says “ No, I am the Ocean Master!” lol.
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I will watch every single one of these projects at least twice. As long as Marvel Studios keep making quality products, I'll keep watching them. They have my full trust, unlike Marvel TV and DC, for example.

Only possible exception is if they do this:

There ain't no way in hell I'm watching a PG-13 Blade. They can tone it down for a Chinese market release, but for other territories we need it in full blown R rated goodness. Create Marvel Knights label for the R rated movies in the MCU already.


I always thought if they were going to go the female Thor route, that Tessa Thompson would be the one to become “Lady Thor”.

I barely remember Natalie Portman in the first two Thor films, primarily because the performance was forgettable. I hope she puts more effort into the role this time. I know she is a great actress, so she is more than capable.

I am still shocked people liked Aquaman. I felt it was very cringe, especially the scene where his brother says “ No, I am the Ocean Master!” lol.

I think the Snyder films were so bad that everyone just feels sorry for DC and gives them a break. I watched Shazam last night with my dad and it was bloody awful.


I think the Snyder films were so bad that everyone just feels sorry for DC and gives them a break. I watched Shazam last night with my dad and it was bloody awful.

Do you have any joy in your life? lol

RE PG13 Blade.
I'm still happy to give it a shot. Take the Hellboy movies as an example. The Del Toro films are PG13 while the new one is R rated. Should the R rated version be better? Theoretically yes but the new film was a disaster and the PG13 films are way better. It's all about the creative team at hand. Look at Alita, yes the enemies are all robots but it's still damn brutal for a PG13 film.


I think the Snyder films were so bad that everyone just feels sorry for DC and gives them a break. I watched Shazam last night with my dad and it was bloody awful.

I haven’t seen it yet. But my brother told me it was awful as well.

I still plan on watching it eventually though.
It’s cool to have a minority opinion just realize you’re in the extreme minority with yours. It’s reflected in ticket sales, cinema scores and reviews.

I'm cool with that. I thought Ragnarok sucked balls and I wish I had the time I spent watching it back. If that's what passes for good cinema then I can't wait for our chinese overlord to actually give a fuck and colonize the western civilization.

Point is, Shazam was a much better movie than it anyway. It was funnier, more engaging and it even pulled diversity better. Plus it even worked out licensed music better, it features a very tonally appropriate Ramones song instead of a lazy Led Zeppeling retread of a song you probably heard on Chevy and Burger King ads. When Suicide Squad came out and it was the worst movie ever it felt pretty unfathomable to ever consider the DC universe could be at a better creative spot than the MCU. I think we're at that point, even if you disagree then at least concede it's at least a conversation worth having. Which didn't seem possible at the time.

It's one thing for a random one-offer like Logan to come out and anally devastate what saint Disney was doing, but when the direct competition is also doing it then maybe your rehashed capeshit bollocks finally hit pristine stagnation and we should demand better.


I'm cool with that. I thought Ragnarok sucked balls and I wish I had the time I spent watching it back. If that's what passes for good cinema then I can't wait for our chinese overlord to actually give a fuck and colonize the western civilization.

Point is, Shazam was a much better movie than it anyway. It was funnier, more engaging and it even pulled diversity better. Plus it even worked out licensed music better, it features a very tonally appropriate Ramones song instead of a lazy Led Zeppeling retread of a song you probably heard on Chevy and Burger King ads. When Suicide Squad came out and it was the worst movie ever it felt pretty unfathomable to ever consider the DC universe could be at a better creative spot than the MCU. I think we're at that point, even if you disagree then at least concede it's at least a conversation worth having. Which didn't seem possible at the time.

It's one thing for a random one-offer like Logan to come out and anally devastate what saint Disney was doing, but when the direct competition is also doing it then maybe your rehashed capeshit bollocks finally hit pristine stagnation and we should demand better.

As much as I dont like Ragnarok I'll still take it over Shazam just for Hela ams the Thor/Loki stuff and not having a totally limp finish. Shazam just goes too overboard with the comic relief and takes way, way too long for Billy to turn the corner which isnt handled all that well when it finally happens anyway.


We could get Rocket or Groot in Thor. Also Hulk is in play. And watch some form of Loki make his return. I am meh on Portman. She helped to ruin Star Wars, and almost ruined Thor. Notice how he really started to take off once she was gone?

