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so when the hell was MP2 pushed to 11/4?


Party Pooper
our nintendo rep came in today with a bunch of Prime 2 promo stuff to put up, and they all said "coming: 11/04"

am i that out of the loop?


You know whats funny, in the 3 minutes that this thread had been alive, it probably reached gamefaqs, and the whole place is exploding.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Here's the tshirt you get for preordering. The front has a "Samus nametag."



Unconfirmed Member

Way to give the Hive a collective heart attack Atomsk. :)

Besides, there are commercials airing on TV right now with the real date shown anyway.


I preordered, and I didn't get my shirt. Am I supposed to get it when I pick the game up?

Am I gonna have to choke a bitch?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
"Retailers participating in the Metroid Prime 2 Echoes T-shirt pre-sell offer include Circuit City, Game Crazy, GameStop and Electronics Boutique."

I know it's ridiculous, but I am a damn sucker for preorder tshirts. Of course I'm vaguely self-conscious about wearing some of them, but I haven't gotten any compliments or insults thrown my way for breaking out the Xenosaga shirt when it's almost laundry day.


Party Pooper
you know, all this Halo 2 11/9 shit is what threw me off. who the hell says what year the game is coming out, when it's coming out NEXT MONTH.

coulda just said "coming november" and gotten the same point across.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
m0dus said:
I got one too. I will never, EVER wear it in public.

Well, anyone who would give you shit for wearing a Samus Aran tshirt would have to know who Samus Aran is in the first place. So you could just say to them, "What the hell is Samus Aran? I got this at a thrift store. You must know, right dork?"


Guileless said:
Well, anyone who would give you shit for wearing a Samus Aran tshirt would have to know who Samus Aran is in the first place. So you could just say to them, "What the hell is Samus Aran? I got this at a thrift store. You must know, right dork?"

It's the design I don't like, really

to me, it looks like a girl's shirt.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
It's definitely a strange shirt, from the color to the logo. Doesn't really seem to have any connection to the Metroid universe at all, but maybe that was the point.
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