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So Sony did not give Jahtzee (Zero Punctuation) a review copy of Ratchet & Clank because they don't like his style.



I apologise for the abject blandness of this take. And also for the lateness of this review. It would have come out sooner if we’d gotten a review code before the release date but Sony wouldn’t give us one when they found out what it was for. They said that, quote, “Given the tone of that coverage, we’d prefer you secure your own code.” From where, Sony, the fucking dumpster outside your office? I don’t normally give you these cheeky little glances behind the beef curtains but I mean, really. I guess we all knew publishers want to dictate the content of reviews, hence those review guides they keep sending us that read like a timid schoolchild asking to please not be kicked in these specific sensitive areas, but I didn’t expect them to just come out and admit it. What’s your problem with my “tone,” Sony? You didn’t know I’d make the “snatchet” joke.

How far up their own ass are Sony nowadays. Holy shit.

Censoring Japanese games, not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

I am very happy, that I did not buy a PS5.
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How far up their own ass are Sony nowadays. Holy shit.

Censoring Japanese games, not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

I am very happy, that I did not buy a PS5.
So, you would be more supportive of them if they did give him a review copy because they do "like his style"?

It's a bit of a silly thing either way. I personally trust reviewers more if they are not offered review copies at all.
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real housewives nene GIF

" They said that, quote, “Given the tone of that coverage, we’d prefer you secure your own code.” From where, Sony, the fucking dumpster outside your office?"

Buy your own like everyone else? They don't owe you anything, e-reviewer
a Guy who does funny always negative snarky reviews.


RSI Employee of the Year
PlayStation doesn't give review copies of a lot of their games to a lot of media outlets that write much better reviews than some trite comedy, but I don't see most of them publicly whining about it. 🤔

There's a metric ton of games to review out there. Don't get one? Review another that perhaps actually needs more visibility instead of sounding like you're entitled to it. For some reason.
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Gold Member
Ehhh... Reviewers getting free stuff is weird anyways. What's the difference between an influencer and a reviewer if both have to follow guidelines to get free stuff from the makers? Also, how they are able to say if something is worth the money if they got it for free in the first place?

So yeah... It just doesn't make sense giving free stuff to someone that's probably gonna make fun out of your products.
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Flashless at the Golden Globes
I recently saw Dunkey complain about this too. Angry Joe as well. You are NOT owed shit. Especially when you produce trash reviews.

ZP reviews are absolutely awful. Just complete trash. Dunkey barely even does reviews. He makes fun of games 90% of the time exaggerating bugs for comedic purposes. Then when he does do Dunkviews he gets pretty much everything wrong. He is by no means a professional reviewer.

Angry Joe is an angry loser who has outed himself many times on streams. The way he plays games passing the controller around, drunk and high barely even paying attention is not at all professional.

No one is stopping these morons from doing reviews. Just go and buy your own copy on day one. The game came out 20 days ago. You can easily finish the game in 5 days with 3 hour sittings and edit together a review in another 5 days. This is just him being lazy.


Gold Member
not giving reviewers copies, because they don't like their style?

This is a troll joke post, right?

Sony has always been like this. All game companies are. Sending out review copies is part of marketing, and if they don't feel like someone would market the game right; tough cookies.

During the PlayStation 2 launch, Sony didn't give review consoles to IGN, Gamespot, or any other gaming site. The only places that got review consoles were the NY Times and Time Magazine.
Come on really? People are really complaining about this? Naivety at its finest. This is certainly not the first time nor the last time Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo do this. Guess what? Car companies also do this. If they don't like your review style, they won't lend you a car to review. This is a normal business practice, it's not even something worth being upset about.
His Cyberpunk review had over a million views on youtube, so about 10 -15 times of you average Kotaku / Polygon coverage.

GIF by South Park

Imagine defending a videogame reviewer not getting a free game, then flexing on us with HIS "million view Cyberpunk review video"

Sony ain't giving you a free copy either but I guess that's why you're really boycotting them.

Probably one of the most-watched reviewers on the internet, huge influence in gaming.

For example, the term Glorious PC Master race was from his Witcher review.

Again, quit using him as a flex. He ain't gonna peg you.

"It was intended to be ironic, to illustrate what I perceived at the time to be an elitist attitude among a certain kind of PC gamer. People who invest in expensive gaming PCs and continually spend money to make sure the tech in their brightly-lit tower cases is up to date. Who actually prefer games that are temperamental to get running and that have complicated keyboard interfaces, just because it discourages new or 'casual' players who will in some way taint the entire community with their presence. I meant it as a dig."

Dude's cringe as fuck, no matter what word he used.


Okay, so a dude didn't get a free game to review.

Screaming Season 2 GIF by The Simpsons

Thought, prayers, etc.
Can I just say I how much I miss hand drawn animation? Like there’s a certain imperfection to this that just really sells the horror in a way digital animation just can’t.

Ah yes, I remember this, and how hideous that game controlled. Got a wee bit better with the enhanced edition.
I remember playing DDR with my mouse too. I wish they didn’t cancel the console remake!
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