I haven't watched it yet (i only watched the rather unimpressive 3 min trailer, not the deep dive), but people saying that this is gonna stole the goty from totk makes me very curious.
Is there a massive use of physics or sandbox gameplay or what?
- ship building looks crazy and cool, as well as base building - on the actual building of them and decoration of them
- space combat looks good, ability to dock with ships instead of fight and take them out that way/steal ships - multiple ways to approach and interact with random space ships you come across
- lots of handcrafted content, different themes for different settlements
- sense of mystery and discovery looks strong, seems like you can stumble upon some really cool shit
- some type of space magic is in
- gravity effects gameplay - ballistic weapons push you back in the air when u fire a ballistic weapon/can almost fly on certain planets
- shooting doesn’t look bad
- the starting traits of like who you are seen cool - gives you interesting interactions
- can modify nearly everything to a crazy degree, weapons, etc
- stuff with the objects looks cool physics wise - a person piled a bunch of sandwiches in her cargo hold and they all look to physically interact well