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Sold my PS4 on eBay to cover my Pro, buyer is claiming it's console banned, what do?


Good job dude!

You sound so fucking boss in that e-mail. Hopefully that scum will stop the claim, but if he stupid enough to try it, so be it, he will the one losing at the end.


Gold Member
Hope this turns well for you OP. I have been selling on ebay for years, and yeah shit happens sometimes.
Good luck Vashetti. I hope the scammer backs down, but have a horrible feeling you could present your evidence to eBay and they still wouldn't give a fuck because mediating is too much hassle. Hope you win this one.
I haven't done business on eBay for a couple years, and like some here I got screwed over selling a console years ago. If eBay still sides with the buyer after all this then to hell with them.
Good luck.

I'm going to disagree with most people here and say that your last response was too threatening. As the seller on eBay, you are always at a disadvantage, and posting a message like that to the buyer could possibly irk the eBay dispute resolver.

I'm sure the buyer is in the wrong, but I would have relayed the facts in a more concise manner. "You don't want to go down that road.... I hope you make the right decision..." are not the phrases I would have used, among others.

But hey, I hope it works out for you.


They might be able to swap a serial sticker. But they ain't changing the MAC address from the onboard network cards.

Best of luck OP
You're not gonna really 'forgive and forget', right?

This person should be reported so that they don't just do the same to the next person who believes them.

Negative feedback as well. Haha.


Man what a nail-biter. Great response to the buyer, OP. We're pulling for you. I just sold an old 3DS on eBay and thanks to this thread I opted for ShipCover. You can never play it too safe selling on ebay.
Have been reading this thread over and over again since it first was posted. Good luck OP! I'm too into this now so you have my sword! I really hope you win!
I had this issue before with a PS3. The user tried to refund it saying it wasn't in working order.

I didn't have any proof that it was in working order, but we contacted paypal with proof that the user had received it and paypal just denied their request for a refund. That was the end of it. I guess they could have pursued it further, but they didn't.

I suppose they would have needed to break the system and return it to make their claim work, so as they didn't have an old broken system to send, they didn't bother.
Thanks to a gaffer earlier in the thread whose post I adapted into this and just sent with the screenshots of my back-and-forth with Sony:
This was a fairly bad message, tbh.

You should have stopped with letting him know you feel he is trying to scam you and that you know the serial number is still active and have proof.

Threats are a bad idea. Always.

The Ummah

Good luck, OP! Hopefully this puts a little fear in this scammer's heart. I just have an image of a person who has broken PS4s stockpiled in his garage, trying to take advantage of people with this same scenario. Thank goodness you were able to get help from Sony!

We are all rooting for you!


Good luck man. I had contact with a scumbag like that when I was selling my desktop PC. He was stating I sent him a PC with a damaged graphics card, but thankfully he backed off and didn't make any formal complaints on the auction site. Now I just hoard stuff or prepare as best as I can and don't believe in the buyer's good intentions (taking photos, writing serial numbers etc.).


That doesn't sound right. Someone could sell their PS4 to Gamestop or Amazon and then contact Sony to have the console be banned.
Well you sold it so it's not stolen. Youd have to be a real asshole to do it then. Like I said there is a moral line that's up to you to cross, you'd have to lie. It's like going to a Craigslist sale then dude doesn't pay you and takes your console, that's theft. Sony WILL ban the console. Now selling your console on ebay only to get a refund then get a box of rocks in my opinion is still theft. Now whether Sony sees it that way or not I don't know. To ensure they do you'd have to be willing to cross that line. To me fuck that guy if he wants a paper weight that's what he would get. Either way OP is out of his money and his console and this shit head just moves on.


I microwave steaks.
You're not gonna really 'forgive and forget', right?

This person should be reported so that they don't just do the same to the next person who believes them.

Negative feedback as well. Haha.

Sellers can no longer give buyers negative feedback. All they can do is send an invisible report to ebay, and sellers can block users with a certain amount of reports in a month. Stupid fucking policy.
I recently got scammed on eBay with a game, most of the time eBay defaults to settling cases in the buyer's favour as there is no human interaction UNTIL the case has passed a 10-day wait time, which is when an eBay rep is allowed to manually step in.

Going from my own experience, don't give a cent to the buyer or eBay until you 100% know for definite that the buyer is genuinely telling the truth. Also, if you crack and end up giving the buyer a refund eBay views this as the fault of the seller and the case will close right there and then with no appeal since you gave them their money back.

What you said in the email was a good response, warning somebody that committing mail fraud is a crime isn't threatening, IT'S THE LAW. Honestly though, it wouldn't surprise me if the buyer took the claim to PayPal instead or sends you back your console regardless. If you do happened to get scammed, like I did, your only two options is to report the crime to the police and get a crime reference number, and/or open a case with a small claims court and have them investigate the case for you.

Also never, NEVER, NEVER give partial refunds. NEVER!! You WILL NOT get your money back, even if you are owed it from the buyer after the case is closed. Either give the buyer all the money back if he's genuine or not a cent at all.


Thanks to a gaffer earlier in the thread whose post I adapted into this and just sent with the screenshots of my back-and-forth with Sony:

I felt my backside clench and I didn't even try to scam you. Great response.

Thankfully the only scam I've had on eBay (aside from buyers who just don't pay), is someone sending me a broken Vanquish disc and claiming it happened in the mail- it didn't, not with how I pack. Good luck OP.


Oh man originally I thought OP would lose and get scammed but it looks like he's going to win!!!! Please tells us what happens after; I'm rooting for you.👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾


You should have mentioned that you have a particular set of skills that make people like you a nightmare for people like him.


When he backs down report him to the authorities anyway.

This. He needs his Ebay account blocked so that he cant try this on anyone else.

Anyway i'm glad it appears to be working out. Now you just have to hope that Ebay dont handle this like idiots.
I actually agree with others about the threats. Including them makes the buyer defensive and may drive them to actually do something malicious. What if it was an honest mistake?

That doesn't sound right. Someone could sell their PS4 to Gamestop or Amazon and then contact Sony to have the console be banned.

This is why you never buy a used phone off someone. They buy it from a carrier with a stolen credit card, carrier finds out funds are invalid, they blacklist the IMEI, you're left with a paperweight, seller has your money.

Or the seller just claims their phone was stolen and gets it blacklisted, leaving you SOL.


Thanks to a gaffer earlier in the thread whose post I adapted into this and just sent with the screenshots of my back-and-forth with Sony:

I'm not so sure about this. I would have insisted on him keeping the console, you keeping the money. If he agrees to this who knows what he'll do to your console...spider eggs, jizz inside, scratch off termal paste....he's an asshole.


Senior Analyst, Fanboy Drivel Research Partners LLC
When he backs down report him to the authorities anyway.
Exactly. I once bought (well, tried to, at least) Call of Duty: World at War for something like 20€ through a Finnish web site corresponding to Ebay. It was a scam, of course, so after a couple of days of silence from the seller, I just went to meet the local police.

I suppose most wouldn't do something like that for such a measly sum, but for me, this is a matter of principle. I seriously dislike dishonesty.

Finnish police are awesome, by the way. The matter was resolved in half an hour, I got my money back, the perp was fined and hopefully became a bit more hesitant to try the same shit again. (Yeah, right. I don't really believe this served as any kind of deterrent.)

Still: make him suffer!
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