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Sonic Colors |OT| of AWESOME! OUTSTANDING! AMAZING! CUBE! And Very High Reviews


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The_Technomancer said:
Jumping: contrary to the instincts that Mario Galaxy gave me, do not double jump every time automatically. So many of my frustrating bottomless pit deaths were double jumping for platforming precision, but when I stopped everything got easier. As best as I can lay it out:
Galaxy: first jump is to get you in the air, spin jump is to give you the maneuverability you need to be precise.
Colors: first jump already gives you the height and maneuverability to get where you need, the second jump is an emergency recovery or extra height. Using it Galaxy style leads to stupid deaths as you misjudge momentum.

Recent Sonic games, like Unleashed, have always encouraged you to keep a steady forward momentum. It's about mastering the level to the point where you do amazing things and yet it feels completely natural. You do all these subtle things that someone might not initially catch.

With that kind of philosophy in mind, it should be noted that if the game is designed well, than any basic platforming should be possible with a single jump. Doing a double jump every time would just slow you down.
The_Technomancer said:
Alright, I've poured about four hours into it now, halfway through Aquatic Park (with Planet Wisp complete).

So, I was playing through the Tropical Resort stages. And I'll be honest, I was disappointed. Sure they were...fun, but they seemed simplistic and shallow, and more then a few of them were really short. I was like "huh. I thought it would be better then this"

Then I got to Sweet Mountain

Holy shit.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

Every stage in Sweet Mountain was absolutely ace. And I've been having a fantastic time since. Although I'll be honest, both Starlight Carnival and Tropical Resort seem a bit weak so far. Those beautiful parts of Starlight Carnival where you literally don't even need to hold down forward, you're essentially just watching a cinematic, don't really do it for me.

Two things I've noticed that caused me huge frustration early on:

Boosting: its not like in Unleashed. I was getting annoyed because I was used to one tap of the boost button getting me through four or five enemies, and here it just ploughs through one. I thought I was missing some other move, but seems I was just doing it wrong and you have to hold down boost.

Jumping: contrary to the instincts that Mario Galaxy gave me, do not double jump every time automatically. So many of my frustrating bottomless pit deaths were double jumping for platforming precision, but when I stopped everything got easier. As best as I can lay it out:
Galaxy: first jump is to get you in the air, spin jump is to give you the maneuverability you need to be precise.
Colors: first jump already gives you the height and maneuverability to get where you need, the second jump is an emergency recovery or extra height. Using it Galaxy style leads to stupid deaths as you misjudge momentum.

I would agree that some stages in Tropical Resort were a little underwhelming. Nothing bad or anything, just a bit short or unambitious. When you have more wisps though they really start to come into their own, which is nice. And the music. By god.

I just finished up Sweet Mountain and played the first stage in Starlight Carnival. Sweet Mountain is simply fantastic. Not only is it gorgeous to look at, but it's almost entirely composed of 2D platforming sequences. Now keep in mind the platforming here isn't as sophisticated and complex as, say, the Galaxy series, but there are still some great sections that take a bit of skill and caution. I still think the jumping is a little off, but as I've said previously it's totally managable.

As for Starlight Carnival, as I said I've only played the first level but I loved it. It's not quite as good as Sweet Mountain on a platforming level but as far as art goes...jesus. SEGA really unlocked those pikmens. You will say wow.
racerx77 said:
So (I don't have the game yet), for those who have the game, aside from resolution, how do the graphics compare with the 360/ ps3 versions of unleashed?

Much better it it ought to. Obviously Unleashed looks far better on a technical level, but Colours still looks great and on an aethetic level I prefer it to Unleashed. This is one of the most colourful games you'll find.

30fps is the only disappointment really. The game doesn't look quite as fluid as it would at 60fps, you'll notice it right away. But considering how much SEGA got right with this game, I can let it pass.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
_Alkaline_ said:
30fps is the only disappointment really. The game doesn't look quite as fluid as it would at 60fps, you'll notice it right away. But considering how much SEGA got right with this game, I can let it pass.

I don't see how they could get it running at 60fps on Wii without cutting down in so many other areas. I just don't.


Navigator is basically if you want Tails to play tutorial for you. It creates a lot of ?s that if you touch, you get told what to do. Like how to move and what the different color wisps do. And boss weaknesses.
With this game I have realized that the Wii has given a buttload of great games this year ( with DK, Kirby, a Epic Mickey to hopefully continue that next month).

