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Sold my PS4 on eBay to cover my Pro, buyer is claiming it's console banned, what do?

eBay Twitter has asked me to get back to them when I get the PS4 back.

Did you send them the transcripts from sony?

Now we wait, again.
I can't imagine being thrust into this situation. Have been following this thread intently and hope that things turn out as they should.

Good luck and keep going, OP!


Amazon Seller is worse than eBay.
With their A-Z Guarantee is.... guaranteed you'll never win a case as a seller, lol
you can't imagine the amount of (clear-cut) evidence I gave them and the responses I got, they make zero sense and barely skim over emails and such.
Please guys read through the thread or inform yourselves before advising such things, plenty of cases explained in the past few pages.
You can't actually speak on the phone with anyone who's in the legal/seller appeals/decision making team.
At least you can do that with eBay (not that it'll do you any good 99% of times but still better than Amazon...)

Calm down, I was just sharing my experience not claiming to have scientific evidence to suggest that it's better.

I base that experience on having never won a dispute as a seller on eBay and having won 4/5 disputes I've had on Amazon. Obviously the fact that I buy a ton of stuff on Amazon might tilt the balance a bit.


Social Media is the best way to complain. i had problems with my internet connection, contacted the ISP and they wanted to charge me 50 dollars to come by and check what the fuck THEY DID WRONG. Then I wrote on Twitter, after 20 minutes they answered me, next day first thing in the morning there is one employee from the company in my house to change EVERYTHING. (the problem was probably a mal functioning modem, the guy didn't even test anything, he just came in with all cables and shit, changed for a new modem and that was it. He even said 'I am supposed to come here and change all your cables but as it is already working, can I leave it like this? If something bad happens you can write me directly and I will fix it all. Then when he was leaving he got a call from someone asking if he solved my problem... the guy even told me with a surprised face 'what did you do to get the ombudsman involved in fixing your modem????' I sure was surprised too.

Tip a friend of mine gave me, to use lots of hashtags, like #CompanyNameFAIL #Disaster #Unbelieveable etc etc.


Social Media is the best way to complain. i had problems with my internet connection, contacted the ISP and they wanted to charge me 50 dollars to come by and check what the fuck THEY DID WRONG. Then I wrote on Twitter, after 20 minutes they answered me, next day first thing in the morning there is one employee from the company in my house to change EVERYTHING. (the problem was probably a mal functioning modem, the guy didn't even test anything, he just came in with all cables and shit, changed for a new modem and that was it. He even said 'I am supposed to come here and change all your cables but as it is already working, can I leave it like this? If something bad happens you can write me directly and I will fix it all. Then when he was leaving he got a call from someone asking if he solved my problem... the guy even told me with a surprised face 'what did you do to get the ombudsman involved in fixing your modem????' I sure was surprised too.

Tip a friend of mine gave me, to use lots of hashtags, like #CompanyNameFAIL #Disaster #Unbelieveable etc etc.

I'm an immigration attorney who had a client unduly held up at an embassy for a bullshit reason, and the embassy refused to take my call and explain. No joke, after getting on twitter to tweet the issue to the embassy, I immediately got a real response and it was resolved.

It is shitty that only people willing to go public get issues resolved in many fields.
Came back to this thread expecting no progress but happy to see that they reached out to you through twitter, unfortunately it had to come to that

As a former retail manager I despise people abusing the system, and either thinking they can manipulate the rules or my favorite, yell loud enough to get what they want. I had several people removed from my store for this very reason but I always knew without a shadow of a doubt they were scamming the store.

One time had someone try to return a "new ps2" and was called to the service desk because they weren't sure about it because the warranty seal looked tampered with. Sure enough, new outer case but inside parts covered in dust. Would think the scammer would thought to try to clean that at least.


Junior Member
I'm an immigration attorney who had a client unduly held up at an embassy for a bullshit reason, and the embassy refused to take my call and explain. No joke, after getting on twitter to tweet the issue to the embassy, I immediately got a real response and it was resolved.

It is shitty that only people willing to go public get issues resolved in many fields.
Because in public where everyone can see they have to look good and professional but in private they don't care what one person thinks


Sounds like so much time and energy over this amount of money. I'd be so pissed at the buyer for forcing me to go through all that bullshit.
Social Media is the best way to complain...

It's shit that it has to come to this to get something obviously wrong, hopefully made right. I hope eBay see this through for the seller and don't tail off after the initial effort (uproar) on twitter dies down. Best of luck.


