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Songs You Wish Would Die Forever

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That Fanta Song
The Reason - Hoobstank
Taking Care of Business (They play it at work and I want to die)
Is She Really Going Out With Him - Sugar Ray


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Electric Slide.... come on there are MUCH better line dance songs out there to play at parties at this point... wtf.
Right Thurr
That damn rap song where all they do is yell "Yeah!!" and "OK!"
Anything by Sean Paul
The Reason
Ignition Remix
My Band
This is off topic, but I thought I'd post it here instead of making a new thread:

What is the song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zipplen about? Great song and all, but the lyrics sound abstract to me.
Everything by Brian Adams. There's a special place in hell for that fucker. That one song off the Robin Hood soundtrack from like the early 90s is the worst.

All Joan Osbourne songs.

The latest Evenescence song. That retarded fucking ballad. I hate it.

Everything Linkin Park. Gone. Wiped off the earth. I really liked that first album for a while until mainstream radio killed it for me. Now I've had my fill of it for the next 10 years. The 2nd album is even more overplayed. I don't think I'll EVER buy that one.

"Eeeeerbody in the club gettin tips". Fuck you. You're gone asshole. Learn english.

"Roses really smell like poo poo poo poo." -Outkast. Yeah fuck you and every song off your new album except Hey Ya which is also overplayed.

Stone Temple Pilots. All of it. Goodbye.

Audioslave. If it just wasn't so damn overplayed.....

And then 100% of Country music and 98% of rap. If there was a way I could just permanently mute all of it as if it were an obnoxious kid on Xbox LIVE, I'd be a lot happier.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Duck of Death said:
Yeah, but this one is far more repulsive than most rap songs, since the fucking chorus actually is "Yeah! Yeah! (bum bum bum bum) Yeah! Yeah! WHOA KAY!!!""

Sounds like Usher's song Yeah.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
All Joan Osbourne songs
She has more than one song? :)

I would vote for that "Right Thurr" song too, and I've only heard bits of it in a commercial for some awful compilation CD. It makes my head hurt.


*most rap & hip-hop

*all country music

*all folk music (that retched 60s and 70s music)

*all music by nirvana, pearle jam and all other 'grunge' or 'alternative rock'
anyone who plays that kind of music should follow in Kurt Cobain's footsteps. at least he knew what had to be done.


Anything by Nickleback/Creed/Linkin Park/similar cloned "bands"
"Please God, f*ckin' kill 'em, kill 'em already, kill 'em" (kudos to whomever recognizes this indie music reference ! )


GigaDrive said:
*most rap & hip-hop

*all country music

*all folk music (that retched 60s and 70s music)

*all music by nirvana, pearle jam and all other 'grunge' or 'alternative rock'
anyone who plays that kind of music should follow in Kurt Cobain's footsteps. at least he knew what had to be done.

you are one of god's most special creatures.


GigaDrive said:
*all music by nirvana, pearle jam and all other 'grunge' or 'alternative rock'
anyone who plays that kind of music should follow in Kurt Cobain's footsteps. at least he knew what had to be done.

Wow :-|
Considering that Pearl Jam only ever made two genuine "grunge" albums, and has been evolving ever since, I'd say this is a very unfair comment. Sure, I can understand that you're tired of a lot of Nirvana's and PJ's songs, but saying that anyone who plays that kind of music should just up and die is kinda harsh.. Then again, I mentioned Nickleback and Creed etc.., people who are even todat trying to sell the "grunge" sound as introduced by Alice in Chains and PJ... so yeah, I KINDA agree, but not on Nirvana and PJ... You might as well say you're tired of the Beatles of Stones..


Uno Ill Nino said:
"Eeeeerbody in the club gettin tips". Fuck you. You're gone asshole. Learn english.

I couldn't have put it better myself. I hate when I see people my age, and even my friends slurring their speech, and uttering stupid catchphrases from songs. English motherfuckers! Do you speak it?!

Uno Ill Nino said:
"Roses really smell like poo poo poo poo." -Outkast. Yeah fuck you and every song off your new album except Hey Ya which is also overplayed.

Though I don't agree with the Outkast bash.... Sure, their stuff gets overplayed, but I like their music.


Sk8er Boi
Right Thurr
Errbody in da club ge----STFU
In Da Club


Simple Plan
Blink 182
Good Charlotte
Linkin Park

I like The Reason...yeah yeah shoot me.

What is the song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zipplen about? Great song and all, but the lyrics sound abstract to me.

haha "Zipplen"...it's Zeppelin. Some people say it's about drugs...I don't think it's about anything in particular.


Am I late for the anti-popular music jerk-a-thon? :)

(but, I seriously hate that Mario Winans song, "I Don't Wanna Know.")


lol. People trash hip hop yet 80% of "best group/album" awards go to hip hop, like Outkast, Beyonce, etc...

Anyway, I think a song that should die is the "I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world......."
MrAngryFace said:
that's 98% of rap songs.

That's 98% of mainstream rap, which I can't stand either.

MrAngryFace said:
Thats why I love listening to indie bands n the like. No one knows wtf they are so they cant get all mad and drink gatorade.

You just proved my point right there. Don't judge rap on the Nelly's and Lil' Jon's of the world, because that stuff is shit. Get into the underground hip-hop scene and you'll see that hip-hop can be a great genre of music.
Yeah I was just on a tear and Outkast just so happened to be on TV so they got caught in the middle of it. I don't mind them really. Its just that they're really over-exposed right now.

And goddammit does that new Drowning Pool song fucking SUCK BALLS. "If you wanna step up, you gonna get knocked down!" Jesus christ could those lyrics BE any more fucking generic? THE DEFINITION OF NASCAR ROCK. Throw it right in there with Trapt "Headstrong" and the everything Godsmack has come out with since their first album. Speaking of those assholes, do their songs ever start sounding different from one another? Cuz when I hear em on the radio I always think "Man this sounds just like their last single". Barf.

