Yeah!jizzlobber said:So it's too hard for you?
Yeah!jizzlobber said:So it's too hard for you?
Sega1991 said:
Throavium said:It took me 10 minutes to finish each act on Planet Wisp, anyone else get a time around this?
maniac-kun said:Havent decided to buy this yet (TO MANY GAMES AT ONCE). Is it worth it? My fav. Sonic game is Sonic 2.
Slightly Live said:You might be sorely disappointed if you're expecting this game to be anywhere near as awesome as the older games.
I'd put it on the back burner if you have other games demanding attention. Though the game is short - a rental could probably deliver 80% of the entire game.
Throavium said:It took me 10 minutes to finish each act on Planet Wisp, anyone else get a time around this?
CecilMcW00t said:Planet Wisp was so long it gave me headache. I was getting so frustrated. But, you can bet I'll be back for more after I take a break. By the way, how do you unlock theHoming Attack Classic Sonic? That would help tremendously in some of these levels.
CecilMcW00t said:Planet Wisp was so long it gave me headache. I was getting so frustrated. But, you can bet I'll be back for more after I take a break. By the way, how do you unlock theHoming Attack Classic Sonic? That would help tremendously in some of these levels.
Kulock said:You get all the red rings on Classic Planet Wisp.
*Iizuka trollface*
All according to keikaku? :lolAndroid18a said:9 Mins on Modern, 13 on Classic
Is it me, or is the games claim that "Classic stages are easier" is a lot of bull? I've been playing Sonic since I was a kid with a Megadrive, but I found the Modern stages a LOT easier on this game. Maybe thats why I actually... kind of prefer Modern now.
I've noticed that as you go through the level more, you get through it a little faster. I empathize... as gorgeous as the greenery portions Planet Wisp were, it let me down a little in terms of its use of the Spikes powerup and the fact that it took place in the interior rather than the exterior. It's nice to finally see it in HD, though.CecilMcW00t said:*Cries uncontrollably*
I won't let the terrorists win! I'm gonna grab a beer and have at it. XD
Dark Schala said:I empathize... as gorgeous as the greenery portions Planet Wisp were, it let me down a little in terms of its use of the Spikes powerup and the fact that it took place in the interior rather than the exterior. It's nice to finally see it in HD, though.
Not my picture, didnt have my camera ready but this is what exactly just happened.
SuperAngelo64 said:So do we have any idea what the DLC is, when it's coming, and what platforms are getting it?
Actually... is DLC even official?
Not my picture, didnt have my camera ready but this is what exactly just happened.
K701 said:How did you get that?
We don't talk about that game in here.Bucket-o-roadkill said:Thatrpg can die in a fire. It doesn't count...!Bioware
Near City Escape if I remember correctly?VerTiGo said:Where is my Casino Night stage from GameStop? I have no idea where it is. I put the code in and downloaded it...
It took me around 5-6 hours to finish the game and by finish I mean just the essential stuff, the 2 acts for each zone and a challenge and the bosses.Kulock said:If "1 run through the level, enough to scrape by with a "pat you on the head" good grade" is all you count as content, perhaps.
But the game's levels are expansive, full of multiple routes, many you won't even notice on your original playthrough. Getting an S rank is easy, that much has been established. But the game makes exploring the levels very rewarding, and as you can see by some of the repeated posters in this thread, really shines as you improve your times through them better and better, learning new routes and tricks. These aren't campaign stages you play through once for the story and never need to play through again.
McNum said:super sonic stuff
Narpas Sword0 said:Anyone else miss achievements for restoring a level? I don't have chemical plant zone. A few people mention this on another site but no solution was found. At least it's only level 2, if it comes to a new save file.
Oh, right. Spoilers. Didn't think about that, since you know, it usually happens. Marked it just in case anyway.spindashing said:Modern Super Sonic gets you to higher ground so that you can access places were red rings are more likely to be.
I think it's Classic Sonic that literally does nothing for your gameplay other than a change in appearance. He's not faster or anything if I remember correctly.
Verve said:Planet Wisp is the first level I don't like... both acts.
Never played Colors and as it seems for the better. Don't like these temporary abilities one gets in the level. Like the mechanic for Mario or Kirby games but it should really stay there imho.
RobbieNick said:Speaking of Red Star rings on planet Wisp, for the life of me I can't get that final red ring on classic. Charmy says it's near the entrance of the factory in a small room and you have to use a spike wisp to find it. I looked all over. Up and down that entrance. Used the lightning shield to help me cheat around and I can't find that damn red star ring anywhere!!
Either the game messed up and is telling me the wrong red ring location or I'm blind. XP
AbsoluteZero said:No, he's telling you the right area, it's there, keep looking.
I want to say it's actually in the factory though, though very close to the entrance.
K701 said:How did you get that?
Eh, I don't think so. I've tried to play through Colors and felt the same way here. I simply don't like the types of stages Colors focuses on. Almost every area is made up of a bunch of thin, floating platforms and a heavy focus on Wisps. The stages simply don't flow as well as I'd like.morningbus said:I swear, Sonic Team fucked up the Colors level on purpose just so people don't know there is another decent Sonic game out there.
RobbieNick said:Do I take the top route?
AbsoluteZero said:I seem to remember it being on a lower path, but near the ceiling of that path.
If that makes any sense.