OP, please let us know if Ebay tries to back out of being helpful in a few days once this little uproar has died down. We will absolutely turn the heat on again.

And this is absolutely Kotaku material.
Also retweeted that tweet as well.

I am red in the face over how dumb this situation turned into. Mocking the OP for late delivery over a death in the family. Cruel! Just Cruel!


Social media ain't completely good-for-nothin'. (Half-joking.)

I'm late to the show but this must have been a helluva ride, OP, g'luck with resolving this. Thank balls eBay finally are lending a hand..!!
Op...when you get the ps4 back (if you do actually get one)the buyer more than likely has swapped the shell or inside out which will mean the serial numbers will match on the outside but the inside console will be different....from memory there is no way of verifying the serial number of the actual console without cracking open the case

Things you need to note

1) if the console is actually banned

2)if it is check the seal stickers at the back...if they are bubbled or peeled chances are its been opened and swapped..you may not be able to tell this if it was done by a pro but if hes a complete tard he may of fucked this up

3)call sony support and go through the steps with them if the console is showing as banned...if sony say the serial number is not banned and they cant see your console you are going to have to send it in

4) sony will be able to verify if the inside console is different to the outside console....make sure its noted that you suspect fraud on the issue report otherwise the techs will just look at it like you have tried to pull a swifty

5) get sony to issue an authentication report of the console..they will be able to do this

6) use the authentication report with ebay..and also give the report and details of the transaction to the police.

Hope this helps


oh man, this is intense, good luck with your claim OP, I have been following this thread the whole day and I can't wait how this ends (hopefully in your favour). God bless.
It's sad that it's considered a victory when they even try to play ball to begin with, but I feel for OP and I'm rooting for you.

Hopefully they find some odd stuff on that buyers account too to add more evidence to his fuckery. I'm very interested to see what this guy actually sent back. Even if the serial matches etc I'd inspect it real good to see if he even tried to tamper with it at all.


eBay/PayPal are bound by credit card issuers rules in order for you to pay with a credit card.

A credit card issuer often times won't care if the item is returned or not.

At the end of the day you can file a meaningless mail fraud complaint.


Excellent! Note that it's possible that the scammer has exchanged the motherboard, which Sony should be able to verify once you take the returned console online.

Has there ever been a situation where someone got scammed and Sony would actually unban the console to help a legit person out ??
Genius af.
So I tried this when I sold my Xbox One, but you are forgetting one detail...you need a power source and internet for the buyer to check and see if the console isn't broken. I may sound naive, but it never occurred to me that someone would sell a console that didn't work, so when i suggested meet at the police station the dude was like, so will they let me plug it in? I sort of laughed and realized how stupid I must have sounded. thankfully we ended up meeting at the guy's office and I didn't die.

So maybe we should all lobby our local governments and see if we can get our local PD to install a console check station to ensure safe selling and buying of the greatest hobby around.
Having long experience selling things on ebay (~500 feedback, probably 400 sales). I still think this guy is an idiot, based on his half illiterate messages back and forth.

Remember that 30% of people think that the Sun revolves around the Earth. A quarter of us don't know who we fought for Independence from (6% threw out countries like China, Mexico and Japan).

There's a lot of idiots out there. The guy could have had it on PSN and thought it wasn't online because he couldn't download Destiny or something, or he has a NAT issue connecting to games or the like.

(Note the post above where the guy cites the dude typing in his email address into Google...that's about right).


This has to be real bad for OP, but seriously, do you guys even consider that the buyer is just a kid that doesnt know how to configure the PS4 connection??

That might seem stupid for all the posters here, because all of us are at least a little bit tech saavy.

That first message to the seller accussing him of scam and fraud and whatnot was a bit intense IMO, maybe just asking for a screen showing the error would have been enough for a start.

Maybe with a little patience and talking you could have helped him to setup his connection and all this mess would been avoided.

Or maybe he is indeed trying to scam you, what the hell do i know...
This has to be real bad for OP, but seriously, do you guys even consider that the buyer is just a kid that doesnt know how to configure the PS4 connection??

That might seem stupid for all the posters here, because all of us are at least a little bit tech saavy.

That first message to the seller accussing him of scam and fraud and whatnot was a bit intense IMO, maybe just asking for a screen showing the error would have been enough for a start.

Maybe with a little patience and talking you could have helped him to setup his connection and all this mess would been avoided.

Or maybe he is indeed trying to scam you, what the hell do i know...

Nah from his responses, he's definitely a scammer.
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