Sorry to bring this up so late, but I had to say something. First, I never said that I was talking for everyone, did I? We are talking about personal opinions here aren't we? Second, I don't see why it's so hard to understand that I'm not going to recommend something I didn't enjoy myself. That is what is illogical.
I agree that SA2 had a lot of flaws, but I enjoyed it and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it. If they don't like it, that's perfectly ok. Who knows, they might like Generations, or even Colors.
Additionally, I feel that Colors had plenty of flaws of it's own. Would you find it reasonable if I told you that recommending that would be like punching someone in the face? I know I don't, because I know that if you enjoyed it, regardless of the flaws it may have, and it's only natural that you would stand behind it.