Damn Wii why you stylin on em?
McNum said:
Navigator is basically if you want Tails to play tutorial for you. It creates a lot of ?s that if you touch, you get told what to do. Like how to move and what the different color wisps do. And boss weaknesses.

Cool, I'll turn that on then.

This game is good. Made it thru the first "world." I couldn't believe it when act after act kept opening up. Music is sweet. Even the title screen, how you can move Sonic around, and at the end of an act how you can control Sonic and jump on your grade and stuff. This attention to detail in a Sonic game is exciting me!


I never thought I'd say this...I am LOVING the dialogue, and cut scenes in this game. Great work on making the characters fun again!
So on Aquatic Park, Act 2, "Time's Up" appeared in red on the right side of my screen and stayed there until the end of the act. At first I thought it was tied to the Blue Wisp, but the fact it just stayed was strange. Does that mean there's a Red Ring, but only if you get to the end or a certain part fast enough?
Kulock said:
So on Aquatic Park, Act 2, "Time's Up" appeared in red on the right side of my screen and stayed there until the end of the act. At first I thought it was tied to the Blue Wisp, but the fact it just stayed was strange. Does that mean there's a Red Ring, but only if you get to the end or a certain part fast enough?

You don't get any more extra bonus points after you time out.


Finally got home and I've played through Tropical Resort. Its so fucking fun. Pretty much everything I want to praise this game on has already been said so I'm just gonna go get back to the game.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Argh, that final boss is a bitch. It feels like the quickstep isn't as responsive as I'd like, so I'm constantly getting CUBE!d

When the awesome music kicks in though my god is it amazing.
I'm not huge on having to press forward whilst press side to side for the quickstep. Would probably just be better automating movement in those instances and press left and right (like you do when grinding rails). It's managable but a bit awkward.


God-fucking-damn. I am absolutely loving the shit out of this game.

It started of alright, nothing really special without the Wisps. But then-- SWEETS! SWEETS EVERYWHERE! And it was glorious! The levels were fun* and the music was great. And then Starlight Carnival.

Good. God. Such an amazing opening act, and a pretty damn fun boss to finish it off. I died so many times trying to get that lower Red Ring in Act 6, but it sure as hell was rewarding when I finally did get it.

And speaking of rewards, playing through Planet Wisp is its own reward. Fantastic music, wonderful scenery, really fun levels. I enjoyed playing through this world so much. You should have seen my reaction to getting my first S-Rank, I was so elated (got all 5 Red Rings too). I really felt like a kid again. It was a great feeling to have.

Jumping took a little getting used to, but once that was over I was really getting into the game. It was hard for me to put the controller down after all that. :lol (On the topic of controllers, I DO NOT RECOMMEND PLAYING WITH THE NUNCHUCK. You're much better off with just the Wiimote or the two more legitimate options, but I'm sure most of you knew this) I'm really liking the cutscenes so far. Sonic is cocky almost to a fault; he reminds me of Bugs Bunny, trying too hard. :p Eggman and his bots are good for a laugh as well.

TL;DR - I am having a wonderful time with this game. I'm really surprised at how fun it is. It's good. It's great. It's awesome! It's outstanding! IT'S AMAZING! :lol :lol

*I only have one gripe about Act 6: running out of boost was really annoying, but I suppose it made the level more strategic, so I appreciate it for that if nothing else.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
TheOGB said:
TL;DR - I am having a wonderful time with this game. I'm really surprised at how fun it is. It's good. It's great. It's awesome! It's outstanding! IT'S AMAZING! :lol :lol
Would you say that its CUBE! even?


Woah. Woah you guys. You guys. Woah.
Shit just got real on Starlight Carnival Act 1. I'm so glad I didn't spoil myself on that.
Not even like the bits where you're on the road looking at all the crazy awesome stuff not pressing anything. But like feeling like I was awesome and breaking the game (even though I wasn't) by getting on the ceiling out of the camera's view, using the cube powerup (especially to get that one red ring midway through), and normally I'm not crazy on enemy bridges, but smashing into floating pieces of glass was pretty fucking choice. The fucking Motobug race? Well okay, that bit was kinda just okay, but the concept of that section is keen as hell.
Its got the psychedelic spectacle, but it plays well too. Its so good.
I'm still having issues with the jumping. It's too responsive, you barely move the analog stick while jumping and Sonic kind of just goes all over the place, leading to many cheap deaths or hitting spikes. -_-;

There isn't always a clear point when to use the Wisp powers. I've only finished the first 3 worlds Tropical Resort, Sweet Mountain, and Starlight Carnival.