Lastly, there's some more rappers on my hit-list:

50 Cent: No talent mushmouth motherfucker. Quit trying to play yourself off as some hardass gangsta. You may impress 15 year old kids but I know you're just some actor that the label picked out to put on this act. Shot in the face 8 times? Good thing it never got out that those were money-shots in some bukkake video.

Fat Joe: Get off my TV you fat fuck. You big pig. Stop eating. Put the donuts down, fatty. You ain't a gangsta either. You're just some fat shit who used to hang out in front of the local 7-11 eating fruitpies with your shitheel friends until you somehow ate your way into the music biz. Fatass.

HA ha man this is fun. I'm actually laughing as I type this. Ah. I'm not really this upset over music. Its just fun to vent. :)


Unconfirmed Member
The new Drowning Pool single cannot possibly be as bad as "Bodies," can it?


Repeat for 4 minutes. :( That was the first song that ever evoked a physical reaction out of me. I literally would wretch and groan when it came on. So bad. So so so bad. My friends thought it was funny watching me suffer, so they made sure to keep the remote away from me when it came on. Ohhhh man. :(

I basically have no interaction with radio, MTV, or popular culture at all, so I don't know what's being overplayed these days. I find "Yeah" amusing in the so-fucking-atrocious-it's-fantastic sort of way, not unlike all of Lil' Jon's catalog. I realize that's not all of what hip-hop is, as I'm quite into underground hip-hop and stuff like that. But I do love my shit rap now and then.

That last Avril Lavigne single drove me up a wall, the one time I heard it. The one about, like her boyfriend wanting to fuck, and her screaming GIRL POWER! and totally not fucking him, or whatever? In retaliation, I'm writing a song about what really happens in those situations: she doesn't fuck her boyfriend, goes to some party, gets drunk, and gets plowed in the ass by some sports star/frat boy. It's going to be a fucking hit, guys. Just you wait.


adelgary said:
This is off topic, but I thought I'd post it here instead of making a new thread:

What is the song "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zipplen about? Great song and all, but the lyrics sound abstract to me.

I couldn't tell you what its about really, but I can tell you writing a paper comparing it to Tolkien's work can score you an A.
Well, it did for me.
DarienA said:
Electric Slide.... come on there are MUCH better line dance songs out there to play at parties at this point... wtf.

How the Hell can you do the Electric Slide to another song? I mean, the two are like one.


Raxel said:
- Any song without melody or any thought into the musical side of things (Grunge, alternative rock, modern rock)
- Rock songs without decent guitar solos (random twanging with a wah-wah does NOT constitute a guitar solo. Learn how to play the instrument!)
- Any song that features a sucky vocalist with a one octave range (Pearl Jam style lower register moaning, vomit vocal metal bands, banshee shriek metal, and so on)

That's about it for now...

:-| I agree about vomit metal bands, and whatever else you listed, but come on...music isn't all about technical prowess. A song shouldn't fucking require a decent guitar solo; I'd rather see a song that knows how to work without having to rely on the standard conventions of what "works". I'm more interested in vocalists who do have limited range, but who know how to use their voices more effectively.

There's a lot of semi-mainstream stuff like Dream Theatre that I hate just as much as the stuff in the mainstream, basically for those reasons.

*awaits death threats from DT fans*
My feelings:

- Most hip hop lacks soul. It is more about being clever, wordplay, and programmed rhythms. It is less soulful than funk, jazz, r and b. In a lot of cases Hip Hop today is less soulful than punk rock and metal.
I want the sequenced drums to go away and be replaced with more varied live musicianship and I want the lyrics to be more soulful and less decadent.

- Rock music has way too much powerchord stuff. Can't these guys even play a seventh chord? A lot of time I hear the same kinds of riffs and styles done over and over. It makes me think people just imitate without thinking about what they're doing.
Rock musicians should get a little more educated, imo. I'm not saying shred. The problem with shredding is that the songs featuring such pyrotechnic guitar techniques usually aren't much different harmonically than a grunge piece- it's just a bunch of powerchords, and a guy letting loose over that is overkill.
Listen to a great jazz player like Jim Hall or even more recently somebody like Nels Cline and you know a whole massive range of things are not being done by todays metal wannabes.


kablooey said:
:-| I agree about vomit metal bands, and whatever else you listed, but come on...music isn't all about technical prowess. A song shouldn't fucking require a decent guitar solo; I'd rather see a song that knows how to work without having to rely on the standard conventions of what "works". I'm more interested in vocalists who do have limited range, but who know how to use their voices more effectively.

There's a lot of semi-mainstream stuff like Dream Theatre that I hate just as much as the stuff in the mainstream, basically for those reasons.

*awaits death threats from DT fans*

Leave my DT alone you mean, old, scary man!

Why has no one said Who Let the Dogs Out? Or is that dead enough? Well in that case, Britney Spears' Toxic. I have to clench my teeth and get something to grab onto while that fucking screeching beginning starts

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual

he's still going strong in the charts here

and then that bitch releases the 'fuck you right back' single

i know someone who purchased said single
should i not be friends with them anymore?
That first single by the Darkness.
Every Good Charlotte and Linkin Park song.
Everything by "Blink".
Everything that's rap that isn't Missy Elliot.
Oh, and I generally hate any Euroband that gets everyone (especially geeks) overhappy. Majority of them suck (at least to me) and I don't understand how anyone could like them. While the Beatles don't suck, I could go without hearing any of their songs. Overrated.

Hmm other than that. Oh that stupid Soccer Boy Locker Room song, whatever's it called by that "gay" artist. I forget his name...


This is now my new favorite avatar.
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