Also Hemsworth needs to stay out of bombs. I mean Ghostbuster 2016 and now MIB.


I always thought if they were going to go the female Thor route, that Tessa Thompson would be the one to become “Lady Thor”.

I barely remember Natalie Portman in the first two Thor films, primarily because the performance was forgettable. I hope she puts more effort into the role this time. I know she is a great actress, so she is more than capable.

Same. But I like Natalie, she’s a very down to earth lass.

Meh, I'll probably only watch Guardians 3 and that is not on there soooo k thanks Marvel but I'm done. Time to watch some actual movies again.

I remember seeing Joker's trailer in-front of some CGI infested, PG-13, inoffensive designed by committee to appeal to everyone movie, and thought how out of place an actual movie is in a cinema nowadays.


Good to see that Disney is committed to provide filler to watch during my many long distance flights, when I'm too tired for doing something useful like reading a book.

I enjoyed Thor Ragnarok, so more of that is appreciated. Black Widow could be ok, no clue about Shang-Chi or whatever the Eternals are supposed to be.



I am curious what they do with it, but will have a hard time outdoing Wesley Snipes in the role.


Half the new Blade movie is going to be the origin story. AGAIN.

So I'm less excited about it and more excited about the sequel, which will actually have the runtime to get shit done.


feels like all c/d-tier properties to fill the gap until some real heavy hitters.

So people complain when they keep rehashing the same super heroes and they complain when they introduce new super heroes that not many people know about.


She helped to ruin Star Wars

Wait, what? Was she have to supposed to psychic powers and predict that Lucas would write a bland screenplay, rely far too much on CGI that would age poorly, and direct talented actors including Liam Neeson, Samuel L Jackson, and Natalie herself so poorly that they gave wooden performances despite clearly being capable of more than that based on their other work?

Seriously, I don't think it's unfair to blame pretty much virtually all of the prequels' major faults on Lucas. He directed and wrote all of them (only Episode 2 had another co-writer). Those performances are what he apparently wanted in the movie so I don't think Natalie Portman should be given shit for, you know, following basically her boss's instructions. I'm not saying Lucas should be verbally attacked for it or anything (shouldn't have to clarify this, but then I see how some "fans" attack some of the cast and crew of the newer movies because heaven fucking forbid they just dislike a film and move on) but the fingers should pretty much all be pointed at him when someone asks, "who fucked these prequels up?"


Only movies im looking forward to is Thor, Guardians and Strange.

Don't think the new Bälde can top Wesley snipes 18rating movies


So people complain when they keep rehashing the same super heroes and they complain when they introduce new super heroes that not many people know about.

i reject that anyone is really complaining about rehashed superheroes. spider"man" is one of the most rehashed superheroes there is and is currently making bank.
Half the new Blade movie is going to be the origin story. AGAIN.

I hope this isn’t true. I’ll never have superhero fatigue but I do have Origin Story fatigue. Spider-Man: Homecoming proved you don’t need it. Most people get it already, those that don’t could easily have it explained in a 3 minute intro. Just hit the ground running with these characters in the MCU. Go full speed out the gate.

Peeking over at DC, if The Batman opens with the Wayne’s being shot yet again I’m gonna crap all over the theater.


I'm sure I'll see most of them at some point, but first take was kind of a yawn. Tunnel visioned for next Spiderman.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Black Widow
Wanda and Vision
Falcon and The Winter Soldier
Thor with Portman leading



Blade could be good if its R rated

If "the" scene in Endgame is any indication, Black Pather 2 and Captain Marvel 2 will deliver a healthly amout of virtue signaling.

Fantastic 4, is too far off to consider.

Black Widow vs Taskmaster is gonna be kino, tho.


I'm most curious about Blade and was hyped for Hawkeye because of Endgame but then I saw the trailer and was instantly disappointed.