However the game is playable unlike the travesty that was the Wii version of Unleashed and Sonic Black Knight.

I also like the voices better, thank god SEGA hired some new voices for a change.


The_Technomancer said:
Argh, that final boss is a bitch. It feels like the quickstep isn't as responsive as I'd like, so I'm constantly getting CUBE!d

When the awesome music kicks in though my god is it amazing.

When you knock him down, dash into him. Double damage. It's not quickstep, it's you.


So after playing this today I decided to get on PSN and download Sonic Adventure. I hadn't played it since the Dreamcast days but I remember really liking it so I wanted to see how it held up. Honestly I don't think it's held up well at all. The controls feel really weird and the camera sucks. I think I'll just stick with Colors.
Kard8p3 said:
So after playing this today I decided to get on PSN and download Sonic Adventure. I hadn't played it since the Dreamcast days but I remember really liking it so I wanted to see how it held up. Honestly I don't think it's held up well at all. The controls feel really weird and the camera sucks. I think I'll just stick with Colors.

That port really blows. It's only good if you play it on your Dreamcast.


Junior Member
Up to Act 3 in the Asteroid Belt. Still waiting for this "Frustrating Difficulty" they speak of. I had some challenging levels, but nothing that I would consider cheap. In fact, most of the times I died was due to me trying real hard for some out of the way red ring.


After beating the game, GT's review is complete shit. This game is fantastic and the story is actually fun to follow. Wii graphics have never looked so amazing. This game is a 9/10 in my book best Sonic in years.


_Alkaline_ said:
It was never good.

Yeah I'm guessing that's what it is. I guess my ten year old self didn't have sense enough to pay attention to all the problems. I was just happy to be playing it on my birthday which happened to be 9/9/99.

DeVeAn said:
After beating the game, GT's review is complete shit. This game is fantastic and the story is actually fun to follow. Wii graphics have never looked so amazing. This game is a 9/10 in my book best Sonic in years.

What blows my mind is We've had an amazing 3D Mario, a great 3D Sonic, and what seems to be an amazing DKC game in the same year on the same console.
The attention to detail in this game in fantastic. I love how in Sweet Mountain there are badniks shooting at you from the background, so all you have to do is jump on a switch and they explode on spikes. :D

Later on in the level you press another swtch and they fall in the path of one of those massive missiles. :lol
I wrote this on another forum, one where a lot fewer people are playing the game. This is my very detailed first reaction to the game. MINOR SPOILERS OF THE LEVELS BELOW.

OMG I am in love.

My first reaction is "THIS IS NOT UNLEASHED" , the controls were off, the levels were nothing like those found in Unleashed. The boost wasn't the main focus as it was in Unleashed. That first level was so weird to me, I didn't know what to think. And then I played the next level and it was a short level, with some decent 2D sections, again still weird. Then I got the first wisp and that is when everything changed, this game is all about the wisps and because of that it feels like a very new kind of Sonic.

Sonic feels even more loose than he does in Unleashed when in 3D. He has a very floaty jump and for the first time a double jump, I got used to it and now I can land most jumps easily. Boosting is precious in this game, you have to manage it well sometimes saving it for later areas where it comes in good use.

As I said before its all about the wisps, the levels are designed around them. The first time I went through the first world it was bad, the levels felt tiny and unfinished, that is because I was only seeing a tiny part of the levels. Its kind of strange that the game makes you play through many levels without the wisp power needed to actually see the majority of the level. Those playing just to get through the game are not really seeing the game, the levels without the wisp powers aren't great. Take the drill, there is one level that is like minute long without the drill power but once you get it, reenter the level and you will find a new path that opens up about 70% of the level. One level had a crazy pipe maze hidden under the ground, it felt like something out of Mario 3.

The wisps not only open up the levels they are key to the entire scoring system. Most Sonic games are about time and rings, in this game those aren't needed. The majority of your points will come from using the wisps. Take the laser, if you hit the diamonds you get a 60,000 point bonus, or find the laser routes and get bonuses as well. Use the drill and get 4000 points about every second, more when you hit pipes. Every wisp comes with its own points system. The correct uses of the wisps in the level combined with good speed and rings will get you the best scores. Though I think I found a score ruining issue with the drill, it seems like you can drill forever and keep getting 4000 points. I have seen one guy almost break the scores, he scored the max allowed number, all 9s, that is not normal. So that kind of sucks but that is only if you want to compete in the leaderboards, for the game it keeps track of S ranks and with good play that shouldn't be too hard.

The levels themselves and nicely varied. There is nothing as elaborate or complex as the levels in Unleashed yet but then again they were much fewer levels. I have completed to worlds so far and there are about 3 acts that feel like major acts, 5-8 minute levels with a ton of paths and stuff to do. The other acts are like mini level acts that focus on some type of gameplay mechanic like the drill wisp I mentioned earlier. I have found that some levels introduce some new mechanic not involving wisps, for instance one level has you rotating platforms or controlling their movement. One level introduces yellow blocks that can be destroyed only by boosting into them or stomping them, these lead to hidden areas or the hidden coins. There have been some actual platforming scattered throughout the usual Sonic rollercoaster ride feel.

I did play the first level of star carnival zone or something and it was incredible. It felt so different from the food world. I really hope the level variety feels this different for the rest of the game. I have fought two bosses, both average, rather simple as well. Hope they get better cause there is a ton of potential there with the wisps and so far not much use of them in the bosses. I am loving the story, so simple and very funny. The new Sonic voice actor is excellent and honestly the character hasn't been this likeable since the cartoons.

I am loving it so far, not exactly what I expected but that isn't a bad thing, I love this new kind of Sonic formula they came up with.
Tomorrow I will give you guys my friend code if you want someone to compete against. I am ranked 8, 11, and 15th on the levels I have tried to get a high score on.


I think Sonic Adventure just looked so good after PS1, Saturn, and N64 games that it was easier to ignore all (and there is a LOT) that was wrong with it. Plus I know I was pretty desperate to play anything on the Dreamcast.

SA is a terrible, terrible game from the controls, falling through the floor consistently, the "adventure" of running around like a goon until something triggers, the horrible forest maze, down to all the levels where you did not play as Sonic or Tails. Small flashes of brilliance don't make a terrible game good, they make it disappointing =(


The_Technomancer said:
Alright, I've poured about four hours into it now, halfway through Aquatic Park (with Planet Wisp complete).

So, I was playing through the Tropical Resort stages. And I'll be honest, I was disappointed. Sure they were...fun, but they seemed simplistic and shallow, and more then a few of them were really short. I was like "huh. I thought it would be better then this"

Then I got to Sweet Mountain

Holy shit.

Now that's what I'm talking about.

I had the exact same reaction. Honestly the tropical resort stuff is just a bit bland. Then you hit the other levels and its so much more fun.

OMG Aero

MiamiWesker said:
Tomorrow I will give you guys my friend code if you want someone to compete against. I am ranked 8, 11, and 15th on the levels I have tried to get a high score on.
The friend code thing is for a friend leaderboard right? Maybe we could get a collection of friend codes in this thread so we can get a GAF leaderboard going and see who is best at each level.


Man, I'm dying to go home and play more. I completed Tropical Resort, Starlight Carnival, and Sweet Mountain last night and decided to save the rest for today. After seeing a couple clips, I can't wait to jump into the other zones. It needs to be 5:30pm already! :)


Starlight will be my third world, i did the "cake" one as the second and it was pretty awesome too!

I will also start the DS version tonight, it will be fucking awesome i'm sure. (sadface for no Blaze the Cat though)

Buy this game.


Okay now that I've played the game, I'm reading through the older posts and Hero of Legend I'm calling you out son.
Hero of Legend said:
Naofumi Hataya was a sound creator in Let's Tap, composed in both NiGHTS, did the sound in Sonic 2 8-bit, thanked in Blinx 1, etc..

Getting thanked in Blinx 1 is a more noteworthy achievement than composing the jap/euro version of Sonic CD? The fuck?


This game is incredible...except for the Asteroid Coaster.

1. You don't play the stages half the time, the damned coaster plays itself
2. It's really sketchy trying to dive off the coaster so that it doesn't steer you into oblivion. Though diving from coaster to coaster is not too bad.

Kill the Ass coaster sequences though and this beast of levels would be fun, too.

Still though, this is not even close to ruining my experience with this game.
I'm giving this game a 9.0 I've just about beaten it, but the replay is through the roof so no regrets.


Junior Member
Wizpig said:
Starlight will be my third world, i did the "cake" one as the second and it was pretty awesome too!

I will also start the DS version tonight, it will be fucking awesome i'm sure. (sadface for no Blaze the Cat though)

Buy this game.

She's in there. She just makes a cameo. Actually, EVERYBODY makes a cameo.
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