I'm not saying Lucas should be verbally attacked for it or anything (shouldn't have to clarify this, but then I see how some "fans" attack some of the cast and crew of the newer movies because heaven fucking forbid they just dislike a film and move on) but the fingers should pretty much all be pointed at him when someone asks, "who fucked these prequels up?"
this is kind of bullshit. you are having your cake and eating it too. projecting some idea of toxic fans, then bashing it, all the while indulging in toxic behavior yourself.

i liked the prequels. tbh i am sick of people hating on them. they are really no worse than the crap we have now. directing people to blame somebody, that's not a good look. look, it is ok if you don't like the prequels, don't promote the idea to attack people involved in the series, ok?

i though Portman's performance was ok but everyone called it "wooden and stiff" at the time. including the wonderful film media who we know is not ever toxic and would never do things like pan a movie and blame the actor and director in front of millions of readers/viewers, setting a shitty example. they would never do that, no. instead of going on about toxic fans look at her actual performance. it was stately, it was regal, it was otherworldly. she is portraying a detached, strange, queen of a distant planet, who dressed in space kabuki and commands giant armies, but is really very young. she really gets this all across, with a weighty and subtle performance that is the kind not often seen in films like these. that should be celebrated. and i think there was a whole rush to point out reasons why the prequels were bad, a lot of stuff got caught in the crossfire. the best way forward is not to blame or point fingers but to celebrate the good things. her acting is one of the best parts of the whole PT and should be celebrated. frankly going on about how poor the movie was and how we should blame the creator is antithetical to positive discussions.
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Black Widow vs Taskmaster is gonna be kino, tho.

All of the stuff can be good, even great. But the characters and the actors havent had to carry a move yet. Scarlet has yet to have a break out solo performance in the theaters and they have tried. It all comes down to the villain, which Marvel doesn't have the greatest record on in most of their movies.


Wait, what? Was she have to supposed to psychic powers and predict that Lucas would write a bland screenplay, rely far too much on CGI that would age poorly, and direct talented actors including Liam Neeson, Samuel L Jackson, and Natalie herself so poorly that they gave wooden performances despite clearly being capable of more than that based on their other work?

Seriously, I don't think it's unfair to blame pretty much virtually all of the prequels' major faults on Lucas. He directed and wrote all of them (only Episode 2 had another co-writer). Those performances are what he apparently wanted in the movie so I don't think Natalie Portman should be given shit for, you know, following basically her boss's instructions. I'm not saying Lucas should be verbally attacked for it or anything (shouldn't have to clarify this, but then I see how some "fans" attack some of the cast and crew of the newer movies because heaven fucking forbid they just dislike a film and move on) but the fingers should pretty much all be pointed at him when someone asks, "who fucked these prequels up?"

Whoa chill out. I am not blaming it all on Portman, I did say "help". It was also a bit tongue in cheek. Just pointing out the coincidence that she was in the prequels which were hated by fans, and the 2 Thor movies that are probably on the low end of the totem poll for Marvel movies (with Thor 2 might be the worst).

Ya Lucas is to blame for the prequels, but Portman gave a horrible performance and had anti chemistry with Hayden. But she was just a small role player in the larger mess that was the prequels and she was just doing her job, albeit badly.


WTF did I just read. So they are doing a Thor movie, but instead of the same Thor we are getting a Natalie Portman Thor. Did I read that right?


my friends call me "Cunty"
WTF did I just read. So they are doing a Thor movie, but instead of the same Thor we are getting a Natalie Portman Thor. Did I read that right?

A woman Thor is part of the comics. It's not something unique to the movies.


The new era of MCU does not look too appealing to me, I will more than likely end up watching the majority of these but I can't say that I'm truly looking forward to any of them.

Sucks that Fox sold out before they made the Gambit movie, I have no confidence on woken Disney putting a ladies' man movie out.


A woman Thor is part of the comics. It's not something unique to the movies.
I'm not really up to speed on the comics. Sounds silly to me to make a Thor without the normal guy starring in it, but maybe this will make people happy who don't like him.


I really wanted to have the 90s heroes kick in.

New Warriors
Ghost Rider
Sleep Walker.

I guess I'll have to wait another 10 years. :(


frankly going on about how poor the movie was and how we should blame the creator is antithetical to positive discussions.

Not really, criticism of a movie and a person's decisions is perfectly acceptable. All I said was it's clear that it was pretty much Lucas' decisions that made the prequels not work. I didn't say he "ruined my childhood" or "I hate him for MAKING A MOVIE I DIDN'T LIKE!" or any of that bullshit which actually is toxic.

If you think merely pointing out a director's decisions look bad to you, I suggest hoping into a time travel machine and going back to the first theatre performance to tell the audience, "now, you all better praise this no matter how you felt about it!" Like, criticism of media has been around forever, simply saying someone made bad choices isn't being toxic especially compared to the insanity some "fans" stoop to.
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